Why the hell do I mine so slowly, am I just not getting enough work from my pools?

Why the hell do I mine so slowly, am I just not getting enough work from my pools?

you're probably mining with your GPU, numbnuts.

I thought you were supposed to mine w/ GPU's. How do i check/switch what I'm mining with with sgminer

on linux use nvidia-smi to check gpu usage on win dunno cause im not a faggot use google ffs

you are supposed to mien with your GPU, you can't chek your mining speed with task manager i dunno why you posted this

How are people unironically this retarded?

I don't think your elevator is stopping at all of the floors.

Also sorry for not giving much context but I start at a decent speed and then it keeps lowering itself without me adjusting difficulty

You need to open a few more instances of sgminer to pump your speeds up to maximum percentages

Do this and then show me your task manager window and I'll try to help more

I unironically tried this with the same pool but different workers, they both just halved each other. Right now they're working on different pools.
I also have very little knowledge so any (real) knowledge is appreciated

What is your GPU you fucking nigger?

AMD Radeon HD 7800, is it just too weak?

What are you mining? Also I need to see your processes tab


Okay, I can unironically help you mine Mona.

What pool?

I recommend Lapool. Join the MonaUSA slack channel. We'll help you there.


It doesn't let me into the slack
also LApool hasnt sent me a registration confirmation email yet even though i signed up about 10 min ago

I'll post invite in Mona general later when I get it. There are many factors at play, but honestly, you're most likely not going to get an entire coin a day mining on one gpu.

but is getting 0.01050564 in a bit over half a day normal?

Yes, with one card

couldn't I make more if my difficulty stopped lowering itself though?