How did they manage to revive Hebrew and why aren't we doing the same thing with Latin?
How did they manage to revive Hebrew and why aren't we doing the same thing with Latin?
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They revived Hebrew as they had immigrants coming from all over the globe, they needed an official state language for this new society and yiddish did not seem appropriate. Latin would ono take on if you literally FORCED people to learn it, otherwise it'd never work the same way.
>and why aren't we doing the same thing with Latin?
Why should we except for LARPing?
>and why aren't we doing the same thing with Latin?
cause you are living in a anglo world, squirt
It's not really something you can just casually decide to do, Hebrew caught on as a real language again for the practical reason that a bunch of jews speaking different languages were forced to move to a new land and establish a new unified culture to make everything work. If Christians are forced by some outside pressure to move en masse to a new land and to start a new culture for themselves in that new land then you might have a chance at bringing back Latin, but even if that unlikely scenario were to happen we'd probably just all speak English anyway.
Because why not? It's a superior language.
Latin didnt really die out though, italians just talk a naturally evolved version of it. Latin is just italian from a very specific point in time from the past.
What makes latin a superior language?
You could argue that almost all languages are the same using that logic. The fact it gets called by a different name is reason enough to call it a different language.
it doesnt work like that
What are Israelites if not LARPers? What makes Hebrew more practical than Yiddish or German? These objections are invalid. We might as well revive Latin except we don't have so much funding and powerful people and institutions, as well as the political will and momentum, that the Zionist movement had. Even the Vatican and Catholic Church, which was theoretically the last guardians of the Latin language, have cucked themselves beyond belief and have even come so far as to FORBID Latin masses for a time until pope Benedict has allowed them to return (although as a "special" ceremony instead of the principal one), and the current pope cuck Francis, an Argentinian Marxist atheist modernist, has gone on record calling people who celebrated the Latin mass "Pharisees". So there. A little bit difficult to revive Latin in the current situation.
What made them more than just larpers is they actually have had new generations of children who speak hebrew as their first language. Say what you want about jews, but reviving a dead language is probably the one accomplishment they for sure deserve credit for. You could actually argue this is the only time a language has been truly revived i.e. going from literally zero native speakers to having native speakers again.
>Because why not?
Because it takes an incredible amount of effort to just meme a dead language that no hegemonic power speaks back into the lingua franca when we already have a functional lingua franca.
>It's a superior language.
And how's that? Do you even speak Latin?
>first generation of children
Of course. Duh. Because the previous generation had the courage, will and resources to enforce that, instead of whining
It certainly didn't happen spontaneously. So yes, the first generation most definitely needed to LARP and LARP HARD in order for that to happen.
If you're in charge of a nation, or an educational or religious institution, or even a club. Whatever. And you enforce that all written documents, applications, formal addresses etc will be in Latin or whatever language, then it sure as hell will be the language of said institution. It's simple as that.
It was the language of Rome.
Everything about this post is cringeworthy.
t.Mall sharter
Your life is cringeworthy.
There are people who LARP
Modern Hebrew is very different from traditional biblical Hebrew. Words have completely different meanings and there's vowels now.
Because (like Hebrew) it sounds really nice, strictly aesthetically :^)
>Modern Hebrew is very different from traditional biblical Hebrew. Words have completely different meanings and there's vowels now.
There were always vowels. It's just that semitic languages aren't written the way IE languages are, and visible vowels are rarely necessary.
See? No vowels.
Pero si todavía se habla latín
No Semitic "language" sounds "nice". It sounds like they're cleaning the cum off their throats.
>not speaking Akkadian
That doesn't magically make it a superior language. You're just a LARPer, got it.
Simple. You take a few people, and you solely start to communicate with each other in a 'dead' language.
If you can convince some friends to do the same, or have lots of kids and only talk Latin with them, you've successfully revived Latin
It's not about the language itself. It's what has been done with it.
this guy's intense
>when I kind of understand 15-20ish% just by speaking Portuguese as a native language
What if a group of parents decided to raise their children speaking Classical Latin.
Now try to extend that to an entire nation.
Titus leave.
They'd speak Latin.
This exactly what the Jews suddenly began doing.
This and the Jewish elite generally knew Hebrew because it was a language for Biblical study.