Why didn't fascism have more influence in Britain?
Why didn't fascism have more influence in Britain?
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2 reasons
1. Britain didn't have the feeling of betrayal italy had, or the desire for revenge Germany did
2. British people are traditionally democratic and moderate, as are Americans. Why?
i) Less ravaged by war
ii) Prosperous and no real starvation
Also Mosley was bad at managing the party and lost support of influential figures.
Because Britain wasn't desperate for a strong leader and didn't really have any problems that would make fascism desirable or necessary.
Mosley didn't hold rallies or control his party efficentially. They were too scared to even march at Cable Street.
Because Mosley was a bug eyed weirdo who led a group of grognards wearing moon men costumes
beep boop the Earthlings shall not install Democracy in Britain beep boop
All memes aside Mosley was pretty handsome.
Mussolini was seen by many as some kind of "visionary statesman" but the rise of Hitler discredited fascism in many people's eyes. Nobody really trusted Hitler, and his ideology was seen as dangerous and divisive even before the war.
Labour unions were too strong. Post-WWI, Britons were promised a "Land fit for Heroes" but even before the wall street crash there were problems with unemployment and workers' rights. Workers turned to social democracy and labour unions and in some cases socialism/communism, but the German model of fascism was not at all popular as a means of fixing Britain's labour problems. Some big business leaders probably did see fascism as attractive (as happened in pretty much every other country) but as the political situation changed they would've kept this to themselves.
Last and possibly least, antisemitism had significantly died down in post-Disraeli Britain (but did still exist of course).
But you can really narrow it all down to the "battle" of Cable Street. That event pretty much killed any popular support fascism might've had in Britain.
I literally just wrote a paper on Fascism in the UK in the 20s and 30s.
Pretty much what the other anons said, although I will add this:
Mosely had no where near the political talent that Mussolini and Adolf had to pull off fascism. The guy entered Parliament as a Conservative, then became independent, then liberal, then labour, then "New Party", and then transformed that into the BUF (British Union of Fascists).
He literally did not know what his own political beliefs were, and was easily swayed by others. This includes Mussolini and the extreme members of his own Fascist party. He allowed the BUF to be overtaken by an anti-Semitic minority and effectively alienated the party from mainstream Anglos.
He was decent at giving speeches, and was very charming, but inept at politics. Especially compared to Il Duce and Hitler.
There was literally no need for Fascism in Britain at that time.
Everyone was British. Everyone was Nationalistic and there was very little social unrest other than obviously in Ireland.
If they could somehow see the future and the sort of immigration of the Post War Europe that may well be very different but it was completely unfeasible then to think that Britain wouldn't be 90% for centuries to come and although words like Negro where commonplace and completely unstigmatised people weren't especially racist since there was no direct threat of encountering nonwhites day to day.
Fascism's main cornerstone is achieving economic self-sufficiency, so the nations it most appeals to are those with resource/food shortages and rely on trade in order to make up their deficits, Italy desperately needed to import coal and oil and the Germans needed to import food in order to effectively feed people, which was put on display through Germany's mass hunger problem due to the blockade in World War I.
Britain however already had self-sufficiency through its extended empire, with colonies enough to meet all the state's resource needs, so there was no real imperative need for rapid expansion in order to achieve autarky.
In the end World War II was at its core a resource war, with resource deprived nations such as Germany, Japan, Italy, and the Baltic nations attempting to claim the resources from the other Great Powers such as the Soviet Union, the French, British, and Chinese.
tl;dr: Fascism's core is rapid, militaristic expansion in order to achieve a self-reliant state, which is a hard sell to nations who already are self-sufficient such as the US, USSR, and the British.
>He allowed the BUF to be overtaken by an anti-Semitic minority and effectively alienated the party from mainstream Anglos.
This was his real tragedy. If you watch his first few broadcasts where he seemingly rejects the anti semitic and war loving attitude of hitler and the state obsessed Mussolini, then liusten to his later speeches and hear other members of the BUF talk, you see he lost any integrity the moment Lord Rothermere ended his support.
Even if Oswald was a talented orator (he wasn't), I'm not sure he was selling something England was even interested in.
I'm an American but the Anglos don't strike me as a people to fall into such sweeping nationalist movements
>Tfw every far right group gets taken over by jewish conspiracy tards.
I think he's certainly a good orator. It just has less of an effect on you as you're not english himself.
Listening to his speeches where he talks about American influence, waning world relevance and England's former glory, they certainly had an effect on me a few years ago. they appeal to ideas which are still very much present in the UK today. His speeches relied on what pissed off Britain the most.
This so much. It's so fucking enraging.
such a qt ^_^
>far right-ism will forever be synonymous with rabid antisemitism and paranoid nutjobs
Wew bullcrap
>I'm an American but the Anglos don't strike me as a people to fall into such sweeping nationalist movements
Brexit m8
Brexit is literally Fascism
Britain was successful.
is that shitty music supposed to make me feel emotiony wotiony, I want to listen to his speech but I can't now
Britain was too powerful and the theme of societal/imperial decay didn't strike the bongs just yet.
Honestly might've been more successful if he was born twenty years later.
If we are talking about factual Fascism - that is the ideology and state system used in Italy following the march to Rome by Mussolini, then sure it did. Churchill regarded Mussolini as the 'Roman genius' and other conservative Western leaders regarded Mussolini in very similar taste.
But then Duce fucked up with the Etiophian adventure, gassing the niggers and causing loss of face that was unrepairable. And thus eternal Anglo and French farted to Italy's direction and she no longer had any other opportunity but the Jerry.
Mosley was a fucking opportunist if there is one, not knowing if he's a British patriot, Fascist or a National Socialist.
>British people are traditionally democratic and moderate
Look at this post and laugh. Jesus Christ JC!
>tfw no fascist GF
Far right people are their own worst enemy.
Even today, with the migrant crisis and all. any non-racist that wants ethnic states in Europe with cautious immigration policy in mind is essentially chained to nut jobs and murderous morons.
It goes both ways too, anybody with socialist or liberal tendencies are attacked as being 'blue pilled' cuckolds, its very tiring how everybody is pigeon-holed into the extremes, it means nobody is going to get what they want as well and no real agreeable compromise will happen either.
>implying this isn't deliberate by the powers-that-be to create political gridlock and incite sentiment for authoritarianism
He really needed to stop trying
British people are smarter
Why did Italian Jews join the National Fascist Party? Although I've read Renzo de Felices 'Jews in Fascist Italy' (which consentrates more on the German puppet regime) and his massive Mussolini biography/history of Fascism (unfortunately not translated to English), I don't quite understand why reasonable and 'moderate' Jews would do so. Renzo de Felice doesn't explain this either (and he was a Jew himself).
I well understand that they joined the revolutionary ranks in Russia, because of how they were treated as second class citizens and confined to the Pale, but in Italy?
If the National Socialists hadn't been hostile to Jews, would the (very assiliminated) German Jews (who regarded themselves Germans first, Jewish second) joined their ranks in mass too?
It's not even just far-right authoritarian groups that this happens to. Any far-right libertarian group will be filled with antisemitic conspiracy-theorizing nut-jobs too.
Is there really such a thing as 'far-right libertarian'?
christ, your paper must be awful
>grognards wearing moon men costumes
stellar post
Of course, because I put the same effort posting in a Congolese snake charming forum that I do in an academic paper.
Unironically off yourself.
>he uses literally twice in a short post at any level of effort
if your brain doesnt automatically forbid that illiterate bollocks then you should ironically kill yourself, then unironically kill yourself
>British people are smarter
Now this is what I call larping
Because England has always been quite centrist, and England is the only part of Britain that matters
>wanting a lesbian for a girlfriend
user it's not like your Chinese comics
>politics has been polarised
The news at 7