In tonight’s episode of Doctor Who, they visited the last winter fair on the Thames in 1814. In the episode, there are many black people walking around dressed as though they were landed gentry, you even see one black woman walking around with what appears to be her white husband or partner.
I don’t want to jump the gun and so wish to ask whether or not this was a common sight at that time. I know that slavery wasn’t abolished in the UK until 1833, but I do not know the anything about the number of black people living in the UK or what rights they were afforded (the free ones anyway).
Before I do my own research, I wondered if there was anyone on this board that knew anything about the subject or could point me in the right direction.
Black People in the UK Pre-Abolishment
it's a retcon
there are literally videos of london, pre ww2 videos that just go through the streets.
No, it's not staged. It's just people filming crowds and whatever.
The show wants you to believe there were, but there certainly weren't. It's a subtle mean of manipulation.
they are casting people based on their ability in the roles, rather than their ethnicity
It's incorrect? Dumbass cuck. And what skills do extras need?
you do not need skill to work as an extra.
to work as an extra you just need to fit in the environment, these niggers do not.
Pfff, next you're going to tell us that male actors can play female roles and did so for the majority of theatrical history. Ya big dummy. :^)
Proof that England was never white , and was a multiracial country
Well there were quite a few mixed race children recognized by their fathers and taken to England. I'm not surprised.
You just gave him 3 more (you)'s
>I don’t want to jump the gun and so wish to ask whether or not this was a common sight at that time
the short answer is "no". A more detailed and well articulated answer is "NOOOO".
Also, get some taste, that show has been garbage tumblrina bait for years.
it's a try to gaslight the past to normalize a presence of niggers in Europe.
First off, there were black colonial subjects who sometimes would go to UK proper to study or conduct business if they had enough status or money, which was very rare but it did happen. Also as early as the Revolutionary War there were black freedmen fighting in the Royal Navy as sailors.
inb4 "wikipedia is unreliable," there is a bibliography with links to click on for a reason
>1814. In the episode, there are many black people walking around dressed as though they were landed gentry, you even see one black woman walking around with what appears to be her white husband or partner.
British tv is nowadays all about pushing the politically correct narrative, even if it means throwing history right out the fucking window.
I was watching some of the new Brit tv series “Harlots”, set in 1763 London and in once scene the characters go to an play/opera and there are Blacks in the audience dressed up like Lords of Parliament sitting next to White upper class women who are chatting away with them as if all of this was completely normal back then.
They’ve gone full-retard over in the UK...
it's because the BBC has set up racial and gender quotas for all of its programs. Blame them, not the content creators.
He was black in the story he is Morien you illiterate fool
The British producers / directors / writers and the British tv networks and movie studios are essentially one and the same, just as they are in Hollywood here in the U.S.
These people move in the same circles and share the same political and social philosophies, it’s not a case of the BBC forcing anything on the producers.
The BBC has an official policy of "race blind casting" but in fact they invariably hugely inflate the number of niggers in everything. Niggers are less than 1% of the UK population but you will never see a show with a cast of more than ten or so without at least one nigger among them.
Morien was a Moor, not a nigger, and that character is Lancelot, who in the stories is French and so is played by a Frenchman ( a nigger).
Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1772 at which point there was about 15,000 black slaves, mostly house servants, in Britain.
Presumably they just became normal citizens who probably faced quite a bit of racism, so i doubt many at all would have been gentry as they'd only get into that through marriage which would have been unthinkable in that period.
If anything there would be a lot of Jews in East End (still not as many as in 1880s). But how do you show diversity when everybody looks similar from afar?
There is a version of Hamlet where some of the King's soldiers are black.
It is nothing about historical accuracy.
I thought they were at least 3%.
It's funny because it demonstrates the liberals doublethink
>Morien was a Moor, not a nigger
>He was all black, even as I tell ye: his head, his body, and his hands were all black, saving only his teeth. His shield and his armour were even those of a Moor, and black as a raven…
Had they not heard him call upon God no man had dared face him, deeming that he was the devil or one of his fellows out of hell, for that his steed was so great, and he was taller even than Sir Lancelot, and black withal, as I said afore…
When the Moor heard these words he laughed with heart and mouth (his teeth were white as chalk, otherwise was he altogether black)…
Why did you go out the other end and downplay their population by claiming there were nearly none when that's not the correct percentage?
It's actually the opposite, they were obviously chosen because they are black not because they are good actors. Unless you think that there just happens to be that many good black actors in Britain compared to good white actors despite the fact that blacks only make up about 3% of the population
>when go on about how people lie about stats to fit a narrative, so you end up lying about stats to fit a narrative.
>I know that slavery wasn’t abolished in the UK until 1833
Slavery (which barely existed in England) was formally abolished in 1772 (arguably even in 1706), certainly before the American Revolution. You're thinking about the British Empire as opposed to the UK.
>''I was surprised also to find a great crowd of black people standing round the pulpit. There might be forty or fifty of them."
Thomas Clarkson, Manchester Congregation 1787.
As obnoxious as Dr. Who is, the UK would have had a black population in excess of 10,000 but almost certainly lower than 50,000 in the regency era.
I'm mainly interested in the 18th century, so immediately before but I know a lot of the slaves who took up arms with the Loyalists during the American Revolution ended up in London. Almost all Blacks in Britain would have been confined to the nascent ghettos of London and been not wholly insignificant demographically (like Jews, Huguenots, Germans or Irish), representing perhaps as much as 1% of the London population. Other small populations would have occupied themselves in shipyards and port communities, I'm aware of some slaves liberated by the West African Squadron who would be put to work by the navy and allowed to formalize their role if they chose too and demonstrated an aptitude.
Some would have also been prominent in abolitionist (and therefore ecclesiastical circles), others would have been servants to wealthy families such as Samuel Johnson's confidante Francis Barber.
None of them would have been slaves in the American sense.
Very few blacks would have occupied a role that we would view as assimilated though. Dido Elizabeth Belle and Ignatius Sancho are interesting figures though.
Olodauh Equiano had the line:
>I no longer have fear, and at-least in that respect I am British.
Populations are often exaggerated though, even during the day by general sensationalism and also the fact that many also included Asian and New World population as black.
>I don’t want to jump the gun and so wish to ask whether or not this was a common sight at that time. I know that slavery wasn’t abolished in the UK until 1833, but I do not know the anything about the number of black people living in the UK or what rights they were afforded (the free ones anyway).
Slavery in England was by custom abolished under Norman rule in the 12th century (mainly through the influence of the Church).
In the UK, slavery was abolished by law in 1772 by a court case that proclaimed that no one (of any colour) was to be held as a slave in the British Isles (obviously, the rest of the Empire would take longer).
There were some black people living in Britain at the time, though few, and they were very rare in high society. One notable exception was a lady by the name of Dido Elizabeth Belle, who was the daughter of a Royal Navy Admiral, and was raised by an Earl, given all proper education and means, and then on his death, a small fortune of her own.
She was also arguably the inspiration for 18th and early 19th century Smug Pepes (pic related).