Thoughts on my country?

Thoughts on my country?

Evil entity.

shit accent

What is worse: Andalusia or Catalonia?

I want to learn Spanish and live in some god-forsaken coastal town and just relax and stuff.

Also this belongs to /int/

The Spanish are both morally and intellectually bankrupt.

I'm Spanish as well. Been living in Italy for 3 years and a half and I'm really looking forward to go back.

We have a very negative view on ourselves, which in any case I've come to discover is a typical Mediterranean feature. One thing we should try to do is sell our food better. Italian food is great, of course, but we got tons to learn from propaganda from Italians when it comes to selling our own shit.

Too many fucking commies Franco didn't finish the job.

Reconquista 2.0 when?



Take this to /int/.

Veeky Forums is like 1/3 /pol/-tier Hitler threads, 1/3 /int/-tier nonsense, and 1/3 junior high homework questions.

I agree with you, we are way to hard with ourselves and deride our stuff too much.
Also that's an /int/ thread.

Veeky Forums hates Spain as it is a very redditish/leftypol board

That's pretty funny, because /pol/ and other places actually hate Spain because in many senses it's quite leftist.

>Veeky Forums is /pol/
>Veeky Forums is reddit//leftypol/

The population of Andalusia is composed of andalusians and moroccans
The population of Catalonia is composed of andalusians and moroccans

Not a great diference

fuck you, 2010 was our year

reddit and leftypol have raided this board since it was created


It's a big country

>Reconquista 2.0 when?
Already happening

4 U

Good at Empire-ing, very influential in western history and in the new world, good food, could be more relevant, hot grills, language that sounds like shit.

¡Oíd, mortales!, el grito sagrado:
¡libertad!, ¡libertad!, ¡libertad!
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas
ved en trono a la noble igualdad.
Se levanta a la faz de la Tierra
una nueva y gloriosa Nación
coronada su sien de laureles
y a sus plantas rendido un león.

De los nuevos campeones los rostros
Marte mismo parece animar
la grandeza se anida en sus pechos
a su marcha todo hacen temblar.
Se conmueven del Inca las tumbas
y en sus huesos revive el ardor
lo que ve renovando a sus hijos
de la Patria el antiguo esplendor.

¿No los veis sobre Méjico y Quito
arrojarse con saña tenaz,
y cuál lloran bañados en sangre
Potosí, Cochabamba y La Paz?
¿No los veis sobre el triste Caracas
luto y llanto y muerte esparcir?
¿No los veis devorando cual fieras
todo pueblo que logran rendir?

A vosotros se atreve, argentinos
el orgullo del vil invasor.
Vuestros campos ya pisa contando
tantas glorias hollar vencedor.
Mas los bravos que unidos juraron
su feliz libertad sostener,
a estos tigres sedientos de sangre
fuertes pechos sabrán oponer.

El valiente argentino a las armas
corre ardiendo con brío y valor,
el clarín de la guerra, cual trueno,
en los campos del Sud resonó.
Buenos Aires se pone a la frente
de los pueblos de la ínclita Unión,
y con brazos robustos desgarran
al ibérico altivo león.


You Spaniards got Maghreb in you.

Im of spanish descent
I think that if either
A. Franco steam rolled
B. The civil war never happened
Then spain might have become one of the most prosperous modern day nations

Don Quijote

Spain is full of sexy, well-endowed men.

Shit culture, not as good as French.
I want a conquistador bf :3

Republicans should've won
