Historical Rivalries

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For example, France and England, Hatfield and McCoys, or Communists and food.

Denmark and Sweden

Germans and not losing wars

Turks and Greeks is objectively the best, because it's the only one in which a clear line of continuity can be drawn for about 1,000 years.


The people who would eventually become the french and the rest of the germanics
Latin peoples and Germanics
Slavic peoples and Germanics
Germanics and other germanics

Man and himself
God and man
Christianity and Islam

The Eternal Steppenigger VS. all of Asia.

Europeans and basic human decency

Mao vs sparrows, Jews vs Hitler's EasyBake oven

Communism and freedom

Banks and Jews

USA vs everyone else

ireland and potatoes

I hate germanics, they ruined Germany!

USA vs culture

Fuck rome :^)

fascists and victory

Campbells and MacDonalds.

Good riddance to worthless trash. I've been to that site, drank in the air of Scottish failure, and took a piss against that memorial stone.


Good riddance to worthless "Anglo" virginity. Those Anglo cunts should be grateful that they got to sample superior Paki cocks.

japan vs tentacle monsters

Liverpool and Manchester United

Niggers vs Civilized Societies

USA and USSR, didn't last long but boy was it intense.

Austria and Prussia