Was Neo-Nazism a worse plague than Communism?

Was Neo-Nazism a worse plague than Communism?

Neo fascism is the only hope for Europe to maintain its cultural and genetic integrity.

As far as im aware neo nazism never has had much of a political influence in the past unlike communism which ruined the economies of half of europe and the entirity of russia.

Neo-nazis attract the scum of society.

Communism turns people into self-serving scum.

I don't think so. Neo-Nazism and white nationalism in general, has been proven to be largely impotent. Whereas communism has proven itself destructive time and time again.

>Muh economies


Im glad random words amuse you.

land of the free
home of the brave

infact pretty much the opposite of australia

Both are harmless but both are being used as a bogeyman by the Left and the Right respectively to manipulate their followers.
While Neo-Nazis is a somewhat global meme, no one gives a fuck about communists outside the US Right.

Pretty sure plenty of countries that had communists in power a few decades ago or even more recently still use communists as a swear word.

Yes, but they don't use it as a bogeyman you should be afraid of, but as a synonymous to the Russians.

well no because neo-nazi's have probably killed a couple of hundred people? maybe less, and is generally discounted and rejected by most sane people, whole communism has killed more people than heart disease and car accidents combined, and is still considered by some to be a legitimate and workable idea.

Why is Harry a skinhead?


It was rather more homo erotic.

>victims of Communism
Dead, impoverished, mutilated, oppressed

>Victims of neo-nazism
Disapointed fathers, crying mothers and a few broken noses

Which is bad for global capital thus unacceptable.

Bunch of Faggots!!!

It's more annoying and obnoxious, but literally every country on earth now has some social organ in place to ensure that it is impervious to it. Nazism and Fascism were only fashionable in the 20s and 30s, now they're unfashionable.

fucking communists ruined economical superpower called Imperial Russia in 1917

Brazil does by some people. People say things like "The flag will never be red"

lmao Brazil is literally turning into a communist state right this moment

>Communism kills millions of people
>Drug addies who LARP as nazis have killed less then 1% that communism has

Geez... I wonder which is worse.

How so? The leftist president was just ousted and the vice-president is trying to implement austerity wherever he can.
The country has been under leftist rule for 12 years and it hasn't turned not even close to Venezuela. All it had was big spending and social programs.

>Communism kills millions of people
Communism killed trillions of people you commie shit, stop trying to excuse your shitty ideology.

Neo-nazis should be systematically sterilized.

Implying there's a chance of them breeding.

Look at this, leftard being sarcastic lmao


This, Communists once ruled half of the world and lead the space race.
Neo-Nazis are a bunch of unemployed hools on welfare at best.

>imperial russia
>economical superpower

not at all since it is basically manages to be more irrelevant than the latter which is quite a feat

holy shit everything for global capital haahahahah

NEO-Nazis are pathetic jokes, not dangerous like communists were


neo nazis are LARPing inteligance agencies

you mean the ideology that killed millions under various flags and names or the dumb inbreeds who chant mean things and occasionally stab one black person

> literal jokes
> vs
> lost cause
It's retards vs autists all over again.

Communists destroyed Fascists and ruled half the world while neo-nazis are pathetic and fat beats and manbabies. You're eight. Not comparable at all.


That's the joke

Enormous growth happened in Russia under Stalin due to his 5 year plans

epic XDD!!!

60% of /pol/ will say no, and that it saved the world.

However neo-Nazism depending on the motivation, whether violent or peacful and political affiliation, can be worse than communism. That being said, it has low populatarity and lacks a base of legitimacy when it comes to politics. It's more or less ostracized. Sucks for them, if only neo nazi street gangs stop being street gangs and focused more on pursuing politics, then maybe there might be less of a threat and more of an acceptance.

Kinda irony really, they highly disapprove to an extreme extent that they hate blacks and Jews and minorities, yet they participate in similar activities and movements in the same negative ways their opponents do.

communism was "worse" than Neo-Nazism

how many neo-Nazi regimes do you know of