Name your trading Style.
Anons please, what kind of cryptocurrency trading style u preffer? Short term trading (daily trading) or long term trading?
Name your trading Style.
Anons please, what kind of cryptocurrency trading style u preffer? Short term trading (daily trading) or long term trading?
Buy 100k.
ive doubled my money hodling.
ive lost 50% of my profits trading bc TA doesn't work on imaginary money
HODL for life
TA doesn't work on anything.
Well you're obviously doing it wrong, because if you would do the opposite you would have a winning strategy. Unless TA is 50/50 and you're getting rekt by variance.
But don't apply it to low market cap coins
what is TA?
shitcoins are for daytrading, goodcoins are for hodling
I call my style ignorant and I have so far only given myself wrong with it.
Buy high sell low.
I'm not a poorfag so I just buy and hold
Long term trading.
that is the main dif between long term and short term i guess, your capital and perspectives on business.
technical analysis...when u analyze the charts and try to predict if it will grow or if it will go down
Day trading.
Buying and holding cryptos and hoping for the 'moon' is gambling.
Exploiting predictable market reactions is not.
how did you learn to exploit predictable market reactions?
thanks bro.
good question!
how to aply the TA to this market???
Medieval Systems trading. Works pretty well in the modern days and crypto. Gotta thank medieval aristocrat Marcus Florenci for writing a book on it.
what are some of the key points?
I invest $5, panic when it doesn't moon in 3 minutes and sell to the lowest bidder.
Repeat until life savings are gone ($125).
Buy low, sell high. Works if the coin is solid. Except in the case of NMR where you think you buy low, but it wasn't low. Thanks NMR, for fucking me over.
But generally this strategy works :)
HODL bitcoin. Up about 100x so far on my ~$1000, hard to measure because some of my paycheck is in BTC and sometimes it's given to me for oddjobs.
Consistently lost money daytrading, I only do it with money I've earmarked to lose, so it's fine. Discovered lending on Polo. You can lend at like 15-20x APR, it's insane, and you don't need to monitor it or worry. Saves stress, saves time, big multiplier.
solid coins at the moment with good room for growth?
they all now in red :-(
How safe is it? How sure are you to get your money back?
I fudged a decimal place, it's 30%, not 17x APR. Though this varies a lot day-to-day, a few weeks ago it exceeded 40x for the better part of the day.
It's as safe as you think Polo is. Nobody is going to default, the way that their margin trading is set up, so the main risk is that you're unable to withdraw your money for 2 days at a time.
I usually either buy 100k or buy high sell low.
I know a guaranteed short term trading strategy but the catch is you barely make any money off of it.
u lose like a lot of money, dont ya?
Sprouting Bitbean heals my dying soul.
>majority in bitcoin, some money in promising shitcoins
>never listen to Veeky Forums
good thing about short term trading then.
buy high sell low
make sure to never make any profit
invest in bolivars and zimbabwe money
thanks, why in those?
so you can say you are a trillionaire
>mfw their bills have rocks on them
medium to long
about 16 cm
"Fire and forget" style of investing. Accumulate a whole lot of x, and act like you never had x. Come back y years later and your stacks are z stacks higher. Easy money, just takes time, easy.
I didn't get into crypto early so short term trading is the only sensible option for me. Long-term trading is too risky.
i cant see the problem if u have the moneis