Who was the most evil person in all human history?

Who was the most evil person in all human history?

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Eliot Rodger. He wasn't the most destructive person in history, but his "manifesto" shows him to be pretty purely motivated by shallow, stupid narcicissm, and had he gained the sort of power to actually enforce his will, he would entirely create a hellish dystopia, simply to get back at "Chads" who got women, and the sorts of women who chose actually successful people instead of spiteful manchildren.

He should have stayed here with us.
he would have fixed this place.


M00t didn't give us Veeky Forums though, did he? It was Hiroshim00t. I thought M00t always opposed it because he knew it would be dominated by Hitler threads.

The jew that invented Judaism.


Adam. For asking for a gf and sinning with her, leading to a fallen world full of suffering. Then Eve, for birthing the entire human race into this fallen and suffering world.

He doesn't seem particularly edgy though. He just seems like your typical r/asian_masculinity poster. I don't think he could be called the most evil person ever.

>All women should be quarantined in concentration camps where most of them would be starved to death while you sit in a huge tower so you can watch them suffer and die
>Not particularly edgy.
Don't get me wrong, Veeky Forums makes you jaded, but seriously, what the fuck?

Rodger was a fag upset that the women didn't jump on his dick just because his family is mildly rich and REEEEE'D for a few hours before crashing his car and shooting himself

Just banter.

I meant compared to the r/asian_masculinity posters.

I'll admit, I don't spend a lot of time browsing any subreddit, but IIRC, there wasn't mass hatred of women in general and a view that they needed to be tortured and killed for their crimes against the species for picking 'degenerate mates'.

Pol Pot

moot didn't make /hist/ because he knew it would turn into /int/ + /pol/ 2.0 the moment it was created, and that is EXACTLY what happened with this board when Nagasaki made it.

>to get back at "Chads" who got women
This is obviously factually wrong. He was driven to the Nazi party after losing his job due to his involvement in the Munich Putsch. Why are you inserting your clickbait memes into history?

You know he's talking about the hapa killed who gunned down those couples a few years ago? Not Hitler.

Can't tell if meming or just replying to the wrong guy.


it is called human error, I did nothing wrong, apologise

Dude evil is relative lmao

Ayyy imao Delhi was a prank India chill out.

What Veeky Forums needs is a rolling Hitler sticky.


semitic merchant tired of being kicked out of town and having to get money from his wife. writes a militant Christianity fan fiction. then convinces a bunch of other camel jockies to follow him and conquer stuff for welath, slaves, and pussy.

Evil is a matter of opinion and has no meaning to me. But I think African cultures where they eat humans are far more wicked than any good-looking European men of the 40's, when there were only 2 known genders, could ever possibly be!

Elliot Rodger was a saint.


Pol Pot
pic related is literally a "designated baby-killing tree"

Oskar Direlwanger is definitely up there

Donald Trump.

He was more stupid than evil tbqh. Yeah, he committed a genocide of Jews, Romas and Slavs but he basically got into the most pointless war just due to pure hubris and wanting more land than was granted to him than the European community granted him,m declaring war on states with more resources and/or better tactics than him and investing in the pointless war in the desert, taking resources away from the frontline. I think Stalin would classify as more evil than him tbqh



Oskar Dirlewanger desu

Him and Kaminsky are pure nightmare fuel. Jesus Christ, Brando's Kurtz was a pansy in comparison. Dirlewanger looked like a fucking skelleton too.

t. German merchant who got mad that Vlad is sick of your kind

Mohammed the pedophile

That russian guy who thought he is reincarnation of Genghis Khan he was like a comic book villain.


My ex's father is a spitting image of Himmler...and they have German roots...a bit suspect if you ask me.

Did you date Michael Palin's daughter?

strong candidate

Ted bundy


Pretty much this.

me 2 b honest

Hi roastie

He was unbelievably edgy

>spend your entire life backstabbing/killing/exiling any potential rivals for political power; everywhere you go, there are disappearances/unsolved murders
>become leader of brutal secret police service, arguably the most brutal on the planet at that time
>your job is to organise concentration/forced labour camps designed to break the human spirit on a massive scale
>literally rape, murder and torture teenage girls in your spare time and in your soundproof dungeon

I challenge anyone ITT to find someone edgier

If you're going to put up Himmler you really have to put up Heydrich as well.

I did a presentation on this guy for a senior class I had on genocide. He was a step above his contemporary Mengele in my book because his 'research' was actually used; the Japanese dropped plague material over Ningbo. He also practiced medicine in Japan after the war, interestingly enough


Probably either of these two realistically.

Himmler was similar but too squeemish to kill people personally which Beria did all the time.

There's a reason stalin introduced beria as "our himmler" at yalta

I mean just look at him. This was no man...

>le raep face

Stalin hands down. And it is a black mark on American history that President Roosevelt allied the US with that monster for Britian's sake.

Genghis Khan

We defeated the wrong enemy

He's the reason the place's fucked in the first place.

Himmler if you're talking scale of edginess, i.e. number of people killed. If not, then fucking Dirlewanger. His whole unit seems more like something you'd find in a shitty fantasy novel than real life.

>get involved in tons of street brawls
>police describe you as "a mentally unstable, violent fanatic and alcoholic, who had the habit of erupting into violence under the influence of drugs,"
>join the Nazi Party
>get expelled from the Nazi Party due to raping a thirteen year old from the League of German Girls
>get back in the Nazi Party and join the SS because your friend is Himmler's aid
>form brigade literally made up of criminals including poachers, murderers, deserters, and fucking mental asylum patients
>get assigned to counter-partisan duty
>"Dirlewanger's preferred method was to herd the local population inside a barn, set the barn on fire, and then shoot with machine guns anyone who tried to escape."
>kill everything you encounter
>loot ghettos for their trinkets and hawk them
>personally rape and murder dozens of Belarusian girls
>regiment-sized unit somehow butchers from 30,000 to 120,000 civilians in a year
>later assigned to put down the Warsaw Uprising
>participate in Wola massacre in which 40,000 civilians are killed in 2 days
>systematically demolish every building in the city you can as well
>storm the hospitals of the city and set the patients on fire with flamethrowers
>decide to stop that because it's wasting precious fuel, instead simply herd tons of them into the same room and douse them with gasoline before lighting them on fire
>rip the babies out of their cradles and impale them on your bayonet, tell your men to do the same
>after the war starts going badly, try to disguise yourself as a former concentration camp inmate to escape capture

You cannot beat this edge. No one can.

You forgot

>get lynched by Polish guards after a form KZ inmate recognizes you

if you are talking impact id have to say Columbus...
not only did his actions lead to the creation of Hawaiian pizza, but it began a land rush epidemic which killed millions, started chattel slavery and created global empires.

>wrong enemy

The Nazis murdered god knows how many people (even discounting the Final Solution, that's a death toll in the millions), flagrantly violate every treaty they ever signed, pave the way for the Communist takeover of Eastern Europe, and you dare call them the wrong enemy? Go the fuck back to If anything, we should've crushed them both with the atomic bomb, if only we had it ready a year earlier.

Except he intended literally none of that when he set off searching for a fast way to get to India.

that's like blaming Newton for nuclear bomb casualties. You reek of cheep Leftist propaganda.

not him, but Columbus's actions were pretty reprehensible:
>By this time, accusations of tyranny and incompetence on the part of Columbus had also reached the Court. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand responded by removing Columbus from power and replacing him with Francisco de Bobadilla, a member of the Order of Calatrava. Bobadilla, who ruled as governor from 1500 until his death in a storm in 1502, had also been tasked by the Court with investigating the accusations of brutality made against Columbus. Arriving in Santo Domingo while Columbus was away in the explorations of his third voyage, Bobadilla was immediately met with complaints about all three Columbus brothers: Christopher, Bartolomeo, and Diego. A recently discovered report by Bobadilla alleges that Columbus regularly used torture and mutilation to govern Hispaniola. The 48-page report, found in 2006 in the state archive in the Spanish city of Valladolid, contains testimonies from 23 people, including both enemies and supporters of Columbus, about the treatment of colonial subjects by Columbus and his brothers during his seven-year rule.[85]

>According to the report, Columbus once punished a man found guilty of stealing corn by having his ears and nose cut off and then selling him into slavery. Testimony recorded in the report claims that Columbus congratulated his brother Bartolomeo on "defending the family" when the latter ordered a woman paraded naked through the streets and then had her tongue cut out for suggesting that Columbus was of lowly birth.[85] The document also describes how Columbus put down native unrest and revolt; he first ordered a brutal crackdown in which many natives were killed and then paraded their dismembered bodies through the streets in an attempt to discourage further rebellion.[86]


Jesus Christ that's some Heart of Darkness shit right here.

>same group of people spout the same memes over and over
>label them
k, but what you are saying is illogical anyway, aztecs and incas were imperialists

Timur "I Pay My Soldiers Per Left Ear Taken" The Lame.

Grow up

The valley dwelling settled man farmer killing his free spirited roaming nomad shepherd brother.

When is Russia going to pay us reparations for the treatment of Siberians? Geez.

Never said they weren't, I mean the Flower Wars were probably unmatched in brutality in the Western Hemisphere until Paraguay sperged out. You're still a fucking cretin tho,

Were Mongolians naturally edgy or did they do it on purpose to instill fear in their enemies?

>disagreeing with me is politically incorrect
I can't wait for the pogroms to be quite honest

Do you even know what irony is?

Temujin, Mao ze dong,

Well sieging is very expensive, so the mongols had a rule: if you make us siege you, we kill every man, woman, child, dog, cow, anything that breathes inside your city, and set it on fire.
That way most cities didn't fight back and surrendered, because surrendering means you pay with money, while fighting and losing means everyone dies.

However, some cities still fought back, thinking if they win they won't have to pay at all, and thus save the money.
When that happened a siege was needed, and when the city fell killing was needed.
Now, killing people is a lot of hard work, and not very pleasant, so its hard to make soldiers do it.
So instead of being paid wages, they were paid for ears, only on one side (I think always left?). That way every soldier had to bring X ears, probably a couple of dozen, proving that he indeed killed these people. Taking the ear of a person while they are alive, in a city on fire, is hard work, so they would indeed kill.

Basically "you made me kill you by fighting back", and the edgy torture part is just an extreme case of pragmatism. It has to be done, and paying for proof is one way to guarantee it.

So economically and logistically minded edge. That's bretty gud.

he didn't kill punjabis and stifle their culture in the cradle.
truly a monster.

At that time us Youros were way more poo in the loo, poor guy didn't know what will become of this world and you can't blame him for that.

That guy legit looks like he lived on a sole diet of whiskey and preschoolers.

Freedom ain't free

I love how every commie or Jew will hide behind a veneer of faux nationalism and American patriotism in order to fivert attention from their motivations.

>No Yagoda

This board is full of garbage people

I like how people who disagree with you are garbage communists for disagreeing with you.


>I hate Nazis so much they're brutal fascists totally not a communist kike here trust me goys the real nationalist hates them because they made the communists win and totally not the US who fueled the communists

>there would be no soviet nuclear bomb if not for him
>without the russian nukes amerifats would have attacked USSR
>many more millions dead
>instead, USSR broke off without a fight
I don't mate, in hindsight he wasn't so bad


>you have to be a communist to hate nazis

low effort post

>muh j00z
Is there a quicker way to spot a /pol/yp pseudo-intellectual than this?
It's hilarious how little self-awareness you imbeciles have.


Veeky Forums is just Francaboo central where people can make 20 of the same threads every day.


/int/ is Angloboo central where Brits, Aussies and Americans can run rampant in every thread.

/pol/ is Naziboo central where every other thread is "Germany could have won if... if... if..."

the only answer

Right now Al-Baghdadi

Rodger still had an albeit warped sense of justice. He genuinely believed he was somehow persecuted by society.

If we're talking about individual acts of evil, Carl Panzram is a closer approximation. He killed 22 people and allegedly sodomized over 1000 young men. Even someone like Ted Bundy blamed porn for his depravity. Panzran was avowed evil.

His wiki is a pretty interesting read: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Panzram

>They asked me what it feels like to kill people. I answered I don't know, I only kill russians.

t. Jörg Zhück.


That dude looks 100% japanese.


Yeah he's rocking those jap glasses

>tired of being kicked out of town and having to get money from his wife.

Wasn't Muhammad a well-liked trader in Mecca?