Every low sats coin has a bazillion dollar coin supply

>every low sats coin has a bazillion dollar coin supply
>every low coin supply coin has already mooned and doesn't really have 10x or 100x potential.

Is there a non shit tier coin that's still out there that doesn't have a gorillion fucking coins and still has room for growth? Moon coin and espers fags fuck off.

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that's why you join ICOs

ANS / NEO has 30x potential


we know how ICOs have been going recently

I did buy non hyped Dcorp ICO, lets see how that turns out

Viacoin has a low supply and low price per coin. Has room to grow from current price of 48000ish sats

Check out DCR.

The STORJ ICO went well
It's not even a proper exchange yet and already up 25%

*on a


not this one



Viacoin has 22 million coins and is currently $1. Its a no brainer dude


LMC has 3x or more potential when it gets pumped around the time of the conference sometime this month. Not a long term hold tho.



byteball is tremendously undervalued.

Fucking kek


Is etherium near its floor or will this shitshow just keep skydiving? I know it's got massive problems but do the normies know?

Nonironically $ESP

Look at the ANN thread
Look at the accumulation
Look at that fiendish logo

ANS/NEO is due for a moon mission before the end of the year.
Ethereum will at some point have another moon mission as well but I understand that right now it's still expensive

>I did buy non hyped Dcorp ICO
congrats on your 10x in october and 50x next summer.


Absolutely floored nobody is mentioning MNE or KURT. inb4 someone hits me with the

>shh I'm accumulating

MNE Minereum is the exact coin you're describing OP. I swear, go take a look.

Aragon and Expanse.

but biz isn't worthy

Well there you go.

MNE is the coin.

dgb ;)

It's going to be impossible to have any sort of rational discussion about MNE on Veeky Forums in the near future but please. anons, if you are reading this, look into MNE for yourself. See the progress the dev is making regularly. One of the last low coin supply coins with a low market cap.


If joined the CORP then what are you worried about? Just kick back and wait. Guaranteed 100x by mid 2018.




Okay here's a coin that I know of. Only 2000 coins. It's called kingncoin. KNC ticker. coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kingn-coin/

They had an airdrop weeks ago. Updates in the slack come out frequently


Do your own research ffs

Wetrust too


What is this "low amount of coins" bullshit? How do you guys actually think this works?

The only thing that matters in any way is the market cap.

Finally someone sane

Billions of coins means a dollar a coin is unlikely anytime soon, and 10 cents is also less realistic.

What does that even matter. If you bought it at 1 cent and it goes to 10 you made profit. And that's dependent on the market cap

What does it matter if it's a dollar or 10 cents or 1 cent? Buy $XXX worth of something, doesn't matter if that's one token or a million. If it doubles, you've doubled your money, .whether it's now 2 cents or $200

Checkout Cloakcoin.

There is only little over 5 million Cloakcoin.

And its mooning right now BTW

Now its price is 7.79.

ATH was 2 weeks ago 12.70.

And this may indicate that Cloakcoin is now going to new ATH.

Buy into the Travelcoin ico, massively under valued and talked about. Has a massive industry with no other competitors

All good, but substitute AdToken (ADT) for BasicAttentionToken (BAT) -- and fast. Aside from the fact that BAT is tied to the use of the fringe browser Brave, there is a rumor going around about ADT that could kick it up high significantly.

VIA has a really low market cap, so there's potential there

ARK, look at its marketcap and development team.

You can thank me next summer.

>anons will keep ignoring Nexus until it's already too late

I'm not even going to help you. You deserve to be poor and lose money because you are a dumb fucking nigger.
You just said straight bullshit.
Please, anyone reading this, don't help him.
Fuck off to death, kill yourself. Not even reddit is that dumb.

Just hit two 20x pre-sale ICOs on HitBTC in the last 48 hours. ITX and TIX. Both are gearing up for a second moon, no joke. Trading account went from $1,800 to $11,000 with my trades.

ETH ICOs are where the action is right now. Lots more new ICOs coming this summer and fall. A lot of them are crap, but the ones that are good more than carry the rest.


Huge progress is beind made; the team works hard

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I pitched BAT to one of my cousins who works in digital advertising and she said basically the same exact thing, it's sound technology except for the browser aspect. Separating those two could be critical to its success.

can i still get x5 gains if i buy them on an exchange

no BAT is ruining the assholes of many people right now.

t. goatse.

I just ask myself if I can see people using the Brave browser over Chrome or Firefox. The answer is no.

You are shit at finding coins, anything with new tech below $10m marketcap has a heap of room to 10x or even 100x if you hold and don't expect instant gains.

How many Espers should I have? I have 36000.

Buy IOP. It's at an all time low. Big announcement in October.

Any amount will give you good returns in the long run, but I personally have ~1.5m