What would be you absolute minimum price?
Gay For Pay
a nice sized dick
1k with condom and not diseased.
100k without.
My friends and I laughed about this a few years back. We ended up all just doing it for free anyway. On the flip side, I've never had my balls tickled by facial hair before except from your mom OP
Depends how hot the guy is
To fuck a guy? 100k
To get fucked? none, my pride is worth more than money
My only friend in college sexually assaulted me the first time I went to his dorm. I had a kind of "What difference does any of this make" attitude after that and continued to hang out with him, never had sex but I'd masturbate in front of him and let him touch my inner thighs and back. The price was free food, alcohol, the occasional show, and having a human being that would talk with me.
Way more than anyone would ever be willing to pay me.
about tree fiddy
>gay for pay
you dont have to actually fuck in pornos for this shit. if your Veeky Forums and above average in looks you can cam for a bunch of gay men and rack in mad dosh.
$5000 for the whole package, depending on a few conditions.
-Guy must be disease free
-Guy must be clean, decent looking
-Condom's must be used
-Must be on a comfortable bed
-Guy can be a faggot, just not a flaming faggot with a lisp
-Nothing rough
Suicide is an option
>Veeky Forums - Gay Prostitution
>he thought kneepads was just a meme
I'd bottom for $500 desu.
$2500 if filmed.
nice just bought 100k
How much to let a guy cum in your mouth Veeky Forums?
I'm so broke that I'd do it for 1 litecoin.
100 posw
>paying for a free blowjob
this is why your poor.
That's more pathetic than it is gay.
And it's pretty fucking gay
nice just bought 100k
For those of you posting amounts below $1,000, this is actually possible. Check out Seeking Arrangement.
>t. sugar daddy
Veeky Forums confirmed gayest board?
Veeky Forums is the gayest board on the internet and its not even close
Both /co/ and /a/ are gay as fuck, fampai. Veeky Forums doesn't have shit on either.
fund for DGB gay pride
You forgot Veeky Forums
Literally a board dedicated to feels and looking at each other's body
There are some lines you don't cross, this is one of them.
I can't forget a board I've never lurked to begin with, user. Does sound pretty fucking gay tho tbdesu so I'll take your word for it.
Condom, no filming and no dick anywhere near my mouth? 5000 sounds about right. A decent looking guy probably somewhat less.
I'm fit as fuck, I wouldn't mind making some money off my hobby.
Hey man, it got me from a fat kid to a flag, planching, front lever, muscleup-into-handstand-pushup guy with 1/2/3/4+ lifts who cares about his health. Veeky Forums is worthwhile.
Prolly like $10 for oral and $20-30 for anal. Anything above that is just an unrealistic amount to expect from the homosexual. IDK if you guys have ever been to a gay bar, but I have, and I assure you, homosexuals are pretty loose and have low standards. They all go there for sex, and they all get it. You've got to price to that kinda market, which is the "paying this fag to suck me off is still cheaper than just going to a bar and being guaranteed to fuck someone" market.
Veeky Forums is nice but I wouldn't recommend spending much time there unless you are gay or want to be.
1) its fucking disgusting.
2) and it will get you HIV.
don't do it user.
Like $1K if tested and in a professional setting
$10K otherwise
>Veeky Forums is worthwhile.
You mean the sticky is worthwhile
My boyfriend's dick, priceless
why is the gay cartel so good at finance
teach me fancybois
post cute boipussy first, please
Sympa, je viens d'acheter 100k
I'm not a fag so I'm not insecure about getting fucked in the ass. I would charge somewhere between $20-50 for succ and $50-100 for fucking. I just don't do it because fags seem full of aids, I don't want them pretending the condom broke and trying to impregnate me
I've always wondered what it would be like to be a gay porn star.
I'd honestly be infected with HIV through anal sex for a million dollars
Not even joking
am gay and wouldn't do it
Yeah but you can't even eat money. It's not real.
Depends on the guy desu, if it was a qt asian trap I'd suck it for 650 dollars w no condom, fuck normal guys I think I'd charge like 3k, older guys 5k?
Blowjobs to normal guys 1800 w condom, maybe 2,5k without, older dudes only w/ a condom for 10k?
Fucking my ass w/ a condom about 10k? Maybe let him cum inside for like 20k?
I was kind of in this situation last night
>im at my friends wedding
>his uncle is a super rich banker who is English but lives in Dubai
>he is a very intelligent man speaks 7 languages and is well versed in philosophy and a plethora of other topics, the closest man i could compare him two is stephen fry.
>I am 25 straight 6'3'' and handsome plus i can hold a conversation with anyone, my dad has a silver tongue as well, so i could get it from him.
>this man latches on to me for conversation for the majority of the evening. charisma oozes from him and i do like the guy a lot, he's a cool dude.
> this man has property all over the world and by the end of the evening he tells me he is spending the rest of the summer in France with his husband and he asked me to join him there for a few days, ive been to his house before and its beautiful its the stuff of fairy tales.
>I say I will be well up for it if my friend is up for it (his nephew)
>he tells me dont bring his nephew and to come on my own
> if i go i think i will get bummed but i might like it
>wat do
You fucking faggots seriously overcharge.
Maybe he literally wants to be your friend. Whatever you felt is probably closer to the truth.
Too bad there's not a lesbian edition of this.
Ew, pussy is gross. I'd have to charge around 10,000 USD to even touch one!
Yeah, dude, for how much would you sell you arm, for example? I guess way more than people actually pay for it. I don't want to do such services, so of course I'm overcharging. If I'm doing it I must get paid well at least.
50 BTC
That probably won't happen - even if it was going to you'd have time to opt out.
Just go you faggot it seems like a great trip which you'd regret missing out on.
t. Britbong
letting me bottom
There are more faggots on biz than I originally thought. A lot more. I've made it 33 years without coming close to doing faggy. I'm proud of that since the entire world seems more queer than previous decades. Back to fucking men for money. My man pussy deserves 7 figures. If I got a milly plus, I'd fuck you better than Jessie Jane.
How much XMR do I need for some rich fat hairy fuck to throw cash for my body
>I'm proud of that
You say it like it was not easy for you, tho
There was a craigslist ad where they said they would pay to lick your feet for £25/hr - did consider desu