Discussion of Huey Long

Was Huey Long a social democrat?

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no, he was an authoritarian populist. I wish he survived and gave FDR a run for his money.

He was the closest there was to an American Caesar. Sadly the illuminati killed him, installed Lyndon b. Johnson and proceeded to pass the immigration and nationality bill of 1965, forever ruining America.

The American Caesar? Isn't that like, McDouglas?

FDR feared him, and rightfully so.

>was an individual that wasn't socialist in any regard socialist
Are you retarded? We have this thread all the time and it always gets btfo. I'm absolutely certain you're the same person posting it every fucking week. Long was a distributist.

>All the Kings Men is an amazing book
>All the Kings Men is a mediocre movie


Would he have kept us out of World War II?

>General Arthur McDouglas

Can I get a quick rundown?

> You will never live in the alternative timeline where Huey Long survived, became 8 term President, and every American man became a king but no one wears a crown.

>social democracy is socialist

top kek

>no, he was an authoritarian populist.

This. My mawmaw used to talk about the man as if he was god. I wish he was here now to Save Louisiana and then America

Kinda I guess. Nigga was one jail time away from being a socialist though

>Socdem are socialists
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa nah.

so was he leftytrump

Yes? E.g Bernie Sanders on meth.

No, just Trump. Or rather Trump is just Ross Perot, who was just Huey Long, who was someone else, and so on and so forth. Their rhetoric and stances are exactly the same, the circumstances are just different.

more like American Hugo Chavez

>Can I get a quick rundown?

>progressive southern democrat
>wanted to redistribute a lot of wealth to stem the effects of the Great Depression
>Motto was "You gotta put some jam on the bottom shelf so the little man can reach it"
>Gets a lot of attention because of his populist rhetoric
>eventually gets assassinated while a state representative for Louisiana

Ross Perot had a little more integrity and in-depth policy positions than Trump, give the man some credit. He was also vindicated completely on NAFTA.

Robert Penn Warren later writes All the Kings Men which is ABOSOLUTLEY NOT totally about Huey.


dont make me feel this

why did he have to be (((assassinated)))

He was a non-interventionist who was allied with Father Charles Coughlin, who was building support as well. Had he lived he possibly would have defeated FDR. His public works program was by far more successful than FDR's New Deal, he essentially wasn't a dictator, he willingly delegated authority but was nonetheless nealry held all the power- as an elected official of course. Shot by a Jewish doctor unfortunately.


A pretty balanced doc.

>Shot by a Jewish doctor unfortunately.
can't find any evidence that he was jewish senpai


it doesn't say he's jewish. he arguably has a jewish look but he just might well be christian

Yes, until the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor.

Trump has completely abandoned economic populism in favor of Republican supply-side/austerity/military-industrial complex bullshit.

He could have been the Simon Bolivar of his hemisphere if he;d played the cards right

He is Jewish, it's written all over his face, the son of the mass Jewish diaspora which had come to Louisiana during the 1820s. Jews eventually came to own much of the commerce and banking in New Orleans, a notable Jew being Judah Touro, who himself had helped found Boston's first bank (surprising, I know).


And he didn't actually kill Long, it was when Dr Authur Vidrine, a Jewish physician, declared that he would have to perform emergency surgery before they had a chance to arrive. Vidrine would miss (or ignore) a bullet wound in Long's kidney, which would lead to massive internal bleeding and his death.

It was Gerald L. K. Smith, co-founder of Share Our Wealth and subsequently of the America First Party, who would later claim that Long's assassination was ordered by "the Roosevelt gang, supported by the New York Jew machine."

woops *before they, the two surgeons driving en route, had a chance to arrive.

Forgive my typos, my mind works fast than my fingers.

But yes, considering Long's vocal opposition to the New Deal, which himself, Charles Coughlin his ally, and his number two man Gerald K Smith called often "the Jew deal", war against Germany, the Federal Reserve, and his calls to punish "bankers and the Federal Reserve" he obviously was at odds with the Jews in the US.


>You gotta put some jam on the bottom shelf so the little man can reach it
lol whut?

I love Randy Newman's first album "Good Old Boys" which has three relevant songs: Louisiana 1927, Every Man a King, and Kingfish.


Except he hasn't. Fuck off to /leftypol/

If he became president, we would be colonizing the galaxy by now.

Ironic, and Randy Newman sounds like a down syndrome manchild.

A little, but it was mainly to socially empower in a nationalistic sense not a socialist kind

Manlets gotta have jam

Also Huey's a very interesting figure. No doubt his platform was sprinkled with socialist toppings but at his core he was a populist with a taste for the theatrical. He preached about the little man and his hardships then in the same breath would order goons to fuck over newspapers that disagreed with him

Socialists want him to be fascists, nazis want him to be socialist.

In my opinion populists get looked upon with suspicion because they represent an alternative to the old guard, the black-and-white dregs that make up your typical election cycle. Anyone who relies on appealing to the people rather than scheming with the upper crust is surely up to no good, am I right?

I doubt Huey was a nazi, and I doubt he was a socialist. He was your typical political boss in an era when cronyism was rampant across all stages of politics, his crimes hardly worse than any of his democrat or republican contemporaries but held in conviction because of his populism and the events of the next few decades.

Social corporatist.

I watched and emerican experiance docu on him last summer and hadn't ever hear of him (your-a-poorian).
I was stuck with the paralels with Trump.
America should not be for the elites living in the city but for all Americans. He was how ever far better at public speaking than Trump.
And I wasn't surprissed that he got assasinated, as that is the curse of all men that climb to high without the aprouval of those that where up there before them.

How exactly were his economic policies any different than FDR's New Deal?

Populism is a dangerous political strategy. That which got you there can just as easily have you disgraced and executed if you fail to meet your promises. Giving the poor what they want is like feeding a furnace coal. Fire has an endless appetite and if you stoke the fire too much, it will burn out of control and destroy the system.

Go to bed, Cato.

>Nazis want him to be socialist

NatSoc here, I respect the man for what he did, even his even-handedness and lack of preference between races.

who here plays as the American Union State in Kaiserreich just to put Long in power?