Why haven't you joined the Christian-Shia alliance to wipe out disgusting Sunni heresy from the earth?
Why haven't you joined the Christian-Shia alliance to wipe out disgusting Sunni heresy from the earth?
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Because I am a Muslim, unlike the wretched Rafida
No such alliance exists and I'm atheist anyway.
That would be like Catholics and Muslims teaming up get rid of Protestant heresy. Muslims don't give a fuck about our "heretics".
isn't that ali on the right
It says Ali
Yeah, except all those Christians joining Hezbollah...
Pretty sure the Shia don't consider Sunnis to be heretics. Just maybe "salafis", but otherwise they would still consider Sunnis as Muslim.
>No such alliance exists
It's a product of a few Russophile blogs and Eurasianists trying to give some grand mystical explanation for Russia's alliance of convenience with the Islamic republic.
because a Sunni oil cartel runs my country...feels bad man.
>I'm atheist anyway.
shouldn't you be playing video-games or something...
Proverbs 26:17 ESV
Whoever meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears.
Why would a Christian give a fuck about the legitimacy of successors to a false prophet?
How's shit different?
> atheist
Noice religion m8
Sunni are dogs that deal with izzy globalists desu senpai
I would rather see the Hezbollah with Shia, Christian, and other ethnic minorities united purging the Saudi, UAE, and Qatari governments.
I am a muslim born , But i am a Catholic believer , For me after all my research Islam it's self is wrong it's a cheap rip off of our Catholicism, the Quran that the Islamic people follow is a cheap immitation of the Bible ( Muslims are a lot like the Protestants ) the Muslims say Our Lord Jesus Christ was their prophet and that he got corrupt and that's why Mohammed was sent but no one has the proofs , you see even in the Quran it is controversial, how do Islamic people say that it's a religion of peace when the religion or the Quran itself says that you are allowed to hit you own son if he is not accepting your religion as long as he doesn't accept it , and it also says that you have the right to kill a person who changes their religion from a muslim to anyother religion . It's just hypothetical , the Muslims use the Quran and it's relating books for their own convenience depending on the situation . Islam is just a lie in my eye , i am more aware of the world than others you should question more and find the answers with an objective mind , why do u think there are Islamic terrorists cuz they interpret the Quran correctly they are ready to kill all the other religions . All the other don't understand the Quran correctly , The Quran is just a copy of the Bible with a few changes to the book to make it the Quran , i can go as far as to say that the Quran that the Muslims follow unbendeningly for their convenience was written by a fake dictator . I am a proud Catholic
>Muslims are a lot like the Protestants
More righteous than Catholics then.
The alliance makes sense given how similar Shi'i and Christian belief is in practice, but it probably doesn't exist outside the political vacuum of war in MENA
God bless you user.
Thank you based convertanon
Really, such views are promoted by some? Could you please give couple of links to such blogs?
because they align with communist
that is a good thing, the best thing that can happen to the middle east right now is for it to become communist for some 50 so years
Actually, Protestants and Muslims did team up to fight Catholics at one time.
The Vineyard of the Saker is a big promoter of it, as well as anyone connected to Dugin and his circle (The Soul of the East, Katheon, etc)
>jewish heresy teams up with jewish heresy to destroy another jewish heresy
>tfw no Suf-Christian alliance
literally no Christian cares about whether Shia or Sunni Islam is 'correct' because theyre both wrong.
There is already a Sufi-Christian alliance against the Salafis in Russia, specifically in North Caucasus
Yeah because Assad is taking any help that he can get. Since he is technically the head of the Syrian Baath Party Communist can align with him without being considered traitors by other Communist.
You have to go back.
Thank god you didn't get that get.