>this kills the Veeky Forumstrionic
This kills the Veeky Forumstrionic
>this kills the /pol/tard
Nice one.
All people are born different. An ideology that tells us we are all equal are inherently wrong and in the long run will only contribute evil to the world.
ahaha there are now an equal number of posters for the replies to the thread, which means YOU are the OP and YOU are assblasted beyond relief
fucking cuckold kill yourself /pol/yp
I bet it's the same dude who keeps calling everyone /leftypol/
t. Unsexure samefag
/pol/ BTFO
Not OP, just a regular Joe. That means you are the one upvoting your won post.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Which ideology says we are all the same height?
Figuratively american neocon market liberalism
just because liberalism is wrong doesn't mean feudalism is right
socialism is shit
So any system where people can choose to share risk and reward is shit.
I see what you did there, but is nihilism really a solution to anything?
National Socialism is not Marxist Socialism.
>muh collectivism
ant people are shit and it's never choice when it's at the point of the gun barrel
You'll end with it either way. Covering your eyes and ears won't help for long.
But that's just nihilism?
authoritarian welfare states are shit too. if it's not free market, it's not worth saving.
>this triggers the /pol/ and /leftypol/
>muh ancap
>stale ancap meme
is this you IRL?
>a thread died for this
>tfw no harem full of pregnant lolis working in your uranium mine to make nuclear weapons to assure that faggot truckers will pay the toll for crossing your mud road
Hold me /b/ros.
>gun barrel
The state is responsible for capitalism too.
His teeth look like the teeth of a peasant in a hypothetical ancap distopia.
For real though, anarchy is an untenable political philosophy.
The problem is they never choose.
But peasant were and are all alphas living for millennia in perfect health.
nice marxist historiography for me to set in the trash can
People choose to buy shares in corporations. People choose to work in a workplace with other people.
You're saying they just can't choose to share the reward for their efforts. Only the Leader gets to decide who gets the work they preside over, yes?
>nice marxist historiography for me to set in the trash can
Give me one example of capitalism that wasn't supported by the state?
A state is any agency or organization that uses violence to back up it's rules or rulings.
>prove me wrong faggot
>don't forget to read muh theory b4 u argue with me
Does /pol/ ever do this with Hitler or Trump?
Or you can define capitalism however you like, you just have to say how you define it. Capitalism is a term that has many contradictory meanings, there is no way for me to know what you mean by it if you just say 'capitalism'.
>Or I can continue giving you no real arguments as to my original claim that "The state is responsible for capitalism too." and instead climb higher in my ivory trying to deconstruct the very notion of "capitalism"
epig, you're not helping a case against the trash bin thou
I'm trying to find out what you mean by capitalism. It seemed possible to have a conversation on Veeky Forums last time I was here. It's depressing to see it might no longer be possible.
>still no arguments
>still mindless whinnying over definishuns that are completely unrelated to the original claim (backpedaling)
Trash bin it is. Goodbye!
You win, user. Using exactly the same methods that your beloved state uses to win arguments.
You're so triggered by people rejecting your premise that posting memes is straw-manning.
Read Voltaire, Rousseau or some Hobbes to start out.
>read my curated cherry picked philosowanks and convert to my side
>if I meme hard enough, maybe user will be enough of a beta to convert!
Since reading is a skill beyond your grasp, I'll get you started in little baby-sized bites.
"In such condition [anarchy], there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Thomas Hobbes "Leviathan"
I would call it "Howardism".
Yeah but young Trump was actually attractive
>I'll cuntpaste public domain works instead because I want to convert you so desperately
didn't read LOL
>mfw leftists always pretend we haven't read their entry level enlightenment philosophers a thousand times already
I literally can't refute this
t.politics whore
not an argument
Politics is the religion of the State
t. Johann
Of course, he was describing the state of life under undomesticated states, not under 'anarchy'.
Hunter-gardeners did die mostly by violence, but their lives were not nasty, brutish, and short. Their lives were as good as the weather.
I don't think that your interpretation is very accurate. I think the violence inherent in the human past by necessity makes it nasty. Some anthropologists found that the murder rate for men approached 50% for some groups. It makes me wonder what sorcery allowed the first areas of civilization to stop the cycle of endless revenge killings and actually build something to last.
The weather part of your argument is also somewhat circumvented by the state. Barring gross negligence, Hurricane Katrina and other similar events, states can manipulate the environment in a way a tribe or family group cannot. In anarchy you have no way to compel cooperation between people without violence.