Trianon = utterly unjustifiable act of anti-magyarizm.
Trianon = utterly unjustifiable act of anti-magyarizm
Vae victis.
>Hungary to Austria: m-m-muh nation!
>Habsburgs: fine, here, dual monarchy. Enjoy your fuckingselves.
>Croats & Others: Whoa, what about us?
Everyone wants a nation-state, until the minority's minorities want one too.
Vienna Awards = utterly unjustifiable acts of magyar imperialism.
Most of those Walachian areas were sparsely populated. Most of the cities and towns were Magyar.
And most of the countryside wasn't, so what's your point? If anything, they should've done population exchanges, like Greece and Turkey did at the time, that would've solved the problem.
This desu
when people look at ethnics map they often forget that population density can vary wildly.
A small patch of urban area can harbour more people than the ten times larger countryside it is surrounded by.
However in case of different ethnicites, this makes drawing new borders only harder.
>this map
actual bs
also this is post-magyarization which changed the ethnic make up of cities dramatically
trianon is one of the most just treaties in history
anybody who disgarees with this is retarded
hungarian elite thought they could get away with baisically genocide and chauvinism without any repercussions and they got fucked
doesn’t happen a lot in history
plus in the end everybody got what they wanted:
minorities were freed from the prison of nations and hungarians got an ethnic state
WTF I hate Trianon now
>Indep. Nigger State
I somehow believe many in the US would be ok with this.
>indep nigger states
That's all fine and dandy, but I can see the same logic applied to the Mexican losses of 1848.
Anybody can say losing land is an injustice for him.
That's how wars are, some lose, others win.
Hungary was a 1000 year old state. Not some New world nation.
That Hungary wasn't a nation state, user.
These borders were justifiable, but Hungary had no right in keeping all Trianon lands. That's just pure imperialism.
Is it me, or this suggest that Slovaks are niggers?
How autistically minuet are going to get when it comes to people sharing a country that it's "imperialism?" Not that imperialism is even a bad thing.
>Not that imperialism is even a bad thing.
But when Hungary's involved, it definitely is. You do realize that Hungary's treatment of its minorities was even worse than the Austrians, right? While the rest of the empire starved in WW1, Hungary horded food for the ethnic Magyars. It got so bad that Austria even had to import food from Germany.
>You do realize that Hungary's treatment of its minorities was even worse than the Austrians, right?
Wow it's nothing.
>tfw you realize the Magyars were the bad guys all along
When Austria's comparatively good treatment of ethnic minorities was more than enough to foment nationalistic independence movements, it's dishonest to say that the Hungarians were any better or that they somehow didn't deserve similar nationalistic secessions.
Honestly we should just give them Alabama and Mississippi. Then they wouldn't have to deal with racism.
a slight error on his part sure, but a moot point anyways as the hungarians did not want an independent state anyways. just wanted to be a "nation"(of their definition only) within a state - the austro-hungarian empire. best of both worlds for them.
>muh Hungarian millennium
1526-1867 that "state" was a Habsburg dominion
1541-1686 the center was a Turkish pashaluk
>hungarian elite thought they could get away with baisically genocide
>plus in the end everybody got what they wanted
several million hungarians were left outside their territory, yugoslavia had its own ethnic problems from the beginning, so did czechoslovakia. all trianon did was change one set of ethnic tensions for another.
>1526-1867 that "state" was a Habsburg dominion
a dominion which had de facto autonomy from the austrian and bohemian lands that the habsburgs ruled. historically, the habsburgs failed to exert power over the hungarians, not for lack of trying.
OP is right, Trianon was very unfair.
Kek. 100 years later you faggots are still butthurt.
>What is the Hun-Croat settlement of 1868?
Map of Cluj from around 1910. Large dots 1000, small dots 100 people.
Austria = Great Britain
Czechoslovakia = Japan
Yugoslavia = Mexico
Romania = Indep. Nigger State
>not even accurate
Easy on the memes there
Which are romanians, and which are magyars?
Bozgors had it coming for single-handedly ruining the Habsburg state
Nothin personnel ,kid.