I need to write a paper on a piece of media (movie) set before 1500. Possible topics include Rome, China, Byzantium, Persia, etc. Only thing I can't do is anything set in India or sub-Saharan Africa because those two regions were not covered. What is a pretty red-pilled movie? I also need to match it up with a scholarly book about that time period.
I need to write a paper on a piece of media (movie) set before 1500. Possible topics include Rome, China, Byzantium...
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Turkish propaganda
t.butthurt Greek
What the fuck is even this thing he's wearing for fucks sake. Why do move producers even do this, he would look way more aestethic wearing something acrually worn in the time period, there is no up side from desighning these kinds of costumes, it would probably even be cheaper
lol Roach
Meh, would prefer something less boring
Well, Gladiator is one but it's crap.
Maybe Kingdom of Heaven. Or, if you want a bizzare one, Valhalla Rising.
Preferably one on Netflix, this paper is due friday
didnt you post this same thread last week?
Anyway your time frame seems to have gone up so I would suggest a film adaptation of Hamlet or Richard III. If you cant find a scholarly book about a Shakespeare play you've got no hope
>Henry V
kill yourself you uncultured swine
Yeah I made this thread a week ago but then put it off and now I am running out of time lol
>due friday
>only looking for research topics now
Legitimately kill yourself
I will after I turn this paper in
Luther (2003)
As much as I would like to, we did not cover that far. The Reformation is part of World Civ 2
Oops, turns out I can't read. You mentioned Rome. Spartacus?
Do 300 and compare/contrast with Victor Davis Hanson's book The Western Way of War. The book is fairly short and the movie mildly entertaining.
Fall of the Roman Empire
Both good ideas, but I need a scholarly book to go with it
I will have to check that out, do you think that counts as a scholarly source? Sounds good to me, I would just need to locate the book
It should be easy enough to find a scholarly book on Spartacus or on the changeover between Marcus Aurelius and Commodus
Try this.
Ice Age is redpilled
Movies or books on it? I think different eras will be easier
what did you even mean by this
Not biased trash focused on re-writing history
that doesnt make them redpilled
The cold reality vs. a comfortable illusion?
>a comfortable illusion
applies to both pills t bh
Kingdom of Heaven.
Its not on Netflix
Just pirate it you filthy pleb