New sticky?

ITT we discuss whether or not this should be the/a new sticky for Veeky Forums, in order to reinforce the fact that this is not /pol/ with dates.

>i disagree with history
You can ruin the present, but you can NEVER take away that the white man ran the world from 1500 to 1950.

Heil Hitler.

it's just summerfags

No need, the mods just need to crack down immediately on obvious /pol/bait. There's no conceivable reason why 2 Holocaust denial threads, 5 threads asking if Hilter did anything wrong, and 8 Civil War threads should be up for mofe than 5 posts.

>if we make this just like lefty/pol/ it will be good guise

that's just a lie eurofags tell themselves to avoid the embarassment of having to admit that they got BTFO by a non-european country

Stay triggered

desu they should have a turkish colour for most of the Levant, Greece, and Balkans, since they controlled it for the longest.

At what point did I try to discredit the white man's effect on history? I just thought it was a funny meme. I don't see why this is so triggering for you.

I am triggered, I 100% admit that you suggesting making this place lefty/pol/, and worse, that the mods will agree with you, triggers me. I don't want to be banned for stating objective facts that are deemed "counter-revolutionary", if you want echo-chambers you can have them, they're right there on lefty/pol/, right there on reddit. Don't make this place another ban happy dystopia just to please your feelings.

>/pol/acks blissfully unaware that no one here is from /leftypol/ and that they're not speaking to SJWs

Keep it up, man, you really are saving the white race!

it didn't stop at 1950 you fucking retard. white man rule is still going very strong

This shit is the most pathetic order of LARPing

There is no point in a new sticky when the mods don't enforce the rules

>eliminating /pol/ automatically makes us /leftypol/
are you capable of critical thinking, polcuck?


Posting some graph out of context isn't "stating objective facts". If you're over the age of 14 and/or completely unironic, I'm sorry to say that you're literally developmentally disabled. Should just an hero desu

>people i disagree with should kill themselves
so much for the tolerant left

You don't have to go that far to find an echo-chamber, there's one right in this website!

>Received negatively by academics, due to a criticism of the methodology, an inability to consider other hypotheses, a false seperation of genetics and environment, a failure to appreciate the extent of variation within populations compared with that between populations

You gotta check your sources before you use them next time.

It's not that we disagree, it's that you're bringing down the gene pool. A merciful mother would have thrown you in the fucking river.

>dey sience man be lyin
Give it up, lefty/pol/.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 148/8

You're no different from an SJW.

>Hur dur everyone who disagrees with me is a racist nazi
>Hur dur everyone who disagrees with me is /leftypol/ or an SJW


>everyone in academia who negatively reviews pseudo-science is an illiterate nigger

ok, lad. That's enough. Time to go back, now.

>everything i disagree with is pseudo-science
>all these studies are ebil racism
The face of the intellectual left.

It has my vote, short, sweet and most of /pol/ will recognise the scene

I'm so goddamn tired of the anti-German/Nordic threads
every single day
>how do we deal with the German Question?
>are there a race more destructive than the Germans?
>Alareiks, Luther, Hitler, Merkel,...
>HRE was a meme

it's all nonsense

When Jew control American Foreign Policy? When Arabs are gaining prestige through oil? While China clones every good idea we have and makes more money off of them?

It's just an anti /pol/ reaction

t. Tyrone ibn Bambosa

>Happened in real life

I can guarantee it didn't happen to your pathetic fucking life. It certainly didn't happen to mine, but at least I'm not suffering from delusions of grandeur.

Last time I checked most Right Wing politicians are trying to distance themselves from Alt-right trash. Understanding that you're a retard doesn't make someone leftist.

>Happened in real life
>It certainly didn't happen to mine
>On a board about history

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true

It's funny how as soon as you say you don't want polcucks bringing their bullshit in here they throw fits of massive butthurt calling everyone a leftist and an SJW.

Not everything is a left-wing conspiracy you idiots, we'd just rather discuss actual history without you bringing in your shitty unsourced infographics and half baked, ideology fueled opinions.

The meme at the top of the thread indicates that Europeans are bound together by some global conspiracy to hegemony. Thats some hotep, "Dr. Yakub"-grade shit. When spouted by some sperg on /pol/, it's almost universally self-serving in that it elevates the self-identified white speaker's pathetic existence to some grander scale. I guarantee you this is a fantasy. If you really care about Western Civilization stop navel gazing and think, THINK for just one fucking second.

Yeah all those colonies set up by middle eastern, African and Asian societies show us that colonisation isn't exclusive to Europe don't they. I love how you immediately say we're implicating some form of conspiracy happening. No, Europeans did at one point or another rule just about every square foot of this planet. You can call me a storm faggot or tell me to go back to pol but it is an objective fact and if you can't deal with that and will throw some more slurs around because people you don't like derive joy from this then you can get the fuck out of the history board because you're ignoring facts that clash with your worldview just as badly as any "Le poltards XDDDD"

was completely irrelevant to the topic of the thread but in typical /pol/ fashion you proved OP's point by derailng it to "muh wypipo."

>Europeans did at one point or another rule just about every square foot of this planet
A very select few Europeans. Not you, not your parents, not their parents. Not your family. Not your dog. Not your imaginary friend. No, it's important people like Leopold or George V who rest in the grave with the old empires. You're a slug like everyone else, dude.

How was it completely irrelevant, the dude was talking about a European conspiracy to colonise the world and that being our viewpoint, where did I mention anything about white people you dumb fucker,Europeans are not analogous to your dopey American view of race, but continue to not read my posts and claim I said muh wypipo when I responded to his claims of our claims of European dominance over a fair part of the world. Please actually attempt to reply in the fashion of a homo sapien next time rather than just spouting retarded Memes. I haven't mention race or its implications once you fucking retard I stated facts which you haven't disproven yet so I'm waiting

Don't remember saying it was me or how it implicates me at all especially seeing as the nation I live in was one of those colonised, keep shifting them goalposts though

I hope you find what you're looking for, then.

Not the guy you're talking to, but dude, you're a fucking retard. The guy isn't claiming that he or his family dominated the world. He's merely making the observation that at one point, nearly the entirety of the world was ruled and administrated by europeans. No need to sperg out bruh, just take a minute to breath and calm down.

>"A handful of 21st century racialists including figures such as J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen have continued to argue that certain races are just inherently dumb. While they still like their skull and brain size measurements, their arguments hinge more on pointing to differences in races' average IQ scores and claiming this is the work of genetics. These claims rest on several big assumptions:
>That IQ is a measure of some kind of objective intelligence, rather than a measure of the skills needed to excel in 21st century Western society (a controversial claim).
>That there are genetic differences between "races" big enough to explain the IQ difference.
>That IQ is more dependent on racial genes than environment (or: if environment affects IQ, then the differences in IQ by race should still be significant after controlling for the environment)."

>The Flynn Effect by Charles Graham (2001), revised by Jonathan Plucker (2002). See also None of the Above: What I.Q. doesn’t tell you about race by Malcolm Gladwell (December 17, 2007) The New Yorker; and The Flynn Effect and IQ Disparities Among Races, Ethnicities, and Nations: Are There Common Links? by Scott Barry Kaufman (August 23, 2010) Psychology Today.

I want /pol/ to leave

you're not going to turn a bunch of autists who jack off to ann frank fanfics into racists so stop trying

>ITT we discuss whether or not this should be the/a new sticky for Veeky Forums, in order to reinforce the fact that this is not /pol/ with dates.

Try to find the words European conspiracy in there lol. This entire thread was derailed at first post by a pol-tard.

>where did I mention anything about white people you dumb fucker,Europeans are not analogous to your dopey American view of race

Right, sorry obviously your thinly veiled argument about how Europeans are de best xd has nothing to do with that of course. There is absolutely no implication as to what your views on that topic are or where you came from.

>I stated facts which you haven't disproven yet so I'm waiting

What the fuck is there to disprove here? This entire argument started because polfags like you come here LARPing then vehemently deny it. Nobody's saying that Europeans didn't conquer/colonize a good chunk of the world. We're saying that you're retarded for using that fact as some evidence for European/white superiority. What's your "argument" supposed to be, that Euros controlled most of the world at one point? That's NOT AN ARGUMENT.


The truth is what I'm looking for, especially on a history board. I'm Irish my nation was fucked by colonial nations, absolutely made a bitch of, I'm not gonna deny that their higher level of organisation wasn't a factor or claim that its just a meme lol because it still has effects on my nation unto this day, and maybe if we were able to look at it objectively and not immediately claim that some are attempting to make themselves feel better so it doesn't count. It happened and people did it, just because those people are no longer alive doesn't mean it's stopped affecting the world and it most certainly does not mean that those countries do not still have huge amounts of influence in their former colonies. I just don't understand what we should take pride in if any action not directly completed by us is somehow not our achievement, children shouldn't be proud of their parents and vice versa or where do we draw the line, if we're part of a team can we claim victory when we win or is that only for the one who scores the goals?

>When Jew control American Foreign Policy?
[citation needed]
>When Arabs are gaining prestige through oil?
a policy that has since backfired.

Okay so the guy who posted the talk about larping that I was actually replying to rather than the op as you seem to be purposefully ignoring, was he a derail as well or only those who don't share your views?

Given that the thread was already beyond saving at that point and that guy's post was basically the equivalent of "you're wrong, retard," no.

>if we're part of a team
Here's the kernel of the problem. Europeans and their descendants are not part of one big 'team'. The world you're currently living in has examined this idea and rejected it. As you said yourself, there are many Europeans themselves who suffered a net loss from European imperial policy.

>I just don't understand what we should take pride in if any action not directly completed by us is somehow not our achievement
>maybe if we were able to look at it objectively

It's not universally agreed upon that European imperialism or its lasting effects constitute any kind of 'achievement', whatsoever.

>He's merely making the observation that at one point, nearly the entirety of the world was ruled and administrated by europeans.
And it's also a fact that most Europeans were also ruled a smaller group of Europeans and were their cucks in all but name.

ruled by*

But I didn't state there was some intra European conspiracy to do these things, I just stated that they happened and as such it's not really larping. Anyone who thinks Europe is a big team is retarded, but nations are kinda just that, we all put together our talent and output to produce an output greater than the sum of the individual, I didn't state that imperialism was good once again just stated it happened

>There's no conceivable reason why 2 Holocaust denial threads, 5 threads asking if Hilter did anything wrong, and 8 Civil War threads should be up for mofe than 5 posts.

And yet actual, non-/pol/ except a comment or two historical discussion of the Holocaust (discussion of memory and memoirs, popular culture distortion of Anne Frank, etc) are deleted.

You know, not All shitposting on Veeky Forums is from /pol/.
In fact I doubt all "/pol/"bait is made by actual /pol/acks but not also by Veeky Forumsterics themselves

I think we should crack down on all shitposting, not just the kind that doesn't fit our personal ideology, whatever that is.
Yes, I agree, no actual pro-Nazi threads.
But also no countless sexual fetish threads threads because they're "so funny XDD", no countless anti-German anti-Scandinavian meme threads because "snowniggers lmao"

>nations are kinda just that, we all put together our talent and output to produce an output greater than the sum of the individual
This is an incredibly limited view of how nations work, let alone their relation to the states that superimpose upon them. Imperialism was the system by which resources were funneled from a host nation to a parasite state. That was the point of imperial policy. It wasn't for glory or country or whatever the fuck. It financed the industrial revolution that made today's modern economies possible.

>But also no countless sexual fetish threads threads because they're "so funny XDD"
it's not because they're funny, it's because they're hot af

>greater than the sum of the individual
That's physically impossible.

You have to go back, Charles

And it was ruined by Nazis, when you /pol/tards realize that?

european acculturation is real tho

>a whiny potato nigger
That explains your faggot attitude

Just hide the thread if it upsets you so much, this is Veeky Forums.
If you want moderated discussion then go somewhere elae.

>If you want moderated discussion then go somewhere elae.
It is moderated discussion, but the moderators aren't enforcing the basic rules which is that Veeky Forums should not be like /pol/.

That said, /pol/ culture is fast becoming Veeky Forums culture. Rather than being a containment board, /pol/ attracts edgy teen Nazis who then wander over to other boards. So now /tv/ obsesses over Jews placing subliminal race-mixing messages in children's shows and even /trv/ is full of /pol/ culture shitposting.

>That said, /pol/ culture is fast becoming Veeky Forums culture. Rather than being a containment board, /pol/ attracts edgy teen Nazis who then wander over to other boards. So now /tv/ obsesses over Jews placing subliminal race-mixing messages in children's shows and even /trv/ is full of /pol/ culture shitposting.

Maybe it's just that people are finally starting to realize in what shitty situation we are in. They are taking the red pill now, not the blue pill as they used to do. I was the same.

If you want to be a liberal cuck, there is a certain website that encourages your degenerate behavior. Might want to visit and stick there instead of coming here.

I think the fact that you seem to view the world through a Veeky Forums v Reddit prism suggests that your worldview isn't really as significant as you imagine.

'member when the 'red pill' meant risking your comfort and exposing yourself to painful truths?

The problem is that /pol/ has become the homebase for a political movement, they get constant exposure and more wnd more redditors move there everyday.
Half of them are happy about this because it brings their message to more people, others are just angry because people don't immediately agree with them when they call for the execution of all niggers.
Pretty ironic, that they were the ones to open the floodgates to waves of immigrants who don't assimilate.

And imo too much moderation ruins boards, Veeky Forums also probably can't afford it.

Actually hiroshimoot probably has plenty of money from selling all our private info.

Didn't know this was a ylyl thread.

>best corea
>never conquered

>time to destroy europe again
spot the germ


>Pretty ironic, that they were the ones to open the floodgates to waves of immigrants who don't assimilate.
This to be honest. When /b/ was the main board and you were told to lurk moar (assimilate), and the rules said not to mention /b/ to reduce newfags (immigrants) those were better (not good) times

Nope, I don't. While I may have exaggerated a bit it's mostly true. You may not like a lot of what /pol/ says concerning black people and such, however there are many positives to be taken from that board as well. There is a reason why more and more people, especially young people, start associating with /pol/ and it's "movement".

The meaning hasn't changed.

Yes. I agree. Let's hope it doesn't suffer the same fate /b/ did. Too many newfags from reddit that are ruining the board with their shitty memes and tumblr's with weak trolling.

> Let's hope it doesn't suffer the same fate /b/ did
I hope it does because /pol/ is worse than /b/.

No, it's not. You've never even been to /pol/. Are youthat scared of the le alt-right boogeyman?

Dude /pol/ is meaningless. It's just a bunch of directionless edgy teens, half of whom will kill themselves, with the other half eventually becoming the hermits and grocery baggers in your local broken exurb.


that was a great idea they put forth on /tv/

They memed a man into office.

What did you do?

>this is not /pol/ with dates
But it is.

> believing the Holocaust happened and that Hitler was a bad person literally makes you a SJW

I want a psychology study conducted on how long you have to be isolated from large groups of people to start thinking this way.

>Holocaust ever happened
>Hitler a bad person

Don't forget about the 6 trillion Jews that died, goy.

>confusing true ethnic nationalists and retards from /pol/

>No, it's not. You've never even been to /pol/.
You've never been on old /b/ and you think being here a few years before the_donald happened makes you real Veeky Forums.

t. non-European

Europeans are irrelevant today. The US and China rule now.

>Just hide the thread if it upsets you so much, this is Veeky Forums.
>If you want moderated discussion then go somewhere elae.
>Muh bastion of free speech

This site was never about free speech. It is about hobbies, interests, and masturbation. The political boards were only created to quarantine idiots like you from the general population. Apparently it failed.

Free speech was a thing on b and pol now. Everywhere else was pretty chill.

Here is the perfect example of a newfag redditor that came to Veeky Forums thinking it's only about anime discussion. You have to go back.

>Free speech was a thing on b and pol now. Everywhere else was pretty chill.
That is true. The problem arises when /pol/ users think they can start shouting about "the negro menace" on Veeky Forums and think they have a right to total free speech there, even when the rules explicitly state that they have zero rights.

I never said anime.

Free speech means FREE speech. What's with you people and trying to shut everybody up just because you don't like it personally? Stop being so easily offended.

>What's with you people and trying to shut everybody up just because you don't like it personally?

I don't know. It might have something to do with this.

Blatantly racist? Why can a black guy say the word "nigger", but a white guy can't? Huh, nigger? Is that racist?

Posting infographics without all of the sources in comment (so that checking them is copy-pastable lvl easier) should be bannable offence

>huh, nigger?
This is some straight single-wide shit right here

Why are the mods so worthless?