Keep hearing that the term fascism is vague and hard to define

>keep hearing that the term fascism is vague and hard to define

What is wrong with "anti-democratic national corporatism"?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What is wrong with "anti-democratic national corporatism"?
Not mentioning their views on faith and will. Ignoring the importance od aesthethics in fascist thought. Disregarding their distaste for peace.

None of that seems inherent to the core concept but rather are just common trends in its appearances.

Hilarious. The fascists' view on faith (predominantly nationalist) and aesthetics (heroism, will and struggle) makes the very core of the ideology - the rebellion against the bourgeois values. Read this.

doesn't sound racist enough

Whenever people say 'fascist' now, all they're talking about is an authoritarian with a dash of racism.

90% of people levying the accusation don't understand the ideology, they just go "he's kinda like hitler"

>"anti-democratic national corporatism"

How does that differ from the Soviet model?

The usual definition for fascism is "palingenetic ultranationalism".

Mostly because it gets misused so often that nobody can agree on the original meaning anymore.

Don't know don't care but that building is 10/10
Don't care for Mussolini or the Axis or whatever but that architecture is tight

Are you fucking serious you tasteless dweeb?

Corporatism (in the fascist sense) gives far more economic freedom than communism/state capitalism

In theory maybe but in practice no.

Yes I am, that building looks sick
I don't know, the throwback to ancient rome just does something to me, I really like Neoclassical building

That building is PUKKA, you're the dweeb here, dweeb.

It's kind of funny this building currently houses a luxury fashion label

fascism is about the only modern ideology whose definition is created by its opponents. There were few if any "fascist" intellectuals or writers to expound their beliefs. It was just a name Mussolini used to call his authoritarian nationalistic movement and has been lazily applied to every authoritarian since.

in practice yes absolutely
entrepreneurs and manufacturers had plenty of freedoms in Fascist Italy and Germany (before the war), that is quite different from conditions in Russia at the same time

New Economic Policy.

>entrepreneurs and manufacturers had plenty of freedoms in Fascist Italy and Germany

This is just a straight up lie.

I agree with OP because I live in a country that has had right wing and left wing nationalist authoritarian leaders

Facism is simple

-Cult of Personality
-Extreme Nationalism
-Majority rule, in which the majority is considered "the people", and the minority/ies are considered traitors/the oligarchy/antinational/enemies of the people
-control of the press and justice

a modern fascist country is Venezuela.

See if your definition of fascism includes a socialist dictatorship like Venezuela, then your definition isn't worth shit.

Fascism is appearance you fucking namefag

>mfw most of it applies to communist dictatorships
>even extreme nationalism
Totalitarian systems are all similar.

One of my favorites. Love futurism and Italian fascist architecture.

True fascism goes beyond ideology, with their silly utopian goals. It wants power for the sake of power, war for the sake of war.

My man

Because Strasserism is also Fascist but not corporatist.

Tojo, Mussolini and Hitler weren't majority rule though.

Because 99% of Fascists don't give a fucking shit about autistic italian futurism.

Fascist regimes have all been basically completely different on a structural level, where they are the same is along the same like Eco basically pointed out.

>"The Cult of Tradition"
>"The Rejection of modernism"
>"The Cult of Action for Action's Sake"
>"Disagreement Is Treason"
>"Fear of Difference"
>"Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class"
>"Obsession with a Plot"
>"Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy"
>"Contempt for the Weak"
>"Everybody is Educated to Become a Hero"
>"Selective Populism"

Fascism has basically always been a movement of a reactionary middle class. Beyond that, and these features, it manifests itself in different ways.

>a modern fascist country is Venezuela.

It goes back a long way, even Orwell noted that in 1945.
>The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable"