IE language families ranked according to how they sound:

IE language families ranked according to how they sound:

>Hyperborean tier

>Great tier
Rest of Germanic
West and East Slavic
West Iranic

>Good tier
South Slavic

>Meh tier

>Poor tier
East iranic

(Literal) Shitskin-tier

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Spanish and Portuguese languages will always tarnish the reputation of the Romance family

>Poor tier
>East Iranic
The Scythians and Sogdians were amazing.

What about Brithenig :3

I guess you know about those languages. And of course, you're not an English speaker monolingual.

Baltic literally sounds the same as Slavic.

>(Literal) Shitskin-tier
Of course, it has to be eurocentric...
Fucking ridiculous.



Well you literally know none of the languages and can only bitch in english, so that just shows the extent of your knowledge you heeb.

Languages are pretty much arbitrary. The greatest language is the one with a great impact or cultural output. Pleasing to my ears are however open vowels and glides.

And thus I nominate Hellenic.

A language strong and beautiful.

>Hyperborean tier

>open vowels

oops I meant cardinal vowels.

Aenglisc and frisian not that latin bastard tongue today.

Ah okay.


As a native Welsh The Celtic languages have been ruined by the modern celts' laziness. Welsh now just uses the English for anything it didn't have a word for, instead of doing what lots of other languages did, and using its existing vocabulary to build a new word. And in other cases it's just ridiculous.

E.g. Microwave: Poptyping

T. Jabhamayana bhabuphaphakurjee


what IE speakers were in bronze age north africa?

pajeet detected

T. Abraham Kikemoshe

Heeb detected

>hyperborean tier
Who could be behind this?

Where does actual reconstructed PIE rank?

He probably means good Celtic languages like Irish. Not your sheep fucker tongue.

And by 'that' you really mean 'this'.
Because you speak it and write it everyday.

I wonder who's behind this thread...

nvm I figured it out

Your ranking literally makes more sense when you read it upside down.

Only because you wouldnt understand me if I spoke in my native slavic language

t. Pepe Morrero

I like languages with few gargling sandnigger sounds, no bantu sounds and a complex consonant structure with a lot of consonant clusters. Ugric and north indoeuropean languages are like this.

And in one sentence the linguistic dominance of the Anglo is reaffirmed.

Your point being?

East Slavic
North Indic
Germanic, Tocharian
>Gargling on piss
French, Portugese, Brythonic celtic

That's not a problem with your language, its with the lack of respect your people have for it and because they're cucked by the eternal anglo
IMO latin is the ugliest italic language, I agree about the others like Oscan and Umbrian though.

>French, Portugese, Brythonic celtic
Remove celtic and replace with Castillano ad terrone tongues

Why is Portuguese so bad?

Classical Greek (since Mycenean is barely attested outside inventories) was the phonologically most conservative post-Anatolian IE language attested. Add Sanskrit and you've almost got post-Anatolian IE phonology.

Also, we don't even really know what "Daco-Thraco-Illyrian" (not a single group) sounded like.

those gruntles do not even qualify as "language" you scandiboo

It sounds like a Russian trying to speak Spanish while choking on a cock

Hey rabbi


Want to know who said ""I speak Spanish to God, French to men, Italian to women, and German to my horse".? Not some Jew. Charles fucking V. Self aware Germans know their language is barbaric.

I mean the Slavic part. Shit's beautiful especially South Slavic.

(Thats slavic for "You are wrong"

I speak Latin to God, English to men, Spanish to women and Portuguese to my dog.

>He likes names that sound exotic to his western influenced sensibilities.

French and Italian sound the most elegant or exquisite. Greek sounds great too and has great advancement and sophistication and is very innovating. Only Latin, Persian, and the Indic languages had comparable sophistication in the classical age.

German is the next best sounding language. The Baltic languages sound better than the Slavic ones.

Whats happening here

Many languages are spoken in the Caucaus, but most of them are Indo-European.

Only Ossetian and Armenian are IE, which are not native to the Caucasus

Georgian and the various types of Persian spoken there are also IE.

What happens in these gray areas?

Georgian isnt and the various types of Persian/Iranian = Ossetian

Georgian is South Cock-Asian aka Kartvelian.

French sounds like someone with food in his mouth, while italian sounds like grunting faggotry.

>Only Latin, Persian, and the Indic languages had comparable sophistication in the classical age.
>Greek sounds great too and has great advancement and sophistication and is very innovating.
Greek sounds like a slurping gysy
Sorry I'm not a romeboo so I don't find sophistication in medcuckspeak.

The classical age was the latest era in which italic and iranic langauges sounded, before they devolved into annoyiing grunts and sandnigger gargles. Indic devolved into poospeak far earlier.

Mountains and shitholes

Georgian isn't IE. Ossetian is though

Such beauty and elegance of the germanicuck.

what a horrible taste


>Music to your ears tier

>Barbaric but still nice sounding

>Pretty nice tier

>Mentally challenged sounding tier

>Shitskin tier

Italian>Spanish> gap >French>Portuguese> the rest

>Music to your ears tier
Weni widi wiki and "correro pachaca mabaradekho yoprahada"(how castillano sounds) is mentally retarded tier.

Better sounding than "passionate" swarthy faggotspeak

Spanish is a very melodic and elegant language, my savage, mudhut dwelling friend

Are you literally retarded

Italian > French > Portuguese >>>>>>>> Spanish

>No gargling sandnigger sounds
Try again
t. Dutch

>All these language families sound the same

Spanish is a lot like Italian except a lot more musical and melodic, but less elegant

French is also very elegant and charming sounding on one hand, but on the other it has all those weird vowels and nasals, it kind of sounds like they are vomiting instead of speaking

Portuguese... i don't know, i love Portuguese when sung, it sounds magical, but actual spoken Portuguese, it sounds very slimy and crude

Bullshit. Sounds like a mixture of poo and moorspeak

No but old English, Frisian, and Dutch might just like all the Scandinavian languages and dialects of German do.


Always this, even native spanish speakers say this

I'd imagine medieval IE men to put their horses in higher respect

>this lingo
wew lad

>be travelling in Israel
"Hitler Speeches with accurate English subtitles"

This video not available in your country.

They really need to cool it.

French > little gap > Portuguese > GAPUS MAXIMUS > Italian > Spanish > the Rest


>Meh tier

You know that the Anatolian languages went extinct over thousand years ago, right?

>North Africa

I can tell you're Amerifat/Angloturd

Maybe if they sounded better they wouldn't have gone extinct.

I speak grorious 日本語 to my daimyo, latin to God and russian to my CS;GO teammates


It really depends of the person's nationality.
Everyone with an ear can tell that the Portuguese spoken in Portugal is ultimate shit and when I hear it I just want to fucking kill myself so I wont hear that sin against sound again. Spanish most of the times seems like a poorer version of Brazilian Portuguese to me, but I'm biased and I don't really like jajajas... Italian is kinds nice tho
>T.Brazilian with Portuguese relatives who's currently living near Paraguay

nice one lad

not if you're not american

I am a slav speaker

t. guy you're replying to

I don't know, brazilian and european portuguese sound the same to me, both sound slimy as fuck, like perverted even, it sounds like theyre talking about something lewd and perverted all the time

i love the music though

Welsh is far more widely spoken than Irish


Estonia and parts of Finland might have been Indo-European speaking in the Bronze Age too.

Spanish speaker here, I just can't take hues seriously. I could easily start dancing every time they speak.

Well, the perverted thing... That's kinda true. For me it sounds really different and I almost can't understand some ppl from Portugal speaking because of their harsh consonants and mute vowels, making it much closer to Spanish. For instance, I couldn't understand shit what this dancing woman was talking. You should try to compare it to some bossa nova or something if you really want to notice that difference.
Own, I also can't take Spanish speakers that are not from Spain seriously

>Chosen tier:

>Prophet tier:

>semen gurgling tier:
Indo European """languages"""

lithuanian does sound kinda similar to russian while latvian is completely different sound-wise



Please make this Ingvaeonic and include Low German with it :-)

t. Alberto Barbosa

>surprised this gopnik4youtube sounds russian

>to ride horse
how are these two related?

Do we even know what their language sounded like?

>implying G*rman is a language and not just the negroid wailings of a race of mental and moral cripples