Say something nice about them

Say something nice about them

They're all dead.

They were friends with Golden Boy Bukharin.


> stalin
> dead

pol pot would have only killed half of them

the ones who wore glasses would have been goners

Won the civil war.

Retook most of the territory lost to Germany.

Stabilised the country, and stopped it from falling apart completely.

No small feat, any one of these.

They honestly thought they were changing the world for the better in the early years. I don't believe it was just a cynical power grab.

They all have pristine semitic features.

They objectively were a massive improvement over the Tsarist regime.

Peace, land and bread. kek

Very Jewish bunch of boys, good boys.

>you will never live in the timeline in which bukharin replaces lenin

27 members

8 were Jewish

>"I asked the taxi cab driver, who was driving me over the bridge, overlooking Moscow, how it felt to be now living in a new Communist Russia. I was visiting for the British press at the time and was meeting another journalist there; and he said "Look, my friend. It's all for us now! We, together, own all of the Russia's."
circa. 1920


That's genuinely sad.

Pic related were the more twisted mother fuckers

Good goys some of those boys

>Win WW2.
>Establish a global network of Communist states across like half the planet.
>Transform an agricultural backwater into an industrial superpower.
>Can into space.

Can someone explain why the fuck did molotov love stalin even though he knew he was about to get killed?

>kill millions of ethnic Russians, Ukranians
>violently suppress national culture and religion
>everyone is hungry
>"hey, at least there's no more aristocrats to exploit the peasants!" says the commissar over a serving of fine caviar in his well furnished Moscow apartment

>destroy the notion of communism forever, kills millions, provokes an existential crisis in the left that leads to postmodernism, destroys the world's faith in humanism and reason, destroys every attempt at socialism

>lev mehklis

Lev was a nutty Jew. During fighting in the Crimea he was the only Central Committee member to lead from the front, driving around on the frontlines and avoiding sniper fire. When the Soviets launched a particularly counter-attack on the German lines he led it himself

Manstein said that despite being a Jew and a Commissar he would not have him executed due to the battlefield bravery he displayed in the Crimea.

It was some weird Stockholm syndrome shit.

Molotov definitely avoided the bullet when Stalin died in 1953 (so did all his disciples except maybe Viktor Abukumov who was likely to be their executioner) but bitterly opposed Khruschev's attempts at de-stalinization and said the legacy of Stalin was being besmirched. He was unapologetic in his later days and constantly praising Stalin till his death in the late 80s.

>Stalin is responsible for the incompetence of the Brezhnev administration.

What does this have to do with Jews? You said they were a Jewish bunch of boys and I said 8 of them were Jews.

I mean, Hitler called the freezing, starving soldiers at Stalingrad cowards for surrendering. Himmler criticized the SS for not being able to kill civilians fast enough when he was so squeamish he fainted when he witnessed a single execution. Welcome to the world of out of touch dictators.

Not to mention like 80,000 Jews died in the Holodomor

You've gone full psychopath. You're about to cross the last line and lose what humanity you have left. You're about to kill the golden boy.
He writes you:
>Koba, why do you need me to die?
What do you do?

laugh and keep the letter.

Seriously though it was one of the 3 letters Stalin kept in his desk at the time of his death. Few people really know why he kept it though. Did he get satisfaction reading it over and over? Or was it regret?

The other letters were one from Lenin saying he should apologize for insulting his wife and the one from Tito saying to stop sending assassins

The Tito one was definitely kept so Joe would remember to kill that motha fucker

for hotgluing purposes

they are literally ALL Jewish. every name I look up it says "secular Jewish family"

ya oops'd

Odd considering the actual Jewish population of Russia.

Bukharin was against collectivization.

False. I looked up that guy Sergo and that guy Timofei, neither seem to be jews.

What? Molotov died in the 80s, and he was a Stalin-boo till the very end.

They're not nazi germans.

They are dead.

Dedz elles ugunīs Rudzutaks tu lops

Stalin was planning to kill him.

what is with this mix of jews and bohemian revolutionary gentiles?

Why do they have such hatred for the societies and cultures they grew up in? I never understood it.

Literally cant

funny russian memes likely wouldn't have been born if it wasn't for them


>kill millions

Yet the population boomed to an extent it never had despite losing 27 million people in a genocidal invasion and the average person had a huge upgrade in both life expectancy and standard of living. Infant mortality also dropped. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years in 1900. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years.

Imperial Russia was so fucking poor and mismanaged that the average food intake of a peasant in 1910 was on par with standard gulag rations in 1930.

>everyone is hungry

Objectively untrue. Deaths due to starvation plummeted under the Communists while life expectancy drastically rose. Famines that killed millions were a regular thing under the Tsars, the Communists had two and thathat's was it.

No zukhov?

Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Dzerzhinsky (father's side), Kamnev, Radek, (probably) Krestinsky were all Jewish, the second row while holding some higher bureaucratic office did not hold near the power of the top row.

Anyone have a good suggestion for a balanced biography on stalin?

they're all dead

They had a habit of killing themselves.

8 of the 30 are Jews

27 members and you just listed 7 jews

Dzerzhinsky wasn't Jewish anyway he was a Polish aristocrat

It's pretty fucking difficult to be balanced with Stalin
However, I really like in the court of the red tsar, although the author does fucking hate Stalin and communists in general.

some of them are good guys

You mean 11 key members and a bunch of low level bureaucrats.

I'd like to see this refuted.