2200-Year-Old Mosaics Discovered in Ancient Greek City Of Zeugma
2200-Year-Old Mosaics Discovered in Ancient Greek City Of Zeugma
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>shows light haired Nordics
>they're white
Arabo-Turko-Gypsy-"Greeks" BTFO!
fuck off back to /pol/
Yep, they're white alright. An interesting kind of white, though, one that doesn't map quite onto any modern European population that I can think of. The area where the nose meets the eyes and forehead is peculiar, and the hair is curly. They make me think to some extent of Armenians. Which, given the site's location, makes sense I guess. They also look somewhat like what southern Europeans would look like if you applied a sort of race algebra and subtracted Arabic features. Which, again, makes sense. They certainly don't look Nordic.
>race algebra and subtracted Arabic features
they're Greeks retard
I love these little boxes in the frame. It fits like a vaporwave cover.
Another mosaic clearly shows they wuz gypsies
But really it mostly shows they were a multiracial society free of hate.
The Reformation = Jewish Ethnic Nationalism.
U seein tings m8
>They certainly don't look Nordic.
lol. There is literally nothing in these paintings that you could use to differentiate them from being nordic. They look like they could easily be nordic people. Nordic people don't look like nazi propaganda posters, just ordinary white people like you see in this fresco. One thing for certain is those people don't look in the least bit greek.
>They look like they could easily be nordic people
>One thing for certain is those people don't look in the least bit greek.
I also get blinded by delusion sometimes.
Nordic people look like this
ah yes, those nords with their curly hair and small, bent noses
Beautiful video.
Beautiful mosaics.
>was thinking the same thing after recently coming across certain theorems in deference to the Greeks being of Sub Saharan origin.
How is it possible for you people to be this obsessed over race?
It's summer
when you have no accomplishments of your own that you can be proud of, the only thing to do is use racial rhetoric to take credit for the accomplishments of your 14th cousin 20 times removed
this, it's also the reason why racists tend to focus on collectivism instead of individualism
Daily reminder we truly were hyperboreans and junk.
Jesus, Veeky Forums is having a race-off in a thread about those mosaics that have been discovered for a while now.
They are just stylicized features. Trying to tell what the actual people in the area looked like by that is silly. And the site of Zeugma is next door to modern Syria, the ancient populations of the area were more related to modern Near Easterners than Europeans.
Those Roma look closer to the mosaics than any Nordic does too.
>They are just stylicized features
When people talk about Egyptians, they point to the modern population.
When people talk about Greeks, they imply they have been replaced.
Wtf it's not like there weren't 179187389137918379813798123 greek artworks before.
Just look at statues of philosophers.
They look pretty white to me. Greeks were white. White people literally invented civilization and there's nothing that you can say to not it make true.
That's exactly what they are. There has been plenty written on this, read it instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums of all places.
Or maybe a site on the Euphrates showing dark-haired, dark-eyed people in its mosaics was inhabited by muh Nordics. Could always be that.
The statues of actual people is a good example in fact. Compare those to the idealized statues portraying god or the ideal young man/woman.
Nobody is disputing their whiteness. We're talking about meds or nordics.
It's obvious they were meds.
What's the definition of civilization?
Also, why are you so obsessed with race? If today evidence came out that proved without a doubt that Greeks were so-dark-they're-purple African would it de-validate their accomplishments?
I'm disputing their 'whiteness' too. Please tell me if the average person who thinks along those lines would consider modern Armenians or Levantines to be 'white'. Probably not.
All civilization was founded by blond Nordics from hyperborea, sorry it pains you so sweety
It's simple, now that ancient Egypt has been confirmed to have been Near Eastern, stormfags are rejecting it as useless. If the ancient Greeks are found to be more Near Eastern, they'll reject them too as useless. If they're found to be more "Nordic", they'll go "my ancestors :)".
That's how those ideologies work, they're identitarians, not interests in anything else.
As I said, read a bit instead of shitposting for reactions.
Greeks back then looked like Greeks now. Cretans have been isolated and they look no different than other greeks. There is 0 evidence for turkish mixture, why won't you ppl stop spreading debunked memes to vulnerable ppl who actually want to learn REEEEEE
yeah right
Greeks and Roman patricians were literally Nordics you have to deny evidence when it stares you plain in the face because you are insecure non whites
What are some good sources for Greek DNA studies?
clearly literally blond nordics not from the mediterranean
those two look like Arabs in my midwestern eyes
LOL, even the people in that painting don't look like Nordics. Actually, even most real-life Germans don't like like the stereotypical "Nord". There is such a thing as a distinctive German look, but it isn't like Nazi Aryan iconography.
You're right. I can see it now. Look at these nordic features.
>muh muh stylization...dey wuz all arab shitskins who liked to paint themselves blond because of the aesthetic...my Africana studies professors told me so!
there's no distinctive German look, do you realize how much of variety there is from Mecklenburg to Switzerland?
>people can only be nords or arabs
>only nords are blond
why are you so fucking stupid
>da ancient Greekz were arabized Sicilians and Turkish rape babbies from Athens just like me...I ain't bullshitan ya!
>arabs aren't white
This guy is arguing against his own imagination kek
>mfw a stormfag forgets to take his meds
>ancients Greek were non white non Nordics...dey WUZ just stylizing their gods after Nordics they've never seen in their lives...I ain't bullshitan ya!
It's not a laughing matter, m8. If he accidentally sees a person half a shade darker than him he's going to go into a spastic fit and die.
>da Greeks weren't Nordics I ain't bullshitan ya
He looks like an Italian today
>Golden pubic hair
They weren't stylizing those statues after any existing human population. No human population has existed with those features.
Tell me which existing human population has at the same time curly hair, high-rooted noses and brachycephalic skulls at the same time. Some literal Caucasians maybe.
So there you go, they wanted to look like Georgians and Chechens
Yes, Apollo was blond. Poseidon was dark-haired. Care to tell us why? Genetic studies are coming out all the time anyway, wait for those instead of being so insane.
>ancient white European civilizations weren't white or European they wuz just stylized to look white and European...I ain't bullshitan ya! the Romans always look like Sicilian arab rape babies I ain't bullshitan ya! We wuz never raped by Ottomanlets from the central Eurasian steppe! Blond hair in ancient frescos is just a stylized aesthetic dey wuz all really blackamoor Arabs from Arabia who liked to depict themselves as blondes!
stop trolling around a bit, negro. north italians aren't sicilian arab rape babies as you put it and they don't look like swedes either to me
The top image was from 900s while the one from Africa is a modern day village.
>o'bama was a white Irish man from Dublin the Americans just loved to stylize themselves as black people!
^literally (You)
>yfw Italian, French, Brit is the true white
>Caesar's blond hair was said to give him a "singular appearance" among other Romans
Italians, French, Brits and Germans made modern Europe. Can't leave the Germans out, sorry.
>blonde greeks and italians don't exist
I knew an Italian girl in high school with blonde curly hair
>Worst Greek philosopher was an abo
He was Plato's teacher. Are you crazy?
you could leave germany out and nothing of relevance would be lost until the franco prussian war
A lot of Italy was colonised by Germanics/Lombards in the 6th century. Lombards are ethnically virtually Germanic so much so that the legacy of the invasions is that parts of Sicily are more Germanic than Germany
ITT: greco-niggers in absolute disarray!
>Hey dude do you think you're smart?
>Uh I guess Socrates
>I'm smarter than you cause I admit I know nothing lmao
>Fuck off Socrates
Reminder he went around telling kids to disrespect the polis QED he deserved to drink the hemlock. Burckhardt was right Sophists > socrates
Do people really enjoy saying stupid, trite shit on Twitter?
>Hes shocked shitposting happens
where do you think you are right now?
It's not so much that I'm shocked it happens and more that I'm astounded that people have it in them to lower the bar in the first place. I can't even bring myself to do the most banal of shitposts.
You're talking to the wrong person to be critical of shitposting but take it from an expert, it is a way of life
what thread are you reading?
Not enough genetic impact to affect phenotype Senpai. I'd post that italian genetic infographic but I'm on phone
What's with Amerifats and acting like invasions are supposed to change the ethnic core of countries?
maybe because America's ethnic core literally changed due to an invasion?
What is this guy? Some sort of edgy Nietzsche fan?
It's thinking in simple terms. Either way, some invasions do leave their marks, it depends on the specifics.
The problem is that sometimes you can't tell "invasions" apart from "mostly peaceful settlement". To kinda keep to the topic at hand, Sicily for example had Pheonician colonies. How can you tell "Phoenician colonies" apart from "medieval Arab invaders"? You barely if at all can.
America isn't the world.
I'm not arguing with you, I just answered your question.
Ancient Greeks were white
There are two genders.
Why are leftists utterly incapable of accepting observable facts like these?
because phonecians and medieval arabs are two different ethnic groups
>Jewish Ethnic Nationalism
a bit redundant dont you think? Judaism is a religion of ethnic supremacy and it has been for thousands of years.
Literally nobody is denying they were white. We are simply pointing out they were meds, just like today's greeks.
they look like very generic western or northern europeans. Please, enlighten me, in what way do they look greek and in what way do they not look nordic
>you nadtzees are obsessed
lol, get over yourself. Why are you so reluctant to acknowledge race and genetics as an aspect of history?
cherry picking, plenty don't.
Lol. Greeks don't have small noses. Short noses are a northern european trait. Curly hair is not exclusively mediterranean. In fact, its common in scandinavia, netherlands and germany. Not saying the people in the painting are literally germanic though.
You don't have a blood claim to Ancient Greeks. Whether you're a New Worlder or a non-Greek Euro going We Wuz.
Key word because some people in this site make it all about race and genetics, thats why they are obsessed.
there is, doesnt mean its the most common german look, just the most distinctive.
>there's no distinctive German look, do you realize how much of variety there is from Mecklenburg to Switzerland?
>burgerlard whos never been to germany or seen more then 4 germans in real life falls for the "dark germans in the south blond germans in the north'' burgerlard neckbeard fedora meme. Switzerland is not germany by the way
Jesus was a Jew.