Pssshh . . . nothin' personal, yankee

>Pssshh . . . nothin' personal, yankee . . .

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>the south likes John Wilkes Booth

When will this yankee meme end? Lincoln was going to send back the niggers.

>wait a minute that painting...

Straight out of bioshock infinite

Jesus that art is horrible. It looks like a poorly done photo bash

I've Got A Secret with the last eyewitness of the Lincoln assassination. The dude was a 5 year old boy at the time. It's crazy to hear him describe it.

>pretending like there's something glorious about shooting an unsuspecting politician in the back of the head

Dixie incineration best day of my life.

>this meme again

It was in the background of a level in Bioshock: Infinite where you're in the headquarters of a KKK-type organization that reveres reveres Booth for killing Lincoln.

REMOVE CLAM CHOWDER you are worst yankee. you are the yankee idiot you are the yankee smell. return to new england. to our pennsylvania cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,west virginia we will never forgeve you. hillbilly rascal FUck but fuck asshole yankee stink union kansas shmansas..battle of fredericksburg best day of my life. take a bath of dead yankee..ahahahahahBOSTON WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget john wilkes booth.fords theater we kill the king , dc return to your precious maryland….hahahahaha idiot yankee and catholic smell so i can smell it. REMOVE CHOWDER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. south carolina+virginia+texas+georgia=kill union…you will war of northern aggression/ dale earnhardt alive in dixie, earnhardt racing cars in dixie . fast driver earnhardt dixie. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of dale earnhardt… you are ppoor stink yankee… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a crab shack

dale earnhardt alive numbr one #1 in dixie ….fuck the north ,..FUCKk ashol yankees no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. earnhardt aliv and real strong wizard kill all the yankee farm aminal with car magic now we the south rise again .kenya presidant barak obama fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and union wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. confederacy greattst countrey


>tfw dixies can only rage impotently online cause they lost the war and they can never change that

>this meme again

I like Lincoln, but the south based their opinion on what he DID, not what he WOULD'VE done.

It's all for the bantz m8


*rapes sister*
*loses war*
*does meth*
*has heart attack*

>Lincoln would've sent the nogs back
>Dixiefags still getting butthurt over "muh violation of states rights"
>The United States now has a permanent nigger infestation because hicks couldn't part with their outdated farm equipment

Reminder that they deserved it.


>when uncle billy is coming to save you but he cuts supply lines, stops prisoner exchanges, and marches past you to Savannah instead

>samefag for all the posts I disagree with

Atleast three of them are the same person, and that person is you


Maybe they shouldn't have fucking shot him then.

God, that game was awful.

Enjoy being swarmed with crime, child sacrifice, and AIDS. Strange that the American south is the last bastion of christian freedom and morality. Huh really activates my almonds.

>Enjoy being having your women raped and being most likely to be subject to nuclear disaster and pandemic.

True Christianity is Catholicism, not your disgusting Baptism

>Enjoy being swarmed with crime, child sacrifice, and AIDS
>literally all things the south is rife with

Southerners are far worse than Northerners, even worse than the fucking Californians I've dealt with

>Gets angry at south for having black people
>Releases slaves from bondage
>Gives slaves rights
>Allows slaves to vote
>Forces integration into schools and communities
>Forms associations paying for negros to have housing and college
>Forces buisnesses to hire specific quotas of blacks
>Then blames south instead of taking responsibility of ruining a perfectly running agricultural system.

Fucking yankee logic astounds me every time.

This, Southerners aren't even the tame breed of Calvinists nowadays, they're a bunch of prosperity Gospel-type turbo heretics.

>perfectly running

Im sure they were Stephan, probably told you to find jesus and get a job right? or to stop riding your cuck-cycle in the middle of the road?

>tfw southern catholic
The pope and me will kick your yankee ass yhear? You're going back to Andersonville you citydwelling motherfucker.

>tfw I mistook davis for washington
>tfw they could both be the angel figure

>People who follow the advice of a pope who licks refugee feet and theads his heretic communist tongue between their toes calling others heretics.
Wew lad.

Buttblasted Souherners: The Thread

Baptism is distilled autism

>Yankees voting for abortion
>Yankees voting for migrants
>Yankees voting for faggots getting married
>Yankees voting against 2nd ammendmnet
>Yankees voting for BLM
>Yankees voting LBGT rights
>Yankees abusing farmers rights (NY im looking at you)
>Yankees voting DEM EVERY TIME

You can keep your degenerate Babylon filled with disease and sin.

>even with this the south is the poor, disease-ridden, obese shithole of the nation

t. catholic
Listen I know you guys dont actually read your bible, but at least understand the covenant you are suppose to be part of.

>muh bible
it's like you're trying to fit the stereotypes

>Preferring faggots cumming all over each other to diabetes

Huh rly makes u think..

Ending the war of Northern Aggression painlessly

>catholics shaming people for actually understanding their religion.

Boy you are not really presenting your religious position well. I swear ever since VAT 2 you people have just gotten worse and worse. At least SSPX are still around.

I'd prefer that to three quarters of my population not being able to see their toes

>"if I memorize my bible verses ill go to heaven11!!!"
Fucking kys baptist cuckold

>my retard brain reading a bible once when i was high on meth > two millenia of scholars actively interpreting the bible and the traditions of the religion

Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland are among the top 5 to 10 rankings in education, affluence, household income, and economic growth typically since the mid-20th century user.

The northern parts of the south that have more economically, culturally, and demographically in common with the north

>I N F A L I B L E
Your pope is a cuck and a leftist puppet

It doesn't matter what geographic part of the South they are, user. The point is those three are all Southern states. Hell, over a third of the top 20 richest counties in the Union are in Virginia alone. Yeah, Virginia is also the most developed Southern state since before the Civil War and already was leading more toward manufacturing and industrial change but the point remains, its a southern state and its highly successful.

>two millennia of scholars actively interpreting the bible
This is why we needed the reformation. Christians are supposed to follow the word of God, not man.

And the point remains that the south, as a whole, is utter shit

>my retarded reading of verses that i have no understanding of is better than all the theologians who have come before me

Just like you hahaha

What do you mean "culturally"? I'm from NoVA and while we and Virginia Beach areas are typically more moderate or centralist with progressive being a major thing here, we're still a Southern/Dixie state.

You can say cultural ties between the North and South mix and blend together in VA/MD/DC metropolitan area but they aren't MORE toward the North.

How can the South as whole be utter shit? Do you also want to ignore that most of active and reserve duty soldiers in the US military are mid-Westerners and Southerners?


>"bro you just gotta follow gods word man!"
Implicitly you're doing the same thing as the theologians when you read the Bible, they're just not a sisterfucking meth addict like you so it's better and more thought out. Don't even bother replying btw, you're just gonna end up being objectively wrong like you retarded proddies always are.

>How can the South as whole be utter shit
poor, diseased, shitty economy, annoying culture, autistic religion, really nothing positive

Spics and niggers are 80% of that

white southerners literally have lower iqs than white northerners

Is Jesus' message so complicated that only the elites can understand it? Do you expect me to believe that the creator no longer possesses the ability to speak to people like he did in the past? Do you truly believe in God? Or are you just clinging onto empty traditions.

you probably think Jesus's message is "love ;)"

I don't agree. Especially culturally I'd like to say the South is superior to the North though I admit I'm a little biased here. People take things at a slower pace, tend to be more informal and friendly, community bonds and familial connections are also typically stronger down here then compared to in the North.

Can't be a shitty economy when VA and MD exist. Also if Texas counts, that also represents a huge part of the economy.

>annoying culture
>autistic religion
There is no universal singular religion in the South, also subjective.
Well yeah mainly due to severity of it in states like Mississippi which is among the very worst which skews the whole thing further. Look at West Virginia, its technically not a Southern state, has among the the Union some of the highest rates of suicide, lowest incomes and was a break away state formed when VA went to secede with the rest of the CSA.

>implying i dont read both but refer back to the bible
How many idols have you prayed to today?

Reminder the South as in the Southeast is the most populated part/region of the US.

Jesus's message was that he is the son of God, and the only way to heaven is through him. You would understand this if you were actually allowed to read the bible.

The northern states are still richer and more (((industrialised))), sorry we cant all be elite private school fuccbois

Its not 1690 anymore, dude.

>proddiefags are SO retarded that they ACTUALLY can't grasp the fact that religious iconography is symbolic

>People take things at a slower pace, tend to be more informal and friendly, community bonds and familial connections are also typically stronger down here then compared to in the North
none of this has been my experience, southerners are loud, obnoxious, and don't respect others
>Can't be a shitty economy when VA and MD exist. Also if Texas counts, that also represents a huge part of the economy
It's still poor against it's population size
>There is no universal singular religion in the South, also subjective.
read the baptists' posts itt and tell me this isn't a bastardization of Christianity
higher rates of all sorts of diseases

Sorry you're literally retards

Your antecedal experiences aren't anymore valid then mine, user. The rest of your post is nonsensical and I'm not even going to bother even replying to it.

>even worse than the fucking Californians I've dealt with

Well then. I'll accept second worst. We're just happy to not be considered #1 worst.

cool, you admit defeat

>do not pray to idols
>well I mean it's okay to pray to SOME idols, it's symbolic
>ignore the South American Catholics offering sacrifices to the saints, not all Catholics are Catholic ya know

>d-don't you dare claim that protestants don't have good theology!

I don't, you repeating subjective claims doesn't make your argument valid, user.


Oh wow, it's been a long fucking time since I've seen that pasta. And none of these newfags recognized it.

Why are New England accents so fucking disgusting and nasal sounding?

Kierkegaard > literally every theologian and philosopher produced by either Catholicism or Orthodoxy

Kierkegaard hated the phoniness of the protestant churches

That's fair, many of them are awful. But he was none the less a protestant theologian.

What's he reaching for?

Wait a minute, that card

Handle the bantz m80
Symbolism is the only thing you have left since the proddies btfoed you, even the papacy has become a husk


technically the first main-stream Christian Church was Greek Orthodox, I believe, founded by Emperor Constantine in the Eastern Roman Empire.

The Roman Catholics were a competing offshoot who managed to play politics better in the long run.

Also, King Richard was a fucking idiot.

*sigh* Obligatory

Vá se foder, macaco

Posting the "strategy genius" who could only win fights against women and children and who was routinely BTFO when he had to fight another army. What a paragon of real American chivalry.

>posting reddit image macros


Do it again Uncle Billy!

I wonder what he'd think about the modern international pedophile ring that you worship.

When you kill the executive head of a country but still lose

They lost before Lincoln was killed you dolt.

>He could only win fights against women an children

But enough about the Confederate army. Hey-Oh!