I was in church yesterday morning and suddenly I thought "Is Jesus God or God's son?"

I was in church yesterday morning and suddenly I thought "Is Jesus God or God's son?".

Am I being dumb? I just don't get it, which is it?

Tri harder

do you even know what Logos is

It's both. The son is one with the father and the Holy Spirit. The whole point of the Trinity is that they're the same.

Jesus is a copy of God anthropomorphized

I still don't get it, how does that make sense? How can you be your own son?

asking the same question over and over while claiming not to understand any answers given is the absolute lowest form of trolling. Show some effort.


You haven't given me any answers.

He's God nigga he ain't got to explain shit

>not knowing the trinity
Arian should have been post nataly aborted

you mean sacrificed like isaac by ibraham (PBUH)?

So there is no answer?

Is the Spirit God, or God's spirit?

No it means that IS the answer. Go tip your fedora somewhere else.

Yes. This is REALLY what christians actually believe.

I'm CofE.

That's rude, I'm just trying to understand what I believe.

>Am I being dumb? I just don't get it, which is it?

christians spent hundreds of years fighting over this, don't worry about it

No I'm not being sarcastic.this is what they unironically believe.

So i was raised as a catholic and basically the whole deal of the trinity is that God wanted to mingle with his human creation. But we're too pleb for Him so he blessed Mary with the Holy Spirit in order to have an avatar whom we could interact with.
But his point was not to make a simple vessel for his word, Jesus is god made flesh according to what i've heard many sundays.
Just regard the "son" thing as a status to elevate him from other prophets.

>So when Jesus prays, is it just God having inner dialogue ?
Now this is the kind of questions that made me stop giving a damn about my religion. I don't need it to make sense, i just need to feel less alone when i'm down and for morality

Welcome to Arianism

>the whole deal of the trinity is that God wanted to mingle with his human creation. But we're too pleb for Him so he blessed Mary with the Holy Spirit in order to have an avatar whom we could interact with.
But that's pure speculation on his motive. It never actually gives us his reasoning.

Read the new testament if you want to know the reasons, Jesus gives plenty for his presence on Earth. And according to the Jesus = God narrative, that saves you the trouble to speculate on the mastermind motives.

And i'm not trying to talk anyone into christianism, i'm just too high to open a bible right now

Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. All of God's character and divinity was given to Jesus as a gift from God. This makes them two distinct persons, but essentially indistinguishable an are therefore both worshiped as God.

>I'm god because I say so, as God I say that I am my own son, therefore my son is God
This is circular logic and know it.

The brother.

Jesus is both God and human both equally combined and synergised but still separate.

>All of God's character and divinity was given to Jesus as a gift from God.

You realise this claim is completely heretical to all mainstream forms of Christianity, right?

Basically God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all the same in different forms. God blessed Mary with the Holy Spirit(which is essentially his "essence") so she would give birth to Jesus. Jesus is God in a seperate form since be was conceived from God's literal" soul"

Basically, think of the trinity like water. Water can be regular water, vapor, or ice. In all forms it is still H20, it just looks different.

Well, if John 5:26 is heretical then I guess I'm a heretic. Also, Jesus proclaims Himself subordinate to His Father on other occasions.

Christians sometimes say 'God' when they just mean to refer to 'the Father' rather than the trinity as a whole. Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are all extensions/persons of the same substance God; also, the words 'Father' and 'Son' are used more as analogies to help us understand a transcendent relationship within God.

>perpetuating the modalism heresy

This cannot make sense in the context of John 1:1. How can Jesus be "with" God if he is God?