Why did the Jews start doing this? What's the significance of this little bit of tissue?
Why did the Jews start doing this? What's the significance of this little bit of tissue?
It's a desert religion thing.
You *do* get less infections if you're cut. You also get less infections if you bathe regularly. I suppose that bit was difficult for bronze age people.
Especially bronze age semi-nomads in the desert.
They had no water to wash their dicks
I'm pretty sure it was an anti-mastubatory measure.
i masturbate fine without it topkek. it might be hypothetically less pleasurable but its not nearly enough to deter someone's sex drive
It's an ancient hunter gatherer manhood ritual. Most common in African tribes, but also found in isolated Pacific island nations. The Jews and the Egyptians were the first to do it to babies, rather than a coming of age ritual
Probably some king had a bad case of phimosis so he got circumcised. Seeing this royal procedure all the subjects started cutting off their foreskin to seem cool.
Compare: polyrad.info
I'm pretty sure you don't know what your talking about
Because it looks nicer.
It was an Egyptian practice.
was probably that pimp solomon
Can you fap in a desert without lube?
Interestingly enough, if you don't have fresh water or medical care, making an open wound on an infant's sex organs is one of the stupidest things you could do. It's like asking for an infection.
I'm not sure but hacking away at a child's genitals is most certainly a form of child abuse, it is shocking that it continues to this day in third world countries.
I'm literally fucking dead right now
Didn't the Jews literally use to just cut the tip? They went for the whole foreskin as a form of rebellion due to other Jews restoring.
The most retarded thing ever, i thank god every day for being orthodox and having an intact, normally functioning penis that doesn't look like a fucking mushroom.
i fap in the shade
I laugh at everyone around me over here in America.
When the topic of circumcision comes up people will make fun of it but when someone asks, "why did your parents do that to you?" They remain silent or will bring up the usesless 'less infections' meme.
Girls love a good natural penis, they find it unique over here.
Reduces rates of infection but that's obsolete now with modern hygiene.
I can't imagine fapping without a foreskin, it must be horrible. Have people ever "decurcumsised" before?
This. Uncircumcised american and feels good.
I use coconut oil
You have a looser circumcision. Most circumcised people are incapable of masturbating without lube though, myself included.
Feels good man
I've never understood this, is it painful for you guys or something? I mean if I go for like 2 hours it starts to hurt but a 15 minute pump is easily doable without lube. Cut btw
It's a bunch of people memeing after seeing other people memeing. I'm cut. Everyone I know is cut. Nobody I know of has ever had trouble fapping, and yes, I was in the "homosocial" sort of adolescance where we were all talking about how big our dicks were and how much we fapped and which girls we banged. I have never heard of any sort of trouble until I went on Veeky Forums, where it's apparently "the norm".
It's excruciatingly painful. It is literally not possible to grip my penis and move my hand up or down; the entire gliding mechanism was destroyed.
You have a loose circumcision. Not all circumcisions are the same.
No offense but I'm literally laughing at you guys that had a lower circumcision because I'm pretty lossely cut and have never used lube
Why would you laugh at victims of permanently crippling sexual assault?
If everyone is cut it's not considered abnormal if such a difficulty is everywhere. It's similar with using lotion to masturbate. Not many people outside the USA, Israel, a few parts of the Anglosphere, and parts of the developing world do that.
Have you considered not death-gripping?
I don't death grip; it's impossible no matter how light my grip is.
If the entire foreskin is gone, in the case of tight circumcisions, there isn't anything there to provide a gliding mechanism.
>It's similar with using lotion to masturbate.
Yeah, seriously, that's another thing I'd never heard of until Veeky Forums.
And I am American.
Absolutely barbaric that Amerifats still get circumcised. The whole practise literally goes back to people thinking that it would stop their kids masturbating.
70% of nerve endings gone... just like that...
For the Americans thats half-true. The inventor of Kellogs Kellog himself psuhed for it and made it a meme. He and his puritans hated sex and they thought circumcision would hinder people from doing it. They pushed for female circumcision as well but that didn't take off.
Do rites of passage, really need to be dumb? Some tribes in Africa do it as a form of freeing the man. The foreskin is seen as the feminine part of the body, and is removed to symbolize entry into manhood. The age varies by culture, and sometimes cayenne pepper is spat onto the wound. I don't get it really, but humanity gonna humanity.
>I can't imagine fapping without a foreskin, it must be horrible.
It's perfectly fine desu. You just gotta use lube or something to reduce friction. I use soft tissue brands.
>tfw had a good circumcision
>tfw fapped without lube until I was 21, it did not hurt not even once
Wow, I guess I've dodged a bullet here.
dude, me too
Nevertheless user, you are having less pleasure and more pain then if your parents weren't in some jewish controlled state
Does your dick smell nice?
You've seriously never heard of someone using lube to masturbate? Have you been living under a rock?
Circumcision started in Africa, it spread from Egypt to the Levant with Midianites a people with roots connecting them to Punt.
idk dude, pretty much everyone I know is circumcised and none of them I know need lube to masturbate
mine is high and tight and I have no problems masterbating, I'm pretty sure the doctor just fucked your dick up
It was quite literally something I first encountered on Veeky Forums. I don't use it, I've never seen any at a friend's house, and it's so far removed from my own experiences fapping that I never even considered it something someone would use.
Uncircumcised here, should I cut it? It looks aesthetically better IMO, but not sure. Also will it help me on NoFap?
Foreskin is there for a reason and it's usually very sensitive. It keeps the glans moist and smooth and protected from contaminants. It also makes sex and masturbation easier because it provides a gliding motion.
>having anteater penises
Girl here, I'd laugh and probably vomit if I saw one of those disgusting foreskins
Tits or GTFO.
You do reasile both look nearly the same when erected? except one doesn't look like the tip is made from sandpaper
My own personal theory has always been that they did it as a form of restriction in cultures that were endogamous. You could easily disprove my theory by looking for exogamous cultures that circumsize, but I can't think of one and I'm too lazy to give it serious research.
But yeah basically the idea is you cut your male kids so that they can't rape as easily; they're gonna have to either get creative or stick with broads who are already wet for them. The advantage was your males married into your culture, didn't dilute your familial values with "whores of babylon" and didn't get you in trouble with the next kingdom over by raping their chicks as often.
I dunno, kinda makes sense to me.
So it's pretty common for circumcised folks to need lube to fap?
Completely alien concept for me. I'm circumcised and I've never needed lube to fap. Never had any friction issues short of fapping for a really long time (30+ minutes)
Circumsized and definitely no need for lube here, my sweaty balls are always rubbing on my dick and keeping it oily. Maybe because I don't shave my pubes?
I am circumcised and I have never once used lube or tissues to fap.
This is literally a fake meme, you have other problems user
I unironically think this must partially account for a lot of lingual drift. Some king or other important person has a speech impediment and his sycophants start copying him
Hate to be that guy, but there's an organization planning on creating a regenerative procedure to reverse circumcision in its entirety.
That is an unverified claim.
Myth really.
No one really knows
as with most traditions. Like kissing. It started somewhere around central Africa, moved north to Egypt and the Levant and fertile crescent, and moved further north with people from the Levant. If you study languages you can kinda track how the culture spread, if you look at the phonecian languages you can see how cultures connect. It still sticks around for cultural and religious reasons. It's irrelevant so no one bothers changing it.
And now for all the memes around it:
There is no measureable way to tell the difference in pleasure. It is irrelevant. Most men who had to be cut after growing up normal and ran into complications report uncomfortable sensitivity initially, before it feels back to normal. No loss of pleasure is noted by any reputable study.
>child abuse
Some people think sticking needles in a baby is child abuse, some think letting them go to private schools is child abuse, some think letting them drink before of age is child abuse. There isn't enough measureable data or outcry to change things because of what a few people think, at least in North America.
>female choices
No measureable difference. Depends on culture and area, and -the part that the people who claim one is more attractive than the other- your own personal qualities.
Anything I missed?
High and tight reporting
Been doing this restoringforeskin.org
I glide now and it feels great desu. I might've done it wrong though, as there's pubic hair on the lower third of my shaft.
>Why did the Jews start doing this?
It was a way to permanently mark someone as a member of the tribe and keep them under control.
Nearly all of the Jewish practices have roots as health/hygienic concerns in a desert nomadic society
The kosher pig stuff has to do with the risk of eating uncooked pork for instance
These people were covered in sand and filth all the time so circumcision would reduce infections and rashes
Exists today to fund cosmetic surgery and skin grafts in North America.
>Some people think sticking needles in a baby is child abuse, some think letting them go to private schools is child abuse, some think letting them drink before of age is child abuse. There isn't enough measureable data or outcry to change things because of what a few people think, at least in North America.
It's generally not done with general anesthesia because general anesthesia isn't safe for infants. They usually just inject a local anesthetic to block one of the major nerves in the penis. That's if they use any anesthetic at all. The procedure itself is objectively unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. In what other case would an unnecessary, permanent, painful surgery on the genitalia be considered anything other than child abuse?
Cut here, I'd volunteer to get mine restored once it's proven safe.
Foreskins are ideal for regeneration testing for other body parts. Imagine the progress an entire branch of medicine would make if they had tens of thousands of trials.
>not even a yank/yew
>circumsized at the age of 7 because of phimosis
>remember back the doc said I should pull my foreskin up and down
>I just pulled the foreskin back like once a day
>as I got older I realized I was supposed to actually jack off and I probably didn't even need the operation
Have you ever got sand under your foreskin? Had a buddy in the army who got - was unfit for duty for the next couple of days.
Where did the jews originate? The fucking desert!
I'm not defending the practice, but it is reasonable to assume that they would do the circumcision at a time and place where they can take care of the wound enough for it to heal and save yourself the worry for the rest of your life. I am sure it had at least some medically beneficial value back in the day when it started, why they continue to do it now is a whole different matter.
Easy enough to take care of once vs an entire life of gummed up dick.
Well this is just factually wrong. It provides something to get infected and gummed up. It's about as useful as an appendix.
Both the foreskin and the appendix are very useful
>it is shocking that it continues to this day in third world countries.
Third world countries like the US and Israel?
>Circumcucks will never know the true pleasures of pussy
Uncut master race
Kek good thing no one's ever gonna want to show your lardass their dick
Because it prevented infection back then, as clean water was rare do even if you did wash your smegma off the water would infect you
The appendix is there for a reason too. Appendicitis has a roughly 8% risk in males and 6% risk in females, but nobody routinely cuts out appendices.
curcumsised dicks smell better because they use Dove soap as lubricant
good way of removing excess dead skin cells
Because abrahamic religions follow the planthead god.
Plantheads teach you that animalist sex is wrong.
Egyptians thought that the pleasure of the foreskin was too much for their jew slaves, and, like everything else, they accepted it and kept the idea it was for religious reasons...
The covenant God made with Abraham is a blood covenant.
God made baby boys to have maximum preparation for circumcision on the 8th day; highest clotting factors, etc. The worst people on earth, the poorest and most vicious, have anteater dicks. Makes the almonds vibrate.
And yet there are occasional cases of infants who bleed to death, contract infections, or lose more than the foreskin. Even more common are cases where the infant bleeds a lot but doesn't die of blood loss.
>The worst people on earth, the poorest and most vicious, have anteater dicks
I wasn't aware that most Europeans were among the worst, poorest, and most vicious people on Earth.
GTFO with your blood covenant barbarism and your pseudoscientific rationale for antiquated, cruel tradition.
What's the rationale for doing circumcision now when there is better access to hygiene and medicine?
look at how much healthier the one on the right is
Do other circumcised people really have to use lube? Because I'm circumcised and I've never used it in my life. Hell I was more or less addicted to it as a teen doing it minimum three times a day, sometimes as many as five. And I've never chafed or anything. I always thought people just used lube to make it feel better or make the whole process quicker. Are you sure that your guys don't just have really dry skin or something?
>The kosher pig stuff has to do with the risk of eating uncooked pork for instance
Shlomo, please.
The Jews didn't eat pork (or shellfish) because they were barefoot smelly goat herding nomads from the desert, while pigs were raised by civilized farmers.
Like circumcision, the pork taboo was a way for the priestly class to enforce tribalism and keep the people under control.
>civilized farmers
Had no idea one of the markings of a great civilization was epidemic levels of trichinosis!
listen, i adore eating pork, but you wouldnt be able to force me to eat it when its summer and the temperature gets above 30 centigrade. a lot of those religious restrictions are just common sense at hte time
Protestants and the Kellogg cereal guys are to blame. It's a shame Catholic Italians like myself who were 2nd generation had this shit done to our bodies.
What's that? There are some shitty doctors out there, and out of billions of procedures, some went south?
You don't say!
>muh utopia has no medical malpractice
>Jews literally raised pigs for the Roman soldiers garrisoned there.
Do the world a favor and cut the rest of your dick off.
What stops you from washing with Dove soap even if you're not circumcised?