When and why did the majority of the public on America turn against labor unions and begin to accept shitty jobs with...

When and why did the majority of the public on America turn against labor unions and begin to accept shitty jobs with low pay and little or no benefits?

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Honestly that's good advice for the average double digit IQ guy stuck cleaning latrines for life. Either that or selling nickle and dime bags of heroin (and we all know how that usually ends).

Good lord. Easiest way to become the butt of the workplace and insure no one respects you, especially the owner.

Because unions are corrupted and don't choose the best of the best.

That's literally why everyone who met these creatures start hating socialdemocrat policies.

I thought exactly the same.

Because they were manipulated by wealthy politicians through the media into thinking it was unions fucking them over instead of the corporate class and their political stooges.

This. Most workers are also so far removed from the conditions that created unions they don't see the need for them, or understand their purpose.

Top cuck

Haha good luck doing anything in modern society with that attitude.
You literally have to take on debts just to build credit score.

>muh "all debt is evil"

Debt is leverage. Debt is power. In this day and age it is hard to pull yourself out of some shitty lifestyle without some form of debt.

There certainly are things for which it's worth to go into debt, and indeed one would be retarded to for example only buy a house outright and not consider a mortgage.
But I think the spirit of the message was more 'don't take a loan to buy a bimmer or the latest cellphone', which is kinda

When did people stop being socially conservative and fiscally liberal, and start becoming socially liberal and fiscally conservative?

FDR and Nixon hated colored people and gays, yet still created the TVA and EPA. Hell, Nixon even flirted seriously with a guaranteed universal income.

Now we just had Obama continue the trend of shoving corporate dick up the public's ass, but it's cool because he pushed for gay rights and said ISIS weren't true Muslims.

>through the media
This is a really interesting sentiment, especially considering OP's picture, and Mike Rowe's political status as an advocate for blue-collar workers. As far as I know, he's never held a blue-collar jobs, except for things he's done for a few hours as a TV host. He's spent his entire life as an actor, TV presenter, and opera singer; now he's rich, and in interviews about his career, he comes off as someone who's never really struggled much. But because he hosted a show about crappy jobs, he's supposed to be an authority on what it's like to be a blue-collar worker. That's pretty fucking ridiculous, and things like that pledge show he doesn't really know what he's talking about.

Reminds of this guy. His accent is fake and there was a rumor floating around on the internet that he had a fucking MBA in fine literature for the longest time.

>That's pretty fucking ridiculous, and things like that pledge show he doesn't really know what he's talking about.
Ever thought that he's getting that sentiment from the people he's worked with doing that show, and that he didn't develop those opinions on his own?
In America, low class workers are notorious for "muh bootstraps" and "stop whining, lazy faggot" kind of thinking. Wouldn't be surprised if it rubbed off on him.

How is it ridiculous? I don't need to be a starving person to want to help a starving person. I don't need to live under a dictatorship to want to help people who do. I don't even know who the guy is, but if he's helping a good cause good for him, and if he managed to avoid wage slavery good for him too.

Points 11 and 12 are all contradictory with eachother. World can't at the same time create us equal and not be fair.

Wait, I'm . I think I got it backwards, I thought the guy in the pic was making fun of the paper. That shit is legit? Fucking hell murrica.

After workers realized that no matter how strong the unions were the factories would still leave anyway. People take what they can get.

They're too busy voting for gibsmedats from Obongo and Drumpf.


>Number 7


>In America, low class workers are notorious for "muh bootstraps" and "stop whining, lazy faggot" kind of thinking. Wouldn't be surprised if it rubbed off on him.
working class does not have a monopoly on that sentiment, it's pretty common to most of american society it seems to me

>How is it ridiculous?
Because a lot of people think he's an authority on what its like to be poor with a shitty job, and that's not the case. He's just a TV show host that got payed to do shitty things for a few hours and crack jokes. He doesn't actually know what it's like to live like that. I agree that there's nothing wrong with him apparently wanting to help people, but a lot of people genuinely seem to believe he has experience with living like that (because of TV), and that's not the case. Like Larry the Cable guy, he was playing a character.

Good point. That actually wouldn't be surprising.

>Because [...]
Sorry, misunderstood what you were saying.

Because unions proved utterly helpless to prevent outsourcing. Why waste time supporting a failed concept?

That's not the point of unions though.

You're kidding me, right? How is a union supposed to stop that? "Oh please Mr. Big Boss, give us lower wages so we can compete with some 5 year-old Malay children"

You are saying that the employment of people who cannot join a union was what ended the power of unions?

maybe free markets a shit?

Is this a guide to becoming a literal wagecuck?

what matters is not what u know, it's who u blow.

politics in workplace > that list.

Half of the unions are also literally run by the companies that they are "against".

Used to work in a Tyson plant and the union there was quite literally owned by Tyson. They don't care about you as an individual, they are an extension of the human resources department, doing what they need to to make sure you don't sue them.

Because if you feel like work is against you, would you go to human resources, or the union more than likely?

Since forever.
> and why
Because they're fucking cancer.

This dude lives in my city, I know people who know him and it very much a character, he's a smart dude by reports. Does a bunch of shit for our local Zoo, too.


>on my honor

*tips 1911*

y'all pisssants never even worked outside of a kohl's