What if religion is just a defense mechanism against schizophrenia?
The clinical symptoms match perfectly. Could anti schizo medicaments "cure" religious people?
What if religion is just a defense mechanism against schizophrenia?
No, stop shitposting like you understand psychology.
>hearing voices
>believing in invisible all powerful beings
>ignoring every fact pointing to the the opposite
sure sounds sane
Pretty sure it would work, afaik religious delusion is an accepted diagnosis in Europe and is treated accordingly.
Schizophrenia starts religions, but you don't need it to propogate them. People believe what they are told, it's all we can do. Religion is just another backwards way of categorizing our environment in order to make sense of it.
Former Christian here, let me explain something to you. Most Christians don't "hear voices". If you knew anything about Christian History you would know that people who are actually believed to have been spoken to by God are saints/highly revered. It might be logical to assume to that he doesn't exist but you can't produce evidence that explicitly disproves gods existence. And 3rd, no religious person would willingly take a such a medication, so you'd just be drugging people like an asshole. Your thread is shit.
No, pharmaceuticals can't teach a person rational or critical thinking, which is why they can't cure atheism.
Just because a mental illness is for cultural reasons widely accepted doesn't mean it is harmless.
Those people have a dangerous delusion that does harm to themselves, others and society. We shouldn't just stand idly by when we have the means to help them.
How about you fuck right off nigger
>religious guys
Rationalism as a philosophy as well as the scientific method are products of Catholic thought.
Which is why it's no wonder that atheists have no understanding of those things and rely entirely on a mythology of made up history and various memes to sustain their irrational butthurt.
I never even implied otherwise. I'm just stating that your thread is shitty because comparing Schizophrenia to Religion is a false equivalence.
Rationalism != being rational
Rationally thinking, it is highly unlikely that your specific (insert name of sect here) skydaddy version is real.
Would you be willing to take up an experiment, like take 6 months of anti schizo medicamentation and then see if you still got those delusions?
There's no reason why fervent belief shouldn't at least be considered a class c mental disorder.
Frankly this. However, cultural reasons prevent us from doing so. I guess it will take some more decades until the diagnosis is universally accepted and those poor people can get adequate help.
>some more decades
Good luck with that. Religion is as old as humans, it's not going anywhere.
I bet you're just as confused about whatever it is you're trying to say as I am.
What's so enjoyable about brainlessly shitposting about something you clearly don't even begin to understand?
It's a great tragedy and failing of modern society that we've stopped regarding things like atheism or homosexuality as mental disorders, and pretend these people aren't ill.
Well, many problems of humanity where solved over time, and medical progress is fast. Aslo, society changes.
For example, non-religious people outnumber religious people in most western European states, and in some countries strong religious believes are accepted as a mental illness.
Some more time a d people might start to treat those cases as they should.
So yes, religion will aways be there, but maybe your perception of religion as society will change. It did change a lot already and large parts of society have given up religion for good.
>It's a great tragedy and failing of modern society that we've stopped regarding things like atheism or homosexuality as mental disorders, and pretend these people aren't ill.
Don't worry, if you go to Syria you will find a land where people believe what you believe, where they try to get rid of these troubling disorders.
Just ask for Isis, if you can't find them look for the black flags and severed heads. Live the dream.
Son, Rationalism is a philisophical method from the 17th century, rational thinking is something different.
I'm sorry, but this is your only "argument" then you better leave this thread because yeah, you don't make a lot of sense.
>don't forget to take your pills
Islam is almost as pernicious a cancer as atheism.
>regarding things like atheism or homosexuality as mental disorders,
>he, I'm grown up and I don't believe in imaginary friends from sky
>he must be insane, burn him alive
Good thing this is over since the age of enlightenment. Now it would be a great time to treat and help those people who think because of their mass psychosis have somehow the right to discriminate others.
Rationalism is the philosophical foundation of modern science.
But I suppose your irrational hatred extends to science and technology as well. In which case you should probably stop using that computer right away.
>Abrahamic monotheism is one of the most dangerous forms of religious delusion.
There is a reason developed societies give up on religion.
It's basically the same religion as Christianity. You both plagiarized the fuck out of the Talmud, which was horseshit to begin with.
Bomb the bible belt for half a century and you people would be cutting off heads and exterminating minorities too. But, instead, Christianity is in decline due to education, except Catholicism in sub-Saharan Africa, where things are nearly as fucked as the middle east.
>hating religion
>hating philosophy
>hating science
>hating literally everything of value ever created by Man
People like you who refuse to get better should be restricted to some kind of hippie commune reservation where you can happily live like an animal or whatever it is you don't hate.
Your reading comprehension is pretty weak. It is like you are not even trying to follow the discussion but just bring up random points that have nothing to do with the subject.
>Could anti schizo medicaments "cure" religious people?
no, because most religious people don't have the symptoms of schizophrenia. now imagine you had a schizo-religious person who claimed to be hearing God. if you give them the medication and they are convinced that that wasn't actually God, they will still most likely continue to follow their religion. schizophrenia could enhance religious experiences but it isn't the basis of anyone being religious
Islam is practically the same thing as atheism. Both are irrational and obscurantist ideologies that function primarily as a vector for hatred and destruction.
Although one could argue there has been such a thing as an "Islamic Golden Age", sort of. There will however never be such a thing as an "atheist Golden Age".
There is no discussion going on, only the whinings of your angsty teenage nihilism.
We are living in it. The religious primate is long gone in politics and society, and the advances in technology and society are its fruits.
t. Julian Jaynes
>not an argument
>another ad hominem
Thanks for your input
Religion is much more general than that. Mysticism might be a better choice, look at how schizophrenics are drawn to new age woowoo and magick and conspiracy theories, that's an attempt to reconcile their condition with reality and as such a defence mechanism.
We are living in the middle of the Scientific Revolution which began in the 17th century, a product of Catholicism and Catholic philosophy. That philosophy continues to structure the thinking of anyone who advances science or anything else really.
Which does not include whiny internet fedoras who believe ">implying" constitutes a valid argument.
But isn't that the same mechanism at work for example with evangelical fundamentalists that believe in creationism? Like they have a major problem with accepting reality and fleeing to the imaginary world?
Untrue m8. You can go to the glorious theocracies of the Middle East, and rejoice. Praise Allah
>abandons the "discussion" while typing up Latin words he doesn't understand
There are more dignified ways of surrendering an argument.
Islam is atheism tier.
Christianity is Islam tier.
>Revolution which began in the 17th century, a product of Catholicism and Catholic philosophy.
You are very alone with that interpretation. General consensus is that the turning away from religion is what fueled the scientific revolution. That plus critical thinking from protestantism.
There's a reason why the catholic church lost most of its influence over western society. And today, churches are empty and universities are full.
But that's completely wrong.
To the average non believer, Muslims as well as Christians are just the same shit in slightly different flavors.
If by "general consensus" you mean Protestant/atheist mythology which is completely contradicted by historical facts and only serves to demonstrate the inability for critical thinking of its proponents.
>And today, churches are empty and universities are full.
And who created the universities? Hint: it sure as fuck wasn't atheists.
Explain why.
I don't dislike Christians or muslims, but their dogma. Same reason why discussing religion is almost impossible.
Both are abrahamic monotheistic religions that follow pretty much the same path. Their differences are minor at best.
Now Christianity is as good as dead in western society and Islam will never get a real foothold, so today the problem is mostly with 3rd world nations which do indeed suffer tremendously under religions and the crimes and attrocities their followers commit for their "god".
Here mass medicamentation really could do some good.
Christianity and Islam are radically different, opposite even. But to realise that you'd have to actually know something about them.
>Christianity is as good as dead in western society
Western civilisation IS Christianity. Everything about it is purely Christian, from its politics to its science. Even atheism is a product of Christianity.
Not really an argument, just a weird hate post without any facts and easily disproved by looking at reality.
Sweden for example is a atheistic majority society, It is vastly different from lets say Syria.
>Western civilisation IS Christianity. Everything about it is purely Christian, from its politics to its science. Even atheism is a product of Christianity.
And now you just went full retard. Thankfully my laicistc government protects me from guys like you.
Sweden is about a decade from being a majority Islamic society.
And as usual when arguing with atheists, you almost immediately run away screaming "LALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU".
lmao why do fedoras seem to love getting rekt so much? They always lose the argument but they never get tired from making new shitpost threads
Oh hello /pol/! Any statistic evidence for this or is thus another crude claim you just made up?
There is nothing to discuss when all you mention is blatant statements with no explanation.
>x is y
Your government protects you from different opinions and from having to question your irrational beliefs?
Sorry, but your claim is diametrically against pretty much theories of modern society. You neither can source nor proof anything you said and in a university discussion would just get laughed out of the room.
>just because you claim it, it doesn't make it true
>yelling louder doesn't help with that
And how does that relate to the subject? Sweden is suffering their migration crisis due to many factors, including pacifism. The crisis started due to western intervention in the Middle East.
For example, where do you think secularism comes from (I assume that's what you meant by "laicistc").
Why are you greentexting exactly what you're doing? Do you have no concept at all of how argumentation works?
>Sweden is about a decade from being a majority Islamic society.
>Sweden has around 110k muslim believers
>a little less than they have cathocucks
Welcome to reality.
Yes I do, for example I refuse to take posts seriously who state a lot of stupid claims with not a single source.
>I refuse to read anything that contradicts my beliefs
Typical atheist, it's exactly like trying to argue with Muslims.
Wait you make some wide claims without a single source and if somebody doesn't instantly agree with you he is irrational?
Sorry, but you are an idiot. Source your fucking claims or get out of this thread!
I think you replied to the wrong guy; however, secularism can be found years before Christianity. Aurelius and Epicurus
Christianity does not own every accomplishment of Western civilization just because it was the religion of Western civilization at the time. What actually blows my mind is that you consider this a defense of Christianity itself, that we can't have these fruits of Western civilization unless we have Christianity. Perhaps you should tell that to Constantine, who at a time when philosophy, morality and institutions were rooted in paganism just as much as today they are in Christianity if not much, much more. If you want to be consistent you should blame Constantine and Christianity for the fall of the Roman Empire.
>trying to argue
making wild statements is not arguing.
Now thats an argument. Lets see the reply.
What exactly kind of "source" are you expecting? We haven't even scratched the surface of any serious discussion, let alone arrived on any facts that would require sourcing. Are you just looking for someone in a position of authority who agrees with what I say? Is that how you make up your mind about things, you find someone famous to tell you what to think?
>the scientific method are products of Catholic thought.
Wait what?
>What exactly kind of "source" are you expecting?
Well, if you make claims like this
>Western civilisation IS Christianity. Everything about it is purely Christian, from its politics to its science. Even atheism is a product of Christianity.
Then you better bring something to back it up, because the vast majority of scholars see that a little different than you.
You literally just took that from the introduction to the Wikipedia article about secularism, didn't you.
And no, secularism has jack shit to do with either of them. Secularism is inherent in Christian philosophy and is in a way the main point of Christianity. And it became a reality in Western Europe because of the separation between the temporal and the spiritual in Catholicism.
>The Separation of Government and religion is inherent in Christian philosophy and is in a way the main point of Christianity.
>Secularism is inherent in Christian philosophy
>nearly all christian roman emperors persecuted pagans and christians deemed heretical
See I was about to start explaining this in more detail, but then I got reminded that none of you fanatics would even bother reading any of it and just come with a post like this as a response: This discussion is pointless with people who have no concept of critical thinking.
So? They were obviously not following Christian philosophy, which is the exact opposite. Have you ever even read a single word by Jesus?
ITT troll gets (you)'s from Veeky Forums yet again
Nah, as a STEMfag, I know Epicurus is one of the most important figures in science, and my professor likes him a lot, and for Aurelius I read on Veeky Forums
>t. biochemistryfag
So what you're saying is that Christian philosophy wasn't followed at all until the 1600s?
Well, you claim that Christianity is inherent in Christian philosophy, which it simply isn't. Secularism and Freethought was fought heavily by Christians until they lost that fight. Now thats a historic fact and you claim the opposite, against without any sources.
Now when your "argument" gets debunked you claim the others cannot think critically. Now thats pretty childish. Either bring sources or leave the discussion.
>Have you ever even read a single word by Jesus?
No, and frankly nobody has, because Jesus didn't write his stuff down, that was Saul a good 50 years later and nobody knows if he didn't just made up shit.
>that whole second paragraph
It was and still is only partially followed. But in Western Europe it created the separation between the temporal and the spiritual which grew into secularism.
To clarify, the point that Jesus hammer home throughout the Gospel is that the mythology that founds pagan societies on divine violence is a lie, and that God is completely foreign to any human violence, including that of state power.
Here's a source for you, the Bible: "Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar".
Also, read texts on monkish spiritual advice.
It's repeated a lot that if you do see visions or hear voices, it's super likely you are either hallucinating from being exhausted/isolated, or are being tempted by demons.
Ignore them.
Besides, who do you think you are to get visited by Jesus/Virgin Mary/Angels/Saints while so sinful?
Some living saint?
Get back to prayer and cut that ego, kid.
>lolol look I posted another meme
So nice not having to ever use your brain, huh.
>Here's a source for you, the Bible: "Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar".
Thats a bible quote, not a source, and 10-12 centuries of Christian primate in politics and the persecution of heretics and everyone not agreeing to the mainstream show clearly that this bible quote was widely ignored by the church.
how about you actually respond to this instead of dodging it
>nah man, the Bible is the word of god, this it's unquestionable. My interpretation is the correct one as well
Too complicated for him, prepare for for some ad hominem shit like "atheists can't think rational" instead for a real debate.
Which is relevant how? The Church is an institution, it tries its best to maximise its own power. But there were Christians outside the Church too you know. In fact everyone in Western Europe was a Christian. And it's principles of Christian philosophy were invoked and that led to the separation of Church and State, which was effective long before it became theorised in secularised philosophy.
Why don't we save some time and just skip to the part where you post your next epic meme picture.
>Islam is practically the same thing as atheism.
This one made me chuckle.
>In fact everyone in Western Europe was a Christian.
Well, safe for the joos.
The separation of Church and state and not done by Christians, but by people who had enough from religion interfering with their daily life and politics.
The age of enlightenment was an abandonment of religion as the primate of society and putting the human in the center.
The Church and fellow believers fought vehemently against this, but fortunately they lost, and so we got a secular society now.
This is some basic babby tier understanding of pop history.
Ever wondered why secularism happened in the Christian West and nowhere else? Don't think it might have something to do with Christianity being literally secularist starting with the religious text itself?
>Don't think it might have something to do with Christianity being literally secularist starting with the religious text itself?
No, not really. Secularism happened several times in history and in several cultures, Western Europe is just one of them.
>In fact everyone in Western Europe was a Christian.
Yes, Imanuel Kant was totally a Christian.
Not really.
Tell that to Epicurus