This was almost the main symbol of America

This was almost the main symbol of America.

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C'mon, you know a bald headed lazy thief fits better

That would have been based.

The Turkey is our rightful bird.
Seeing huge flocks of turkeys roaming again through the northeast gives me a connection with the past not elicited by the silly bald eagle. They are truly majestic creatures.

are bald eagles delicious?

Franklin knew what was up.


Would've been better.

The turkey can serve as a symbol of prosperity to be found in America. Ripe fruits of the land just waiting to be plucked.



>This was almost the main symbol of America.

>not knowing it was first domesticated by mesoamericans


Thank God that classist chivalry prevailed.



Turkey you say

>white - check
>blonde - check
>woman - check
>liberal - check
>whining about animal rights - check

Wew. And people like this have 160000 subscribers. I'm going to have to subscribe to SJW ideology now because privilege clearly is real.

Nobody posted the quote yet.

>For the truth, the Turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America… He is besides, though a little vain and silly, a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard with a red coat on.

>an extremely violent, dumb and aggressive bird that does nothing but boasting
Such a shame, it resembles America so perfectly.

my man, shut the fuck up. If there's one vegan video I've seen that is not guil tripping and whiny and obnoxious, that does not try to pretend to have a moral high ground, is that one. Simply makes a statement on how turkey production is

What happened in this webm ?

At least it would have been unique. Half of the world's national animal is a fucking eagle.

>If there's one vegan video I've seen that is not guil tripping and whiny and obnoxious, that does not try to pretend to have a moral high ground
But it does all of that

Turkey got shot in the neck with this

it literally does not. there's no single instance of "this is wrong" "you are a horrible person" "stop eating turkey", literally none of that. The furthest it goes is "you partake in something awful" which is objectively agreeable, and "we vegetarians are slightly concerned" which is even a tad funny given the context of how brutally, especially compared to other species, turkeys are treated

It does faggot

nice rebuttal

There are accounts of turkeys claiming people's front yards as their territory. They hassle, and even violently attack the home owners. It's rather funny until you think about how much of a pain it would be.

Let's not forget that bald eagle cries are almost always replaced with red tail hawk cries. Why? Because bald eagles sound like pussies. At least they look cool.

This is the main symbol of France, and it fits perfectly.


blade eagles are
3)don't need no man

my brother in law lived around europe for a while and said french people are all the worst parts of germans, Italians, and the British combined.

not really sure what that means though.

>not knowing about wild turkeys fucking everywhere in New England aka real America

>real America
>still having wild Turkeys
>cant even domesticate a stupid bird


>national bird is the peacock.
pretty cool I guess.

>A vicious and annoying cunt of a bird

We have both. There's so many fucking turkeys that it would take centuries to domesticate them all. Hell, we've been hunting them in two month long seasons multiple times per year and the population keeps fucking exploding.

Wow, that's a nice shot. Looks to only be about 20 yards tho.