>Halvening in a 2 days
>Solid dev team
>Listed on Bittrex
>Low cap (rank 150 on CMC)
>Huge breakout potential
This is almost a gaurenteed 100+% gain in a couple days
Don’t believe me? Watch this video: youtu.be
>Halvening in a 2 days
>Solid dev team
>Listed on Bittrex
>Low cap (rank 150 on CMC)
>Huge breakout potential
This is almost a gaurenteed 100+% gain in a couple days
Don’t believe me? Watch this video: youtu.be
Thanks, just got 100k
>Solid dev team
name the devs and why they are so good, you faggot.
Damn I must’ve missed that Aaron Ag video. He made a video about DGB when it was still under 100sat which is quite impressive.
Will probably drop 1-2BTC into this.
Sage. Stop posting about it here.
Their main dev graduated from Oxford and developed the neoscrypt algo. Chris Ellis was also involved from early on.
I’ve been accumulating this bad boy since the beginning of this year. I have a feeling that’s it’s gonna explode soon.
Hmm, told myself I would stop falling for PnD’s but this actually looks pretty legit.
Thanks for the heads up OP. One of the few coins that haven’t actually been pumped on trex yet.
Feathercoin is dead coin
Older blockchains have a lot of potential imo. They have stood the true test of time.
Feathercoin is essentially an improved LTC, a coin which is being pumped for absolutely no logical reason right now. Current prices are def undervalued.
Looks like it has some solid fundamentals and the price isn’t being manipulated so that’s a plus.
Been mining the shit out of this coin for a while now.
The halvening will assuredly increase the value, so buy in while you can.
Went ahead and just bought some. Will hodl until at least 2x
Lmao finally someone posts about an under-the-radar coin that’s not a blatant scam. Been sitting on a comfy stash of FTC for a couple days now :)
Threw some shekels into this right after I saw that Aaron Ag video. Patiently waiting for the moon now.
Same here. I’m gonna be laughing my way to the bank when everyone on Veeky Forums gets rekt by LTC in a few days.
Me too. One of my biggest altocoin bags atm
i made a thread about this two weeks ago and literally no one replied.
btw you're all too late. this shit will get dumped. if you're buying now you're going to lose money.
FTC still has a ton of room to grow. Once the block rewards are cut in half this thing is gonna moon hard..
You sold way too early bruh
Holy shit the volume for this coin is insane on the chink exchanges. Price is somehow higher there than on Bittrex too. Only a matter of time before Bittrex catches up
Kek every single coin that dude makes a video about moons within days. This is gonna be an EASY winner
Just looked at the chart and it seems like it shows super healthy growth. Bought a decent amount just to see where it takes me.
1 year chart looking nice~~
Expecting an ATH soon
where in my post did i say i sold?
i'm just saying this coin has a lot of whales behind it, they're going to dump. you're taking a risk buying now when most of you had never even heard of this coin twelve hours ago. but that's like everything on this fucking site, newfags think every coin is going to "moon" 100x because they've only been trading for two weeks. and if you caution them it's FUD. whatever, enjoy your bags.
This coin honestly deserves at least a top 50-80 market cap. So many shitcoins higher than it right now
The whales will not even think of dumping this until they have made a solid profit. It hasn’t even gone much higher than its ATL...
What are you talking about? This coin hasn’t even been pumped at all yet.
Holy shit it’s actually starting to take off now. Thank god I bought during the slight dip.
when was the last time a non absolute shit coin went >50%?
i am analyzing feathercoin to see how monacoin's market will behave during its halving in 7 days.
monacoin beats feathercoin in every aspect tho so yea.
Nice just bought 100k
Mona is overvalued IMO. Memcoins like mona and doge don’t have much long term potential
>shilling feathercoin
>memecoins have no long term potential
Feathercoin isn’t a memecoin. It competes directly with Litecoin.
Basically a lighter litecoin
What timeframe are we talking?
it halves in a day and half. it will dump after that. probably tomorrow. you all should have bought in a while ago. ftc is one of the oldest coins and could have competed with btc and ltc but at this point it's a long term hold for old whales who've been in the game for a while. if you think this is going to moon you're wrong, it might grow organically over the next year, it might also die along with 99% of alt coins. it's a toss up. i personally have a lot from a long term hold but i don't like these kinds of threads. every time one of my holds is posted on biz it immediately shits the bed.
Oh look its another "why haven't you bought..." post. The shilling here is worse than twitter now
ftc pls