Religious conversions throughout history

Is Christianity the only real religion that accepts converts?

I hear arguments from both sides that Jews do/ or do not accept converts depending on who you ask.

Islam doesn't seem to be for whites

Buddhism is looked down upon for whites

Hinduism is looked down upon for whites

Other urls found in this thread:

Islam will accept anyone, you dumbfuck.

Conversion to Islam was slow to begin with but became more common as its reach increased.

Buddhism spread partly because it appealed to merchants, and its often been acceptable to continue your other religious practices while adopting Buddhism.

Judaism has accepted converts throughout its history, but the process is much more prolonged than in Islam or Buddhism.

Please fucking kill yourself.

In medieval times if you slept in an inn you'd usually have to share your filthy bed with a bunch of strangers, and they'd all rape you and rape each other and be raped by each other, and nobody gave a shit.

islam does

t. mooselem who sees white british lads in his mosque

Nigger like 50%+ converts to Islam are whites and Hispanics in the US followed by we wuz innasunt and shit nogs in prison

How strong is their beard game?

Is converting to Hinduism really looked down on for whites? I want to convert because the beliefs match my own, but I don't want to be a meme.

Hinduism is so diverse that you can't really give a single answer.

There countless white Muslims in the Balkans
>inb4 they're not white

The Jews converted a ton of people in the time before Jesus, then they became Christians. """Modern Jews""" aren't really Jews but Talmudists.

Because Bosnians and Albanians are Turkish rape babies.

>caring about skin colour rather than country of origin
WEW lad, this is why we hate burgers
Some sects do some don't, to say Judaism is monotlithix like people think Christianity is are just plain wrong
Literally means subjugation, it's looked down upon because there are almost no good examples of Islamic cultures that take their faith seriously, because Islamic is fundamentally violent
Because the concerts in the 1900's were all hippy free love type people, and generally Chinese say WHITE PIGGU GO HOME
Because it originated in India, and mainly stayed there, the caste system does not help it, and unless you want to become a trap for a night then be sacrificed, there's not much in it for salvation
Honestly user read proper books (not including David Irving), and you won't see things in a literally black and white way

TO add
People mainly converted from Islam to other faiths, to save on taxes, get better deals with Islamic merchants, or because it meant they would be hired more and their employer wouldn't kill them

I've looked through this guy's channel and most of his videos in the past decade seem to be about fighting Islam. This guy's really is dedicated.

I'm pretty sure all the (major) religions accept converts. Except for Islam and Christianity, they just don't go out of their way to seek them out.

But you can definitely admit that it's almost universally cringe-worthy for a white person to claim adherence to Hinduism.

Think about how you imagine a white Hindu right now - probably a psychedelic enthusiast, fairly libertarian, "intellectual" (reads books), "worldly" (has a tattoo from another culture), travel-obsessed, eats Asian food exclusively, might do Yoga, listens to Indian classical music unironically (as well as The Beatles, hip hop, and probably even psytrance), loves beach/desert parties, wears 'comfy' clothing whether it's loose and relaxed or tight athletic stuff, almost certainly smokes a ton of pot, discovered Hinduism through some vague and cursory glance at "eastern philosophy", wears beads and 'earthy' jewelry, cares about the environment, either has an overly plain and ordinary family or a strange and quirky one, probably talks to people a bit much about the Bhagavad Gita and his life views anyway. Sincerely enjoys just talking about 'the universe' and other 'trippy' subjects.

Probably engrossed in all sorts of pseudo-self-improvement behaviour as well, almost certainly including some combination of lighting incense, easy exercises, eating vegetarian, drinking craft beer, """meditation""", reading things about self-improvement, eating vitamins, drinking an obnoxious amount of water, shopping 'ethically', and listening to people like Joe Rogan.

Worst possible variants are always hung up on something within local politics and global activism.

I'm inclined to agree with you, but when you write it all out like that, it looks like you've made a huge strawman just to pour your resentment out onto. Especially with the contradictions ("plain family or strange one.")

#ResistIslam brother

Accepts converts
>Judaism (it does it's just very hard)
>Non-Parsi Zoroastrianism

You can ""convert"" but it doesn't really mean anything
>Folk religions
>Neo paganism
>New thought

Does not accept converts
>Parsi - Zoroastrianism

Yeah this kinda describes me. I mean, not perfectly, but I smoke weed, did psychedelics, read books, and got introduced to Hinduism through Alan Watts. Advaita Vedanta in particular caught my attention.

How hard is it to convert to Judaism? I know you have to pass a bunch of tests but I'm not sure how hard those tests are

It'll be hard no matter what, and it'll depend on which branch you convert to. Hardest being a form of orthodox and easiest being a form of reform: However if you convert via reform Judaism then you may not be recognised as a "real" jew by the orthodox Jews.

Easiest way would be to have a spouse or family member who is Jewish and then convert.

the reason why I was interested is because I have a jewish friend and I think their culture and interpertation of God is cool.

If you have a spouse who is Jewish, how does the conversion process go in that case?

Although a few notes:

Orthodox Jews will not accept converts.

Hinduism is a bit different from those modern and reconstructed faiths, given that it does have sizable communities and rituals.

If you are joining a religion that is tied to a single ethinic minority in your area (russian Orthodox , Therevada for a Srilankan community ect) you will be stuck on the outside.

You need to be circumcised and if you are already you have to have your dick cut to the point of releasing blood. Which is by far the most hardcore fucking requirements for any religion on earth

1: Isn't Trump's daughter an Orthodox convert?

2: Circumcision would be painful I imagine (I've already had it), but I imagine the real hard part would be the actual quiz test. I mean I did pretty well and usually got A's in school end of instruction tests but I can't imagine how hard it would be to remember specific details in a huge amount of text.

nah you can give a single answer. Officially speaking its not supposed to be looked down upon. In practice it usually is by most hindus. And most converts are going to be more "into" the religion and knowledgeable about it where as for most born hindus, its just cultural practices with minimal or no involvement of any complicated beliefs

>Isn't Trump's daughter an Orthodox convert?
She is a "Modern Orthodox Convert" hence not a convert to Orthodox Judaism but a reformist movement.

>Circumcision would be painful I imagine (I've already had it), but I imagine the real hard part would be the actual quiz test.

You would rather get your dick again than learn about holidays and various rules of conduct?

Its not like they are going to throw random bible verses at you and ask which page they are on

I had another similar post on /int/, and it said to be apart of Israel, you would have to go through an orthodox ritual, but I though they don't accpet converts?

>Converts are accepted and respected, no memes.
A person who wasn't born a Jew and dedicated themselves to become Jewish will get a lot of respect from religious people.
I'm not talking about American conservative and reform conversion.
Israel is an orthodox state and the non/less religious are regarded as "secular", not reform or conservative, that almost does not exist in Israel.
The fullest conversion that will count in Israel takes a year or more and is ruequired for you to be considered a Jew by law in Israel.
Let me also clear up another subject on being considered a Jew by the authorities:
If you have Jewish ancestry you can move to Israel, but you might not be written down as a Jew in your ID even if you grew up with a Jeiwsh lifestyle and Hebrew is your first language, you will need to do the orthodox conversion. Only if your mother or her mother was Jewish will you be fully considered a Jew.
In other countries, in reform and conservative communities it's a lot easier to converet and they will consider you Jeiwsh, the secular or less religious people of Israel probably will consider you Jewish, the religious orthodox Jews of the world won't onsider you Jewish nor will the state of Israel.
Often converts are far more religious because being Jewish for them was a choice and their Jewish ID can be revoked if they are found openly disobeying an important rule of orthodox Judiasm. Something that does not exist for those born Jewish.

Reread that post it agrees with mine.

"Let me also clear up another subject on being considered a Jew by the authorities:"

By the authorities here he meant the Israeli state not the religious group - context -


"If you have Jewish ancestry you can move to Israel, but you might not be written down as a Jew in your ID even if you grew up with a Jeiwsh lifestyle and Hebrew is your first language, you will need to do the orthodox conversion."

Then right after that

"Only if your mother or her mother was Jewish will you be fully considered a Jew."

What this poster is saying is twofold first"

1.that yo ucannot convert to Orthodox Judaism if you arent a jew by descent.

2.being an ethnic jew does =/= being an Orthodox Jew in the eyes of the Israeli state.

Is there any point in gentiles converting to Judaism when you can just follow the Noahide laws?

In theory there isn't, and it is the reason Orthodox Jews aren't particularly enthusiastic about conversion. Why give people 613 mitzvot when they can follow 7 and eat bacon?

In practice there is, as Noahides cannot form stable communities: their children convert to Judaism and are assimilated into Jewish communities. Why sit in the back of the synagogue like a second-class citizen, when you can be a Joo?


They converted Idumeans, the Khazars, the Himyarites, the Assyrians of Adiabene, and so on

Real talk: what's it like being an arab on a board that's consistently shit-talking refugees and promoting white nationalism?

>Islam doesn't seem to be for whites
Why are there so many white Balkan muslims then?

Has anyone on Veeky Forums unironically converted because of this board?


>Islam doesn't seem to be for whites

Don't listen to arguments. If you want to know the Jewish stance on conversion, look at the book of Ruth.

>If you have a spouse who is Jewish, how does the conversion process go in that case?
Not the guy you responded to, but from an Orthodox Jew, it's probably going to be worse than if you just randomly decided to convert. There are going to be worries you don't really believe, and that you're just converting for the sake of your spouse.

But in any event, you'll be turned away a lot, and the local Rabbi will probably try to argue you out of it. Assuming you're undeterred, you'll probably have to take a 2 year course if you want an orthodox conversion, which will cover learning Biblical Hebrew, the basics of Jewish religious practice, and an overview of all the holidays.
>Orthodox Jews will not accept converts.
Haredi!= Orthodox. Orthodox Jews do accept converts. Weird Hasidic sects often don't.

>And most converts are going to be more "into" the religion and knowledgeable about it where as for most born hindus, its just cultural practices with minimal or no involvement of any complicated beliefs

*in the west that is

Islam accepts converts its just that no modern person with a brain would willingly convert

Can you even convert to Sikhism though?

>Judaism has accepted converts throughout its history

I read they were supposed to turn you down 3 times before they let you convert.

The Khazars barely converted. There's no real evidence that even a significant percentage of the Khazars were jews. Only the royalty