What are the primary factors behind school shooters in America? What patterns are noticable about the kids who commit these shootings, if any?
What are the primary factors behind school shooters in America...
Other urls found in this thread:
>social isolation or loneliness
>above-average intelligence
>lack of empathy; often set fires and abuse animals
Weirdness and creepyness
>media makes the shooter popular and known
>puts the image everywhere
>Becomes an inspiration for others
>>social isolation or loneliness
enough with this meme
dylan and eric were actually almost normalfag-tier, they had a wider circle of friends, and even had prom dates.
I'm actually kind of interested in the Columbine shooting.
Too bad it's too recent for this board.
good thing that neither the post you replied to nor the OP who created a thread specifically mentioned columbine then
however you would have to be absolutely ignorant on columbine to claim there was no bullying or ostracization going on there. you may as well be blaming Doom with how out of touch that argument is
we even have video evidence, look up this clip on youtube
> Columbine - Brooks Brown describes bullying at Columbine
american school culture to this day continues torturing introverted, meek, lonely men and driving them to death. these absolute gutter-tier trash kids with no friends and female attention for their entire lives don't go on school shootings, they just kill themselves, drop out, and end up on /r9k/. every single school in america places more importance on the star quarterback than the chess club star. it's just what the greater culture is and how the symptoms boil down.
training to kill, planning to kill, and killing is indeed normalfag behavior. of course. the virginia tech shooter sure as fuck wasn't a chad, though.
white boys couldn't handle societal pressure and got mad
Columbine was a Jewish blood sacrifice
institutional discrimination in favor of girls
gun free zones
in no order
I guess it's just the American Way
The primary reason is that students and teachers are not allowed to carry guns in schools.
cointelproby literally mentally retarded agent provocoteurs setting up every last one of them for hygelian synthesis to totalitarian centralised government
>hurr columbine wasn't mentioned
Let's just ignore the Columbine picture then.
hahaha you're a faggot
Are you fucking stupid the introverted meme is a meme that needs to die, no not all of the people who shoot up places are all introverts or were victims of abuse. Its conduct disorder mixed with a consumerist and alienating culture mixed in with compulsory schooling.
That is the gist of all the shooters, not all of them are this meek lonely nerd archetype
Christ. It really is our culture.
>Americans can just have small shooting incidents meanwhile euromutts start entire blood feuds and wars
Merican supremacy
u have egocentrism and are on auto pilot talking at yourself its glorious
argumentum ad populum is a logical falacy
freedom aint free
so you're one of those people that just make shit up and focus solely on that instead of the actual subject huh
where did i say there was no picture of columbine present?
do you seriously not understanding the difference between the sentences
> What are the primary factors behind school shooters in America?
and another retard who refuses to actually read something and respond to it like an adult without losing his shit
where did i say all of the people who shoot up places are introverts?
i literally said the exact opposite of that in my very last paragraph. idiot
>however you would have to be absolutely ignorant on columbine to claim there was no bullying or ostracization going on there. you may as well be blaming Doom with how out of touch that argument is
>american school culture to this day continues torturing introverted, meek, lonely men and driving them to death.
> every single school in america places more importance on the star quarterback than the chess club star. it's just what the greater culture is and how the symptoms boil down.
This is just not true. Elliot Rodgers was the son of an upper class jewish hollywood producer and and a woman from Vietnam, he had Aspergers but was otherwise normal were it not for being put on anti-anxiety medicine. The Colmbine Shooters were actually bullies themselves and were extroverted as fuck. Neither of them were meek, hell they Kleibold had a gf and Harris probably banged some thot as well. If you really want to find some startling correlation you will find that drugs and sheer genetics is what leads to the shootings combined with a macho american culture.
>The way they were raised
>not many friends
>not fitting in
>anger issues
And here we are discussing it regardless
were you bullied in high school user?
Most school shooters shoot at school because its full of normies whose lives actually matter. Their reasons vary widely and I think there is little overlap between their motives.
that has more to do with conflict between settlers and natives.
meant greencastle. either way has more to do with indian-war-type-shit than anything else
Perhaps, but school shootings are fairly unique to America.
This plus possible MKultra
>what's the pattern
That's the problem. There isn't a significant enough pattern, or everyone's missing it.
Every fucking psychology prof has his or her own theory. You can see the general parts of loneliness, other mental illnesses and family history/life, society, drug use, and 6 million other things. But there's no clear information on why a few kids go shooter while most with similar problems don't.
Remember: Shootings are a statistical anomaly.
>T. Kid who sat alone in the lunchroom.
>institutional discrimination in favor of girls
can you be more specific? My high school was always harder on the girls. All the fucked up niggerdom I did got written off as "boys will be boys" etc.
Maybe it is just because i'm not an ugly fat sperg though
>can you be more specific? My high school was always harder on the girls. All the fucked up niggerdom I did got written off as "boys will be boys" etc.
School =/= workforce. Where i came from girls got off the hook 90% of the time while men had to deal with their actions.
>What are the primary factors behind school shooters in America?
It's a mystery...
Cus Americans have guns coming out of the demon hole. No other Western country is as well armed with the possible exception of Switzerland.
Anyone who was towards the bottom of the social ladder in school knows
millions of kids are on the bottom of the social ladder though- yet maybe 1% actually take the next step and hurt other people.
The CIA.
they were all manipulating into doing it by entities/ individuals unknown to the public. Who probably reached harris and kelbold through the jewish community as both of them were jews
>What patterns are noticable about the kids
They're Amerilards.
I'm pretty sure they are just the modern equivalent of the waylaying bandit from yore who rapes, robs and murders passersby.
>no shootings before the popularization of antidepressant prescriptions for youths
Really makes you think
>normie lives matter
>No shootings before the suburban sprawl
Really makes you think