Why have men historically preferred virgin wives?

Why have men historically preferred virgin wives?

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Because of oxytocin, religious tradition, fetishes, etc.

Its the same primal drive that compels men to type first onto a freshly published YouTube video.

It's a male's duty to prefer them in order to not be a slut-enabler.



I meant the gif/animation

Can't trust a bitch to not lie about the number of dicks she's taken and the more dicks a woman has taken, the worse of a partner she becomes.
Can't make a slut into a housewife after all.

To avoid questionable paternity. If you're the only person to put the dick in, you know its yours.

Also, because past unfaithfulness is indicative of future unfaithfulness, which the data bears out. The divorce rate increases in tandem with the number of sexual partners the woman had before the relationship.

As it turns out, tossing aside customs found in almost every prosperous civilization because they're 'mean' and 'unfair' has consequences. Who would have guessed?

Before paternity tests it was the best way to ensure the continuation of your line.

Spending 18+ years raising someone else's kid from an evolutionary perspective is wasting a good percent of your natural life preserving genes that aren't yours.

Tldr: literally preventing genetic cucking

Paternity certainty. The mother obviously knows what kid is theirs. Fathers do not. A non-exclusive woman leaves the doubt. There was also a cruder understanding of STDs which contributes.

Ah yes, of course.

They'd know for sure that they were not getting cucked

disdain for roasties

Lol, this is an incredibly shallow answer.

For starters it's because people don't want to risk it with a promiscuous woman. It's also common sense that the more partners a woman has before marriage the less stable your marriage will probably be.

>It's also common sense that the more partners a woman has before marriage the less stable your marriage will probably be.
this correlation is better explained by the fact that the demographic who are unlikely to have premarital sex also view divorce as a less acceptable thing to do. the rise in divorces since the 60s doesn't mean that more people were in unhappy marriages, just that people saw divorce as more of an option.

That doesn't contradict my statement, it just displays that women who are ok with many sex partners are more likely to be ok with divorce.

There are all the obvious problems with promiscuity and questionable paternity already mentioned ITT, but there's also telegony on top of that.

Can't know who the real father is.
"I got here first" feel good type of thing.

This, only answer

Kek in france the government enables genetic cucking.

>To avoid questionable paternity. If you're the only person to put the dick in, you know its yours.
This. All the other posters ITT are retarded.