Why didn't the Arabs ever colonise or expand into the heart of Africa regions of the Congo...

Why didn't the Arabs ever colonise or expand into the heart of Africa regions of the Congo, instead only sticking to the Nile river, Sahel, and East African coast, only going inland to gather slaves?

There's a giant desert in the way.

Hardly anybody would want to cross something like the Sahara or deal with the other factors such as the diseases, wildlife, or tribal locals until better technology would become common in around the 17th century or so.

Dude, we're talking about Arabs. They're experts at crossing deserts. Bedouin practically live off the desert. Besides, arab traders made it as far down as Tanzania and Madagascar, the desert wasn't in their way anymore. It was just a bit further to the rivers of the Congo and its rich resource wealth.

Constant threat from the East and West.

Do you mean Muslims or actual Arabs? The Swahili coast had been Muslim since the 11th century, but Arabs didn't become significant there until the 18th century. In the 19th century when the Indian Ocean slave trade reached its height, Arabs/Swahilis did penetrate far into the interior and set up slave-raiding states, and there were attempts to convert local rulers like in the kingdom of Buganda, in competition with Christian missionaries. Before then they had no real reason to venture inland, and probably couldn't have anyway.

Desert, tropical diseases, parasites like the tsetse fly, and most importantly a lack of need they could just have black muslims do it for them

My understanding is that Muslims thought Blacks were inferior, but on a completely different level than Whites. Read up on how brutal the Islamic slave trade was, and that'll probably help give insight on why they never attempted to civilize the Kaffir.

Same reason why whites didn't for a long time. It was inhospitable terrain and the technology wasn't there yet to develop the land. You could.invade and conquer tribes in the Congo, but you would be much poorer than the guy who raided their for slaves. Also, diseases were brutal.

Carthage tried pulling a Portugal, launching exploration missions to sail around the west coast and just march inland.

Apparently, while they were exploring inland, they discovered this weird ass group of violent hairy people. They killed all the men in the group and tried to communicate with the women, but the women just freaked the fuck out at every possible opportunity. So they shrugged, skinned the women and brought the skins back home to show the others.

Turns out they were gorillas.


all slave trade by definition is brutal, whether muslim or chritsian or jewish.
the only good slavers were romans

> that Muslims thought DHIMMIS were inferior

>attempted to civilize
Only whites do this, the other races just allow you to remain primitive while they destroy you.

>Only whites do this

Lol no. On paper like back then they say they do but in reality no.

I need to read about this

>Why didn't the Arabs ever colonise or expand into the heart of Africa

There was no reason to tromp into the disease ridden savage heart of Africa until the Industrial Age, as pretty much all Africa managed to produce was slaves, ivory and animal skins and the Blacks themselves would bring that to coastal trading forts.

Same reason the Europeans didn’t bother going beyond their coastal trading forts until the late 1800s.

They didn't need rubber

Uh, yes they do. They opened schools, educated the natives, who became literate and wrote big passionate speeches about how poor and oppressed they are, which got the liberals in the homeland to sympathize with them and allow the colonies to be abandoned. Then when they were given rule over the countries the whites left to them, they immediately began wars and genocides and taking out huge international loans.

Gorillas are usually not violent unless attacked, though. Don't know if this event with the Carthaginians ever happened but LOL, it would be a typical mentality... "They fought back when we attacked them. The savages!"

Not even the Yuros tried colonizing interior Africa until the 1870s, and that was because of malaria medicine and machine guns.

This nigger got it
The rest of you is idiots. The Tsetse fly prevented the horse bound Arabs from venturing further south.

>le Arabs/Muslims hate Blacks meme

There were plenty of Black Arabs and Arab culture and Islam was introduced to Black populations. If you can, read "
The Travels of Ibn Battutah ", he travels to places were the Native population is Blacks like their rulers, he meets Blacks bureaucrats who worked in other Muslims territories were Blacks were not even a considerable minority, etc.

Besides, Sub Saharan Negroe populations have been in contact with the Mediterranean world since the times of Ancient Egypt. Blacks were not considered "rare" nor anything special in the North African world.

I don't see why people fell for the "le everybody things le niggers are stupid" /pol/ meme.

Because few ethnic Arabs went so far and they were at great disadvantage. Arabized people are far and wide from northern Nigeria to Eastern DRC

>expecting good discourse about africa on the history section of a white nationalist image board

Not Arabised, Islamised.

Both those dudes are black.

There was prejudice against blacks just like there was prejudice against Europeans. Genealogists called them the cursed descendants of Ham, while scholars working in the classic tradition said the intemperate climates of the south and north made people simple and beastlike. There was a popular notion that blacks were just destined to be slaves.

You're right that there were advanced black societies in the Muslim world, well respected black bureaucrats, scholars, warriors and even rulers in Muslim societies outside of Africa. Attitudes differed from place to place. But to claim that Muslims weren't racist because of this would be like claiming Americans aren't racist because they had a black president.

The implication is not that racism didn't exist in the Muslim world, it is that Arabs and blacks were/are far more intertwined under Islam, than most people are lead to believe.

Because they didn't need to. Islam spread through trade anyway and they operated those African Islamic nations as vassals. Oman colonized the entire Zambian coast. Another simple explanation is that they have no need for all those resources. Unlike Europeans who needed to colonize in order to survive and still do to this day.

>entire nations are a monolith
All ancient societies had their /pol/tard nationalist right-wingers.

>Genealogists called them the cursed descendants of Ham, while scholars working in the classic tradition said the intemperate climates of the south and north made people simple and beastlike. There was a popular notion that blacks were just destined to be slaves.

Let me interject for a second

>Some genealogists*

There, for every Islamic scholar who said the Blacks were sub human there was another who said that he was wrong according to Islam or science. You will find a lot of people back then who said that Europeans were subhumans and others who defended them, these were discussions held at high levels and don't represent the ideas of the whole Arab/Muslim academia and even less that of the regular population.

Nevertheless, the point of the post was to bring up the fact that Blacks were not something "rare" or exotic in the Arab world and that Sub Saharan African populations have interacted with the Mediterranean, and more specific, the North African world, since the times Egypt was still divided in to two kingdoms. This is like the retarded meme of "why didn't niggers domesticated zebras and buffaloes? XD" when they already had horses and cattle from trade with North Africa and the Middle East.


I say Everytime that Somalians, Ethiopians and Nubians each domesticated Donkey and the African wild ass is closely related to zebra but their behaviors are different and people ignore it.

No, Islam spread further than that. Arab identified people speaking Arabic are found from Northern Nigeria down to Eastern DRC.

>intemperate climates of the south and north made people simple and beastlike.

>looks at the lack of contributions by Niggers and Snowniggers

They had a point.

Multiple Islamic historians literally called blacks specifically inferior, not just dhimmis.

Wrong. They discovered black people and named them gorillas, and then when we actually discovered gorillas later we named them after the tribe.


Morocco tried to expand towards Shongai with morisco mercenaries

Literally the history of the balkans

Yep we have reports of Carthaginians being paid by Egyptians of going around through the gates of Heracles and then a couple of years later showing up on the Red Sea.
No one knows for sure what happened. It would remain a mystery until Portugal finally did the same.

>They opened schools, educated the natives,
A tiny percentage.
>who became literate and wrote big passionate speeches about how poor and oppressed they are, which got the liberals in the homeland to sympathize with them and allow the colonies to be abandoned.
Reeeeeee how dare these people want to govern themselves. This guy was right. Technically the Balkan's were also at peace when they were under ottoman rule too.

>Then when they were given rule over the countries the whites left to them, they immediately began wars and genocides and taking out huge international loans.
Most countries, (that aren't Hong Kong and Singapore) were barely developed and it's due to the natives own hard work and advances they've made since then.

* any advances

>white nationalist image board

People see Africa's literacy rates which vary a lot and don't get that it used to be MUCH worse during the time of independence.


But there was no argument in the first place.
You can argue about MUH ANIME WEBSITE if you want but there's no valid argument for Veeky Forums being a white nationalist imageboard.
(Unless that is you came to Veeky Forums in the past few months from an article calling pepe a white nationalist hate symbol)

SJWs are now currently pushing the "ok" hand sign to be being a covert white nationlist symbol.

This is /pol/ bait (which they're now biting back, funnily enough)