Herodotus on the egyptians:

Herodotus on the egyptians:
>"...thirdly, the natives are black because of the hot climate." pp.103
>"As to the bird being black, they merely signify this by that the woman was an Egyptian." pp.119
>"My own idea on the subject was based on the fact that they have black skins..." pp.134
Huh so I guess they really wuz kangz after all.
Apologize Veeky Forums

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You realize he didn't write in English, right?

English translations from greek, always super accurate and reliable in my experience ;^)

shut the fuck up you racist piece of shit


Why haven't I seen you lads pop up when people post the list of Roman emperors described with grey/blue/bright/wine-colored/sea-colored eyes and blonde/red/fair/reddish/brown hair which is always translated as blue and yellow rather than their actual meanings?

Well, those quotes in OP aren't exactly inaccurate. The problem though is that "black" in this case doesn't mean Sub-Saharan or purple-black.

We now have genomes of ancient lower Egyptians from the 11th century BC down to Roman times (i.e. the Egyptians Herodotus would have been familiar with) and they are genetically basically like ancient and modern southern Near Easterners. They even have less Sub-Saharan admixture than Copts do.

So they were "dark" relative to their immediate Northerners but not "black" in the modern sense.


Why do you fags give a fuck, no one wants to make threads about Egyptian agricultural development, or cool ass ruins, or mummies, they want to talk about whether the Egyptians were black or not

shut the fuck up

governing officials

my understanding was egypt was unique in that it had no free proletariat but rather just a masses of collection point of slaves Nd their directed capital labour prosuce and you got more european (minoan) the closer you were to the aristocracy. some arabian mix made priest class.but no higher and no africans did this far east of nth africa.

Oh wow, another we wuz thread.


Ancient Bretons called Romans the "black people" first time they encountered Caesar's expedition to the British Isles, does that make ancient Romans Africans too now?

Quite a few Romans were African. :))

t. "realhistory.com"

nDNA and mtDNA prove that the ANCIENT Egyptians share common genetics with Near Easterns, AKA caucasians. Herodotus' visited Egypt AFTER the Kushites conquered and controlled Egypt, in which, the Kushites mated with the fairer skinned Egypts, and when they were conquered by the Assyrians some of the Kushites were allowed to stay as slaves/civilians. Before the Kushites conquered Egypt, Egyptians were fair-skinned, so no, black people still wuz not the ancient kangs they say they were, they were however kangs who didn't know how to farm and then got destroyed because their weaponry wasn't great.


>Ancient Bretons called Romans the "black people" first time they encountered Caesar's expedition to the British Isles

Got a quote?

>all of north america is white except for egypt according to my sources


Of course a fair skinned man and other fair skinned peoples' would think a darker skinned man was black. An arab man is darker than a white man, but an arab man isn't black/african, he's arab/caucasian, aka, Egyptians.

No it doesn't. It's ignoring the East African component recognized as being undifferentiated in most testing and if I recollect doesn't even categorize M as African because it's not "subsaharan".

The test as other do uses the Yoruba genome standard to measure africanness alwhile ignore the complex population formations of the continent with the highest degree of genetic diversity South of the Sahara.

You're also revisionist history because we know of several pharoahs whose genetics also point to Africa not Eurasia in haplogroups.

"Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we mtDNA and nuclear DNA from mummified humans recovered from Middle Egypt that span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the Third Intermediate to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more Near Eastern ancestry than present-day Egyptians, who received additional Sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level."

Except you're ignoring Tutenkamen was R1b1a2 (R-V88) found primarily in Chadics and of great antiquity unique to Central North Africa from the Neolithic Subpluvial and Rameses III was Haplogroup E-V38

You're ignoring the breadth and depth of genetic history in Egypt and clearly lack the understanding of how genetic testing is done for autosomal tests. All you do is post the abstract.

North Africans

North African isn't a monolith in phenotypical variance. It's a region.

The Haplogroup R1b1 originated in the Black Sea Region, aka, Turkey, aka, the Caucas, making everyone of that Haplogroup Caucasian. Good day sir.

Yes and haplogroup M derives from East Africa and is found throughout Southeast Asia and beyond. E-V88 is specific to Chadic derived peoples, it's mutation and formation is localized in subsaharan Africa it is not the same as the Eurasians R1b

Change your major, you have no idea what you talking about kid. Goodnight.

A region inhabited by caucasian peoples

You are just trolling at this point because it's recognized to have formed specifically in sub-saharan Africa

>The R-V88 coalescence time was estimated at 9200–5600kya, in the early mid Holocene. We suggest that R-V88 is a paternal genetic record of the proposed mid-Holocene migration of proto-Chadic Afroasiatic speakers through the Central Sahara into the Lake Chad Basin, and geomorphological evidence is consistent with this view.

The fact of the matter is the Chadic populations and those influenced by them are the basis of this haplogroup branch. As such we have a clear line of subsaharan to Egyptian migration that is not derived from direct Eurasians contact to Egypt.

Your abstract does not take into account Tut or Rameses III genetics and you've yet to explain why the scientific communities understanding of R-V88 is wrong

No there is a complex history to North Africa as clearly shown in remains such as the Tashwinat Mummy

Exceptions are not the rule

If a sub saharan found his way in north africa or the middle east he would usually be a slave

Stop trying to wewuz your way into the ancient mediterranean

So far we have King Tut's Haplogroup originating in the Caucas, making him Caucasian; and we have Ramses' Haplogroup originating in Eurasia, making him Eurasian/Caucasian. Anyways, if we want to make this simpler for those who base race off skin color, Ramses III's tomb has the Book of Gates inside of it which shows the Egyptian of his time Darker than the Libyan and lighter than the Nubian. If we were to look at an Egyptian from Ramses III's time, we would say that the Egyptian was colored like an arab(light brown/tanned white).

No because you're ignoring the Neolithic Subpluvial and the archeological as well as genetic evidence countering your simplistic claims.

Prove the Neolithic Subpluvial didn't exist.

Caucasian is meaningless a Somali is called Caucasian even as we know genetically ethio-somali are a distinct cluster.

Tut's particular R1b branch is found amongst Chadians, not Europeans or Eurasians. Explain how a Chadian specific haplogroup entered Egypt.

Go back to the beginning of that Haplogroup to find it's origin. Don't just start at the fucking descendants you fucking idiot. LMAOOOOOOO You're the fucking troll. The WHOLE Haplogroup originated in the Caucas, MEANING that haplogroup is Caucasian. It doesn't matter where they migrate too, it still originated in the Caucas making all it's descendants Caucasian.

Hitler and Napoleon belonged to East African haplogroups. Were they east African?

Nah, you're the one ignoring all the mainstream evidence and clinging to fringe afrocentrist theories that no one takes seriously

we have portraits, written records, statues, genetic evidence, etc. etc. i won't go into it, because quite frankly it's boring and no one takes it seriously anyway


Something that human and their ancestors have been doing since they first breathed air.....MIGRATION. whoooooooooooooooooooooooooa

Napoleon's variant/branch is Eurasian specific as is Hitler's- so no.
Yes from Subsaharan Africa in the Chadic speaking region to Egypt.
That's not how genetics works.


Haplogroup B is found though out the Indian Ocean amongst people varying from China to Polynesians. However Polynesians have specific branches and motifs that differentiate their B from others. We know therefore the foundations of B while Asian are generalized while B4a1a1a1 is specific to a particular people.

This goes the same with R-V88 compared to other R1b groups.

Are you going to say that because B derives from R all people with B are Caucasian?


doesn't that make your own point about Caucasian origin of a haplogroup equally irrelevant?

That's not me

Herodotus has been studied pretty heavily, there's definitely a universally accepted translation which in this case does use the word 'black'

>North Africa

>"people from or descended from people in the Caucasus"


Caesar's writings.

Not him but

Is just a language group. They tend to be broadly placed in general as :Caucasoids".

Fine then, let me ask this.
Now ?
They all magically disappeared and get repleced my semites and middle easterns ?
Is to blame an italic hand for that ?

Was this just Tut or was this common in Egypt?

Once you go south of Cairo, for example to the heart of ancient Egypt at Luxor, modern Egyptians are still almost black, at least Obama-tier. Which is also how they depicted themselves in ancient times. And that's not even going as far as somewhere like Aswan.

>Obama tier
So clearly half-white half-black?

All black Americans are mixed to varying degrees. Obama was likely a little less than 50% white btw.

Yeah. They weren't near as dark as the Nubians, but a lot would pass as 'black' in the modern West.

I was in Aswan two months ago, can confirm you are wrong

the people of Aswan and Nubians look like Arabs but with black skin

People who really want to believe that are pathetic. Even if the Egyptians were blacks, they would be related with populations living in Ethiopia and Sudan today. Why blakcs in Europe or the USA should give a fuck? Most of the time, their ancestors are from western africa. It's really pathetic, like someone from Serbia feeling proud because of Napoleon.

>look like Arabs but with black skin
So just like Somalis, Ethiopians, Sudanese, etc. All of which are considered 'black' under most circumstances.

Same as Filipinos going on about being 'Asian' as if they had something to do with the Chinese, or some Irish guy taking pride in the accomplishments of the same 'white people' who raped his ancestors half to death. They're all retarded.

it would be more like an Irish guy taking pride in Korean accomplishments because he has a similar skin tone

Go South to Upper Egypt. The people there are dark; especially compared to Greeks. Based on their art, my theory is that browner Upper Egyptians were the dominant racial type and majority for most of Ancient Egyptian history. Around the Hellenistic era, power moved North to Lower Egypt and the more fair types best represented today by modern Copts.

While we're on the topic.


It depends. Maybe some Levantine Arabs, yes, but Gulf Arabs or Ethopians or Eritreans no.

Just call them Afro-Asiatics.

R1b-V88 came FROM North Africa, and ultimately Asia, TO Chad. Not the other way around.

And those two ancient Egyptian haplogroup findings are spurious.

Also stop with this "Ethio-Somali" bullshit. Later East Africans are a mix of Neolithic Levant and Mesolithic East Africans.

whitewashers BTFO

Herodotus makes multiple references in Books Three and Four to one-eyed men (cyclopes, the plural of cyclops) called Arimaspoi. Claiming that these cyclopes steal gold from Grypes (griffins) in northern Europe, Herodotus is not merely relating a mythical story or poem about these creatures; he seems to seriously and sincerely believe that they exist. To prove his point that cyclopes and griffins live in Europe and that the griffins’ job is to guard stockpiles of gold, he refers to the Greek poet Aristeas and the Issedones (ancient residents of Central Asia), who mention the cyclopes and griffins in their stories. To further convince his readers that his writings about the cyclopes and griffins are accurate, Herodotus uses a little linguistic evidence: He says that the Scythians (Iranian nomads) call cyclopes “Arimaspoi” because in the Scythian language, arima means “one” and spou means “eye.”

Meaning nearly every black pop-star?


This Melanin dosen't run

Mena people are caucasians whether you like it or not

damn African-Americans were right