What happens when we run out of oil? Will we revert back to the Dark Ages?
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What happens when we run out of oil? Will we revert back to the Dark Ages?
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What happens when we run out of water?
>oil is as abundant as water
Full retard
>Implying oil is not renewable resource
Not to mention there is still nuclear energy.
That depends entirely on how well society has prepared for a post-oil world, but yes, it will likely involve significant technological reversion. Not all the way to the dark ages, though. I'm going to assume that by "oil" you're specifically talking about petroleum. The first commercial oil well was constructed in 1858, so that's your starting point for what a world without oil looks like.
Fresh water is actually much more limited in supply than oil is.
Civilization will collapse and we can start anew, and purge all the degeneracy modern society has produced.
For energy needs, oil is more or less completely replaceable, there's just little economic or political incentive to wean ourselves off it.
To the best of my knowledge, the real concern is how prevalent oil is in manufacturing and agriculture. Petroleum is the root of all plastics, and it used to enrich soil to an absurd degree.
i cant wait desu
There will be some violence, everything will get expensive for a while, but energy sources like nuclear will take over pretty quickly
>people confusing technological regression with industrial regression
Rare earths shortage would likely lead to technological regression though.
Prices will increases which will motivate investment in alternative energy sources.
It's not just going to happen overnight.
We're going to gradually run out. Year by year, decade by decade, it'll get a little more expensive. The more expensive it gets, the more willing people and businesses will be to invest in alternatives, and there'll be a steady transition. As soon as an alternative becomes cheaper, people will buy in, and the more people buy in the cheaper it'll probably get.
IMO it'll just be "it's going to get fucking expensive but it won't be a catastrophe."
But it constantly replenishes.
So does oil.
Oil only "replenishes" over millions of years, it's nothing like the water cycle.
We use coal
We boil our piss or just kill the poor
Asphalt is also heavily used for roads and roofing.
Apparently asphalt concrete is recyclable so we'll still have some roads, but we wouldn't be building any new ones.
It's not necessarily quantity that's the problem, it's distribution.
When one place dries up, they either go thirsty, have to ship it in from elsewhere, or relocate.
I know plenty of /pol/tards among us will gleefully watch Africa dry up, but they'll be the ones crying when those Africans pack up and move north.
This fringe hypothesis doesn't contradict the claim even if proven true, nothing in it proposes that oil reserves could replenish over years or decades.
We will move to a diffrent energy source like electricity centered power.
The green race will create a new market for electric powered cars and other forms of alternative energy like wind power or water power. We might revert back to needing to use coal but its unlikely since I think by the time we perfect green energy maybe it will be superior to coal anywy.
>But it constantly replenishes
Wars over water sources are going to be just as much a thing as wars over control of petroleum fields. There is no quicker way to pacify a rebellious people than to cut them off from their source of water, and then allow them conditional access in exchange for good behavior.
You are few years back senpai.
>nothing in it proposes that oil reserves could replenish over years or decades.
Yes it does (did you even read it?) and it did. In quite a few oil mines did the oil replenished in matter of years.
Lemme put on my tin foil hat
My theory is that Energy companies, at least the big oil/gas ones, have had the technology or atleast ideas for renewable fuel sources stored away. And when the world is on its knees from how much they'd be charging for oil, they'll whip out the renewable fuel, maybe big govt money.
Maximize profits and get to be the saviors of mankind.
But I'm not a smart man so who knows
That's what always baffles me about the far right. They don't seem to understand that if you don't want terrorists and criminals to immigrate to your country, you should be praying for worldwide peace and stability instead gloating over destruction and misery. Better yet, they should be directly helping.
There are plenty of nationalist right-wingers who understand that and are directly involved in development programs and charities, but it's not a view typically espoused by the manchildren on /pol/ who would rather masturbate to ebola-chan
>did you even read it?
Did you? It doesn't seem like you did.
Or, you know, you could just let the third-worlders die off.
>fund black girl bands when citizens are homeless because of cycles of drug abuse but we can't fund proper psychologists training
Sorry to intrude on your fantasies, but even if you cut off all foreign aid, there are no countries on Earth that would "die", there would just be even more impoverished oozing more worthless expatriates at an accelerated rate.
*shitholes, there would just be even more impoverished shitholes
People will find a way to make salt water proper for comsuption cheaply.
Don't expect any substantial investment in alternative energy - in the US, at least - until agricultural subsidies are laxed or can no longer make up for rising costs in petrol.
>but energy sources like nuclear will take over pretty quickly
Nuclear energy depends on the ability to mine uranium, which is just as finite as petroleum.
I think we already discovered all the economical ways to desalinate water thanks to the pressing demand for it. It's not a concern for high or even mid-income economies who can easily absorb the extra costs, but there's no way to make it cheaper than natural fresh water.
Huh? I am not the one proposing that the reaction would need million years.
Hopefully, I'll be long gone and dead when that happens. Not interested in having a family so I don't have to worry about kids and their descendants.
Or if an actual human and not a corporate robot actually makes it into higher office instead of jokes like Obama and Trump