>*blocks your civilization*
Heh, nothin arable kid
*blocks your civilization*
>unsheaths caravel
*evolves higher IQ*
yeah, whatever dude
>Nothing arable.
>Southeast Asia.
What did he mean by this?
That a terrace-farm in Indonesia?
what is this map showing
but civilization formed in several of those places...particularly in the americas...
>South east asia, one of the most fertile and populous parts of the world.
>Messo America with all the Mayans cities.
>The Andes civs.
You retarded bro, there is where most spices and lots of easy to harvest fruits or vegetables originated.
really africa was the exception rather than the rule
>not including teutonic hanseatic prussia
Jungles don't block civilisation
Southeast Asia never had Civilization before Indians brought it
And Mesoamerican civilization came from desert/grassland
West Africa had tsetse flies which prevented plough based agriculture in lowland tropical regions. Somehow civilization emerged in the West African rainforest anyway though.
why is the tse tse fly limited to africa
short answer is the Sahara desert
The Andes aren't jungle. Southeast Asia hosted civilization but historically they actually had fairly low populations, and some areas like inland Sumatra and Borneo were completely unsuitable for civilization. This board doesn't seem to realise that jungles aren't all the same. Soils, drainage, disease, terrain and the availability of suitable crops are all factors affecting the development of tropical regions. The success of Java compared to other Southeast Asian islands is the most obvious example of this.
Mesoamerican civilization began with the Olmecs, who lived in the jungle.
They only live in low lying, wet, tropical regions, so they couldn't extend north past the Sahel. I'm not sure why they never spread across the Indian Ocean though.
>South America
>South east Asia
They're all pretty based civilisation desu
can't go past through pure ocean dude
Yeah, but I wonder why none ever got stuck in a boat or something. I don't know how flies work.