
>The lighter skinned countries are more functional
>The lighter skinned groups did the bulk of advances for actual civilization. With the likes of the Egyptians having ancestry from Eurasia

What's the deal?

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Is this a meme? Since when did skin color = iq? If that was the case black albinos would be by far the smartest group in Africa.

what went so right in sierra leone?

> Since when did skin color = iq?

Since the most intelligent groups were light or mixed (at best).

>If that was the case black albinos would be by far the smartest group in Africa.

Neither Euros or East Asians are albinos. Try again, SJW.

Albinos are white.

Wtf why are Italians so smart?

They aren't smart because their country has been going downhill for decades. They wuz smart once.

>retards thinking race is only skin deep
Show me evidence that lighter skin tone corollates directly with higher IQ. The reason for success among lighter skin nations is due to their genetics, not skin color. India, a nation of darkies accomplished more than Japan, Korea chunks of the Middle East and more than several Eastern European countries.

Also, black albinos are still black. Their phenotype alone should give you the clue.

>t. Shitskin

When will the white man bow down to the asian masterrace?

> The reason for success among lighter skin nations is due to their genetics, not skin color.

>skin doesn't correlate with anything

>India, a nation of darkies accomplished more than Japan, Korea chunks of the Middle East and more than several Eastern European countries

>pretending the darkies aren't mixed or that there isn't a caste system

>smartest cunts are yellow and brown
What were you trying to show here again?

Pajeet, when will India become a superpower again? 2020?

Hey there shitskin. Go hang with at a Dindu Live Matters chimpout.

The light skins are the ones who made every indian civilization, darkies are just the lower caste pieces of humane excrement allowed to have rights today.

>skin doesn't correlate with anything
It does. Lighter skinned people can get sunburned compared to darker folks. IQ? Nah. The existence of albinos proves you wrong. Race is not skin deep.

>pretending the darkies aren't mixed or that there isn't a caste system
Indians are. really mixed lot including Northerners. Your average Indian is darker than anyone else in Asia and Europe.

Dravidians made the Indus River Valley civilization, also, Indians already mixed with the Aryans after the Vedic period.

>muh sunburn

>shitskin desperate to show his darkie supremacy

Next you'll be saying Niggers built Egypt.

>pretending the darkies aren't mixed or that there isn't a caste system

The caste systems is actually irrelevant in modern India.

>now pretending it never happened or that it had none impact on admixture

Albinos are white :)

>being this flustered over a joke
>crying shitskin when the egyptians are shitskins themselves

Sure they are. Pajeet. Or are you Shaniqua?

How can you have white skin if you live in a hot climate?
White australians are getting dark despite only living there for a couple hundred years.
How did whites build Indian civilizations and keep their white skin color when the sun gets rid of it quickly?

Albinos are still white.

Modern Egyptians have more Nigger admixture than older Egyptians.

indians better then japs, nah mate. go poo in the loo.

>The fruit of Shitskin Quality Education

Shouldn't you be at some Afrocentric board?

We're getting invaded by shitskins. Don't be surprised to see them start We Wuzzin.

its called corellation

>egyptians were white!!!!11
Fuck off stormfag.

>We Wuz Kangz

>a high level of discourse is expected

Just letting yall know i'm a hotep nigga who posted that shit. Now I gotta get my welfare check then go to that Black Lives Matter rally.


Albinos are white.

Are we being invaded by tumblr or SJW Twitter?

we've already been invaded by /pol/ with threads like these

>t. shitskin with a poor grasp of genetics and genomics

Gotta love when Shitskins pretend they grasp science.

Isn't the average supposed to be 100?
Also, argentinian master race reporting in.

>he thinks shitskin means black
Learn your slur terminology ya shitlord.

definitely being invaded by /pol/

Remember guys, sage goes in all fields.

Don't forget >>>/tumblr/ and >>>/twitter/


>lighter skin correlates with amount of levels of sun
>colder environments produce lighter skin
>lighter skinned peoples come from places that have snow
>peoples who live in snowy areas have to learn planning for survival
>those who don't understand planning ahead die off
>smarter people have a natural advantage due to being able to plan ahead
>intelligence is linked to time preference
>low time preference is essential when dealing with harsh winters

I don't see how people don't understand this. This is pretty basic differential evolutionary theory.

It's Shitskins and SJWs pretending darkies haven't lagged behind.

Evolution happens over the course of millions of years, not a couple thousand.

I never said it didn't. This process takes a long time

>evolution from the neck below
>pretending darkies don't perform worse in intelligence, crime, contributons to civilization

And? They are still largely the same. The fucking fresco shows them being brown as hell.

Try Lower Egypt.

The SSA admixture dates thousands of years before the slave tradw. It makes sense that it would increase over time but the fact is both ancient and modern populations have most of their dna from the near east.

Near Easterners who don't have too much Nigger or Arabian blood in them aren't that dark.

You literally showed, in the picture, that non-whites are the smartest. This is your own fault.

It's funny because the olive skinned Mediterraneans accomplished much more in the ancient world than the snownigger barbarians.

This has never been an SJW safe space, nor will it ever be /pol/ with dates.

Fuck off back to your containment center, you fat, lonely wastrel.

Again, what are you trying to prove? Egyptians were always darker skinned than their neighbors. And the near east populations varies in darkness. You have light skinned people in Syria but darker skinned in Iraq. Melanin alone isn't a good indication for race.




>Not being a shitskin makes you Euro


>pretending the Greeks and Romans were shitskins

>people who live in snowy areas have to learn planning for survival

I always thought inuits were pretty clever. I'm guessing if we checked their IQ's, 40% would be in Mensa?

>Extreme conditions = higher intelligence

Then surely Berbers, Bedouins, Aboriginals who lived in the outback, etc would be highest intelligence too?

t. /pol/

>romans and greeks were nordic

Like user said, the Meditarranean civilizations of southern europe, north Africa and the Levant were built by olive skinned or brown coloured people.

You only have to look at their art to realize this, but the fact that there isn't any debate about this among scholars also helps.

Paler peoples come from glacial climates this means that even though retrograde pales exist, they died off moreso due to environmental influences.

>I always thought inuits were pretty clever. I'm guessing if we checked their IQ's, 40% would be in Mensa?

No they have shitty schools and lots of isolation and massive costs of living. The people kill themselves a lot and have a huge drug and alcohol problem. Clever is very relative.

You'really doing OK cupid response rates to try to claim that whites are smarter? Oh wait, you're just trying to say that they're superior and violating Global Rule #3.

Obviously there's more to the differences than skin colour

> Egyptians were always darker skinned than their neighbors.

Only in Upper Egypt. At best.

> And the near east populations varies in darkness. You have light skinned people in Syria but darker skinned in Iraq.

Iraq was settled by Bedouins after the Mongols steamrolled it. Assyrians are the closest to the pre-Arab population.

The races are like 50k years apart though dude.

The Rmans literally regarded Northern Europeans as being mentally slow due to their cold climate. The fact that they were barbarians living in mudhuts with thatched roofs, incapable of writing, whilst the other Caucasoids had high civilization... proved this to them.

except europe was backwater inhabited by irrelevant tribes for thousands of years while the fertile crescent was busy fucking inventing civilisation.

if cold climates make smarter people why were scandinavia and russia among the last areas of europe to adopt sedentary civilization? why did the aztecs and mayans build massive cities while Inuits were living in igloos? literally teh map posted at the start of this thread shows that the population of the freezing Himalayas has a lower IQ than boiling cyprus and iran and even nigeria

stupid /pol/lacks think they understand shit about history because of a few neo-nazi infographics on a kampuchean basket-weaving forum, go back to your containment board

>shitty schools and lots of isolation and massive costs of living
So what you're saying is that this matters for intelligence much more than the climate? I dare you to find a place with a significantly lower average IQ with better schools and more GDP.

Saying the Greeks and Romans weren't shitskins is saying they were nordics

The Egyptians have ancestry from Eurasia. Also:


I knew thatwould not regard Inuits, Berbers, Aboriginals, etc as being as clever as Scandanavians, and therefore I was pointing out the fallacy in his argument.

This was done through sarcasm.

>The Egyptians have ancestry from Eurasia
citation needed

>Egyptians have ancestry from Eurasia
Well, they are caucasoid.

>The link
cheers, this will piss off a lot of /pol/acks. Thanks.

> while the fertile crescent was busy fucking inventing civilisation.

>pretending the population is the same

Arabians, Turks, and Niggers all threw their blood into the pool.

>Arabians, Turks, and Niggers all threw their blood into the pool.

What fucking pool?

/pol/ turns everything they touch into shit, I wish they would fuck off for good.

You're delusional. The people of Lower Egypt are hardly difference from Upper. The Egyptians depicted themselves as tanned skinned in art 90% of the time.

>Iraq was settled by Bedouins after the Mongols steamrolled it. Assyrians are the closest to the pre-Arab population.
Nice try but Iraqi Arabs are closely related to Assyrians and Kurds. Those people you posted are pretty swarthy.

all the egyptians I met were white, cleopatra, mark antony, ptomelies...

>Pretending the population is the same.

You will find no conclusive evidence to show that the DNA has changed significantly. In fact, you will find the opposite.

The art you've shown resembles a modern day Iraqi.

Regardless, Arabians and Abyssinians, Somalis had civilization long before Scandanavians/northern Europeans did.

They are, gradually. Veeky Forums use to have a lot more /pol/tards, but they're gradually leaving or getting banned.

>Saying the Greeks and Romans weren't shitskins is saying they were nordics
>It's almost as if shitskin is an unfalsafiable term for people or races I don't like and it has no inherent value

Give me a map of the shitskins

egyptians had horseskin? holy fuck

>tfw when visiting from Veeky Forums for a few seconds to check on the neighbors
Goddamn you guys got /pol/fucked. I thought we had it bad but holy shit this level of discourse is embarrassing.

Does it really matter what race ancient Egyptians were? They made a lot of advancements for civilization as a whole.Who cares?

I think it's hilarious that Hong Kong and Singapore are the only cities on the list, talk about cherrypicking.

>Relying on personal experience

You guys really aren't helping yourselves. The only Muslims i've ever met have been very, very western but evidence suggests that my friends are a minority in this respect.

It matters because niggers and stormniggers try to claim them. Is there a single Egyptian here to speak up against this?

/pol/tards with no accomplishments on their own

nice cherrypicking there faggot, come back when you have actual data

We're working on it, Veeky Forums, I'm pretty sure their numbers are dwindling.

Thank fucking lord.

>IQ correlation to Skin Tone Across The World
You knew what this thread would turn into.

We're working on the infestation, our janitor(s?) have a hell of a job.

so you dont actually have any arguments against the fundamentally devastating criticisms of you teenage excuse for a theory? typical /pol/lack

and where did i imply that the entire population of the fertile crescent was the same? i simply pointed out that the whole fertile crescent it hot as fuck is essentially where all civilization west of afghanistan and north of sudan traces its origins from, clearly contradicting your silly theory that cold environments make people smarter

if you dont at this point realize what a complete arse you are making of yourself i recommend you read

>Post White people vs other White people to make a point
Those Romans are White, Dewayne.

>Pearly white