Why did so many Jewish people remain in Nazi Germany?

Why did so many Jewish people remain in Nazi Germany?

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A lot of them left Germany. 250,000 or so.

But why did millions of others stay?

They were dead.

They did not see it coming, not even when they were all forced in ghettos.
I mean, who could have imagined that the Nazi were going to genocide them through death camps? Who could have guessed that this is what it was going to happen?

There weren't million Jews in Germany. Most Jews killed during the holocaust lived in Poland and the Soviet Union.

There weren't millions of others, roughly 50% of the Jewish population left Germany.
Plus, the regime made things difficult to leave. You generally weren't allowed to immigrate to other countries (legally anyway) without local money on hand. It was ENORMOUSLY difficult to acquire foreign currency in the Nazi state, in large part due to how strained their trade relations were. So even if you had enough wealth to leave, which is not likely the case because surprise, most German Jews were tailors, not big banksters, you probably couldn't get it converted into the money of wherever you were planning to go. As a last point, don't forget that a lot of the ones who did leave ended up in places like Denmark, France, and the Netherlands, which was a temporary refuge at best.

There were only 500,000 Jews in Germany pre-Nazi, and the slim majority of them moved to the USA or Poland shortly after (their usual response to anti-Semitic regimes rising). Germany later invaded Poland.

Thank you for enlightening me

Because the regime was actively hunting for them.

People didn't want to take them in.

America for example, didn't want to take in Jewish refugees because of the fear of Judeo-Bolshevism spreading like it did Russia and almost Germany until Hitler came to power.

It's why we denied Anne Frank refugee. Look on the bright side though, now we have her shitty diary to read in school.

People wouldn't take many in and it's always hard to uproot yourself like that.

Also to add to this, the holocaust happened but the numbers are absolutely inflated. Still terrible but wasn't close to 6 gorillion.

>The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry just made it all up! All those Jews just vanished into thin air!

>11 Gorillion jews were killed!
>Ok it was actually just 11 gorillion total and 6 gorillion jews!
>4.5 million died in this camp!
>Oh wait actually it was 3 million!
>Wait no ok it was 2 million!
>Ok just 1.5 million now!
>Don't mind the fact that the jewish population barely changed pre -> post holocaust!
>No mass graves and don't worry it's totally mathematically possible to burn 6k corpses a day!


Jewish leadership knew they needed sacrifice if they were going to take back the holy lands

>If I yell at a strawman, I win!
>If I spout obvious lies, I win!

>Shortly following the camp's liberation, the Soviet government stated that four million people had been killed on the site, a figure now regarded as greatly exaggerated.[171] While under interrogation, Höss said that Adolf Eichmann told him that two and a half million Jews had been killed in gas chambers and about half a million more had died of other causes.[172] Later he wrote, "I regard the figure of two and a half million as far too high. Even Auschwitz had limits to its destructive possibilities".[173] Gerald Reitlinger's 1953 book The Final Solution estimated the number killed to be 800,000 to 900,000,[174] and Raul Hilberg's 1961 work The Destruction of the European Jews estimated the number killed to be a maximum of 1,000,000 Jewish victims.[175] French chemist and author Jean-Claude Pressac estimates that between 631,000 and 711,000 killed at Auschwitz, of whom 470,000 to 550,000 were gassed.[176]
>In 1983, French scholar George Wellers was one of the first to use German data on deportations to estimate the number killed at Auschwitz, arriving at a figure of 1,471,595 deaths, including 1.35 million Jews and 86,675 Poles.[177] A larger study started by Franciszek Piper used timetables of train arrivals combined with deportation records to calculate at least 960,000 Jewish deaths and at least 1.1 million total deaths,[178] a figure adopted as official by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in the 1990s.[179][e] Piper stated that a figure of as many as 1.5 million total deaths was possible.[179]

Why are you stormfags so deluded and dishonest?

You do understand what you have just posted reinforces what I said right? Lmao

>a figure now regarded as greatly exaggerated.
>Later he wrote, "I regard the figure of two and a half million as far too high. Even Auschwitz had limits to its destructive possibilities"

How fucking retarded can one be.
Not even close.

>the Soviet government stated that four million people had been killed on the site
So a Judeo-Communist run government over exaggerated the kill count at Jewish death camps... nahhhhhhhhhhh why would they do that?
Weird how all the deathcamps were the camps liberated by the Soviets as well.

I'm not even denying that it didn't happen but most deaths came from typhus and the turn of the war in the allies favor. They were bombing supply routes so naturally that was going to hurt the people in the camps most.

Why are you people so afraid of an objective look into the holocaust? Why is it so taboo? This is a history board. Fuck outta here if you don't want intend to be intellectually honest.

>thread about nazi germany turns into holocaust denial shitfest with strawman on strawman

Veeky Forums, enjoy your stay

>his previous reply actually destroyed his own argument and strengthened mine
>he gets BTFO so hard that he took this long to reply
>he actually had to pretend to be a different poster and couldn't respond to my post directly
>he talks about strawmanning and then literally goes on to strawman
>this guy doesn't even know what strawmanning means evidently
>sorry you can't cry strawman when you get BTFO this hard
>"even though he has stated he never denied the holocaust if i strawman and say he did I win!"

You are utterly pathetic

>You do understand what you have just posted reinforces what I said right? Lmao
>Different people working independently reinforces your bizarre fantasy about a Jewish hivemind conspiring to conceal the truth and having it chipped away.

>Not even close.
And yet you unironically talk about "Judeo-bolshevism" If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.

>So a Judeo-Communist
You do know that actually well before WW2, all those "Jooz" had been purged, right?
> over exaggerated the kill count at Jewish death camps... nahhhhhhhhhhh why would they do that?
Mostly to emphasize the number of slavs, especially their own POWs, but we'll ignore that, right?
>Weird how all the deathcamps were the camps liberated by the Soviets as well.
Weird how the places with high Jewish populations had death camps nearby.

>I'm not even denying that it didn't happen but most deaths came from typhus
Reach deeper into that asshole baby.

>They were bombing supply routes so naturally that was going to hurt the people in the camps most
Yes, bombing coal and canals in Western Germany stops food and medicine from getting to Poland. Tell me, oh wise user, how the Germans were able to supply literally millions of soldiers in France in 1944, not only with food, but with enormously heavy things like ammunition, after the fuckhuge investment of the Transport Plan, but at the same time the "Devastating bombing of supply routes" convienently killed all the untermenschen in Nazi camps, but NOT the non-untermenschen in the same camps!

>Why are you people so afraid of an objective look into the holocaust? Why is it so taboo? This is a history board. Fuck outta here if you don't want intend to be intellectually honest.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes, intellectual honesty, right. That's a good one. It's so intellectually dishonest to suppose that a government that openly declares it's going to exterminate the Jews, , would in fact exterminate Jews.

And the stormfag continues his stupid niggertry, as all of the assumptions underlying his post are blown away 4 seconds later! Also, see pic, retard.

not at that point.

precisely at that point, at what other point there were millions of Jews in the Reich?

There are no death camps listed in this document. Study more history, read actual books, not garbage from holocaust denier blogs.

This is propaganda, not history. So wives are now as bad as actual politicians? And why isn't your list listing Ulbricht? Maybe because he was a German? And Polish 'dictator' wasn't Berman but Bierut (he wasn't Jewish).

>ow fitting. Pic related. If they were Bolseviks and they were predominantly Jewish
Except they weren't, and you don't know what 'predominantly' means.

>You know not all Jews were purged, just the Trotskyites and even afterwards most Soviets in power were still predominantly Jewish, right? Not to mention the bankers who were helped Stalin previously were still... wait for it.. JEWISH.
I'm sure you can find citations for all of this, but can you do them with actual historically vetted documents, and not unsourced infographics?
>Still a fucking intentional exaggeration therefore inflated inaccurately for uh, reasons? I'm sure. How the fuck does that change anything?
Because nobody believed them outside the USSR anyway and it was never part of the 'mainstream' historical consensus you idiot.
>Yep total coincidence that the only deathcamps for Jews just happened to be liberated by the Soviets and US was denied access to inspect them. Just. Coincidence!!
I was being sarcastic. You have some 3/4 of the Jewish population of Europe in Poland, Hungary, and what's now the Ukraine and Belarus. Where the fuck do you think they were going to build the camps to kill them, Denmark?
>>He's actually trying to deny typhus killed a lot of Jews in the camps
No, I'm denying that typhus was the cause of 'most' i.e. more than any other cause, of deaths. Considering we have literally millions in the "shot" and "gassed" columns, and I've never seen any estimate of typhus deaths that ran over a million, it falls pretty damn short.

>Are you actually this fucking retarded? By 1944 Nazi Germany was fighting a two front war. Holy shit. An actual retard.
>Missing the point this badly.
The Transport plan committed over a thousand bombers in literally tens of thousands of sorties. Despite all this, the Germans could still operate military units numbering in the millions of men. How could a far lesser effort create starvation conditions (uneven starvation conditions) which would require less shipping?

>Because the soldiers had priority over the Jews in the internment camps? You're retardation just keeps getting sadder.
Move those goalposts baby. Remember how you said upthread how the supply lines were destroyed? Now it's a question of prioritization? And again, why didn't those British PoWs in Auschwitz all starve? Surely, they were right stuck in there with the Jews.

>Except, no.
You might want to look things up like the Wannsee conference or the Posen speeches.

America was actually complicit in the Holocaust, to some degree.

Lots of Jewish refugees and migrants were turned away from the US.

>who could have guessed
you're right it's so implausible that it almost sounds like it's a complete fabrication. (I'm not suggesting that's the case of course)

>posting vox on Veeky Forums

Go back to wherever the fuck you came from.

Not him, but there had been a lot of Jewish repression in European history, and most of it was fines, expulsions from areas, at worst mob violence while the police or whatever the local equivalent looked the other way. Outright extermination necessarily following other forms of repression did not necessarily follow and probably was not expected


> reach deeper into asshole
how about something that doesn't sound like an antifa line?

How about actually supporting your point?

Oh yeah, because it's not 99% of everyone from all positions on the political spectrum from right to centrist to left that thinks Holocaust denial is retarded and equivalent to Flat Earthism, it's just some random nutters from the tiny membership of Antifa.

Of fucking course the soldiers are going to be a priority over some undesireables safely locked away in a camp, when even the German people themselves were starving by the end of the war. I don't know if you realize but cutting your soldiers off supplies during a war is the same as throwing your towel in.

All their effort went into feeding the armies because due to the damages in infrastructure and production, it was just enough for that. Even that barely.

If the Wehrmacht could move as fast as you moved those goalposts, they might have actually won the war. Let me remind you that said user has presented no evidence that there even were supply problems to begin with at places like Auschwitz, and even if there were, it's really funny how untermenschen all "mysteriously" died while other prisoners weren't starving. They were dying because the Germans were killing them.

>when even the German people themselves were starving by the end of the war.
Funnily enough, I've never seen any evidence of actual Germans starving to death by the tail end of WW2. Lots of occupied people, to be sure, but not Germans themselves. Perhaps you can provide some.

>I don't know if you realize but cutting your soldiers off supplies during a war is the same as throwing your towel in.
I don't know if you realize this, but clearly, despite the dropping of literally hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs in France, Germany could keep supply lines open. But clearly, far more sporadic and lighter raids in Poland, unescorted by fighters since they coudln't fly that far, destroyed all the supply infastructure to the camps. [/sarcasm]

>All their effort went into feeding the armies because due to the damages in infrastructure and production, it was just enough for that. Even that barely.
What "damages to infrastructure and production"? German war material production went up every year. They were clearly capable of some pretty advanced supply hindrances in the form of much more serious bombing, to around quantities of supplies to let close to 3 million men not only eat, but fight. You're essentially just admitting that the Germans deliberately chose not to feed their prisoners, which I'm not sure how that makes them good in any way, shape, or form.

Laws were passed requiring Jews to give up most of their property and wealth to the state in order to legally emigrate.