Choose the comfiest Roman province to rule over.
Choose the comfiest Roman province to rule over
Egypt. It was rich province far enough away from the borders
Id take Achaia
Cultured as hell but a bit of backwater so no one bothers you
roman britain
isolated from the rest of the empire so you're given plenty of leeway from the emperor and his men
Lusitania. I won't be hearing from any barbars any time soon.
shotgun jutland
except roman britain probably saw the most gruesome and savage rebellion of all provinces, Boudica and the Iceni
any town/settlement that was founded by romans in britain was completely razed, with the main objective of killing literally anyone and everyone they could find
I'd say Egypt, one of the wealthiest and stable provinces in general
syria and stomping persian neck would also be fun
Egypt. The richest and most developed province of the empire by far and far away from the war zones.
>most gruesome and savage rebellion of all provinces
>not the judea revolts
Any province that wasn't on the frontier, probably.
fair enough 2bh
Egypt weather is extremelly hot and the place was overpopulated by ancient standards. Probably the comfiest one was Baetica. Most Romans retired there and the weather was pretty smoth throughout the year with tons of sun hours
Narbonessis. Basically Toussant minus the medieval shit.
I want to jump on the Egypt band wagon but... I'm a ginge and the sun hurts me :^(
This or Sicily.
I don't know much abour Roman history but Hispania sounds good.
>One rebellion than was put down with one legion.
Yeah savage indeed.
It's like you didn't read about the Celt-Iberian fire wars or the Judea uprising, or even the Germanic ones.
I'm claiming the Provincia Corsica et Sardinia.
For the babes, mostly.
Good choice, it's Brittany first and then Regnum Bospori (Crimea) for me.
>Nobody realizes the correct answer is Aquitainia.
You know what, yeah, I'm changing my answer; give me Armorica in Gallia Lugdunensis, and I'll be a happy man.
Good luck with Arius.
Asia definitely, I would have a comfy villa on Rhodes.
Cyprus. It is comfy.
because nobody cares about you, shithead
Syria, best landscape, weather and relatively stable.
Did these provinces have unique flags/symbols to differentiate from one another?
Achaia was probably best for comfyness.
>living next to powerful, indestructible, savage drug addicts
I like you.
>drug addicts
Huh, fridge horror.
Aegyptus objectively
> Gallia Narbonensis
I would spend my time hiking around my little province like Hadrian around his Empire.
>spend half your tenure quelling constant riots in Alexandria
>spend the other half worrying yourself sick over whether you'll be killed at the end for embezzlement or bribery due to holding the single most politically dangerous job in roman bureaucracy
Whew lad.
Britannia, I'd try to make the economy and the army independent from Rome and central control, bringing it slowly under my personal grasp, then maybe declaring independence in turmoil times
Britannia or Lusitania.
Taraconensis! Stir up my gallaeci brothers
Africa Proconsularis was rather quiet until the vandals came and after them the sandniggers
>Britannia, I'd try to make the economy and the army independent from Rome and central control, bringing it slowly under my personal grasp, then maybe declaring independence in turmoil times
This is just autism.Anglo autism to be more precisse
Why are the provinces between Italia and Narbonensis so small?
you are everything that was wrong with Rome
Oops, i meant this guy
For a good life, Narbonensis is objectively the right answer
>Rich and peaceful, requiring little actual administration
>Full of cultured Greeks
>Not full of tourists like actual Graecia
>Also plenty of true Romans
>Warm Mediterranean climate
>Coastal, and close to Roma by ship
>Delicious food and very good wine country
>No barbarians to deal with other than the occasional alpine primitive
>Not large or strategic enough to become a major battleground in a rebellion
Nowhere is as comfy and out-of-the-way, where you don't need to worry about slave revolts or Germanics, and can spend your days conversing with learned men in Massalia, sitting in trees' warm shade on your whine-producing villa overlooking the sea, exploring and hunting in the beautiful mountains and forests along the Rhodanus, and going to dinner parties with fat merchants and hearing all the news and gossip from Roma without having to wait weeks.
I`ll build great wall near Perekop, so whole crimea would be safe, perfect place for trade with china, nomads and roman empire
I'm not even british, and I live in Italy you cunt
What was right*
You see, Rome died because people wanted to control a too large chunk of earth, that's why Rome fell, you couldn't control all the land and all the people Rome had with that technology, It would be better if some ruler of Britannia declared independence from Rome and then he would proceed to defend his throne and people
Thanks cunt
Because they were basically diplovassallized kingdoms. They accepted roman suzereinty their kings became hereditary governor/prefects of the provinces.
Ruined Carthage.
It is not. Ever been? It a hard place even now.
>and I live in Italy you cunt
So you are a boat nigger? No one that has been to Britain would like to live there
Why was Narbonensis full of cultured Greeks?Also the climate was way more template back then.So Baetica,Epirus and Achaia seem better choices
Probably Narbonensis or tarraconensis
rich and powerful enough without smelly barbarians breathing down your neck and close to Italy
Dalmatia for sure. It would be like being on a vacation all the time. Diocletians palace still stands there to this day.
Asia. There was literally nothing that could go wrong. The most serious issues were cities building massive bath houses and bankrupting themselves in an effort to out-compete all of the other cities and shitter shatter them.
>not wanting your own comfy little island close to the fleshpots of the East and Rome itself
Italia pls
Because of Massalia
>AD 125
>Wanting city ruins and salted fields.
>Why was Narbonensis full of cultured Greeks?
Because it was originally settled by Greeks, Massalia being one of the most important trading cities in the Mediterranean.
>Also the climate was way more template back then.So Baetica,Epirus and Achaia seem better choices
It was still very warm and had rich farmland along the coast and all up the Rhone valley.
>ruling Egypt
Plebeians detected
This thread is for senatorial rank only
Guess I'll take Africa Proconsularis
Either Lusitania or Narbonensis. Both fairly wealthy and peaceful, but you're still not too likely to get shanked by someone who wants your job.
>salted fields
Yes, great choice. This region would have been rather comfortable to rule over, compared to most other provinces, particularly border ones, up until the 400s AD, when the barbarian invasions really came full swing. Dalmatia was the last legitimate Western Roman Empire province, though, lasting until 480 AD, upon Julius Nepos' assassination. Then, you had Syagrius and his lands in northern Gallia, which lasted until 486 before annexation by the Frankish Kingdom, yet he did not appear to ever be regarded as Emperor, but Magister Militum.