This is actually aesthetic
Pretty impressive considering where they are. Then again I thought dar al islam was supposed to be this big unifying force of wealth and power. Is this mosque recent or what?
>The first mosque on the site was built around the 13th century, but the current structure dates from 1907.
It's a West-African mosque, not a North African/Middle Eastern one.
Pic related: a full blown mosque
It was rebuilt by colonists though.
>a North African/Middle Eastern one.
Just remember that Islam builds tents.
>tfw Christian
>tfw you can't pray in places like these
These are some if the comfiest temples I've ever seen.
By the way, what's up with those colours? Have psychedelics been historically available to muslim architects?
That level of perception has always been there
>muslim architects?
implying all the peoples of the Middle East were converted in the first 400 years of Islam
>this picture I've found on /pol/ means that muslims have never built anything in their 1400 years long history
These posts should be banned from Veeky Forums
Pic related: a "tent"
Fucking white trash.
what happened to this type of islam with the aesthetics, art and poetry?
why is it all about wearing black and beheadings these days while the gulf nations build plastic westernized buildings?
Can't believe the thread will turn into this shit. I just wanted to talk about buildings.
>These posts should be banned from Veeky Forums
Why? You don't like reality? Muslims were Nomads who used the populations of the conquered lands to build and administer their Caliphates.
Did you think the Arabs sailed to Byzantium? No they used Christian sailors. Islam did not like converting people by force, especially people of the book.
You guys are so retarded about reality.
That's not a mosque
Some rich arab prince just built that as a palace semi-recently
Sorry habibi, I just enterd the thread and saw that image, which got me legit curious.
The first few 100 years of Islam was Nomads ruling over Civilized peoples. Once the civilized peoples became more Muslim, their civilized ways faded away.
Islam is a backward religion.
Arabs have been identity-less since the occupation of the Ottomans, apart from like Egypt, Morocco and maybe Tunisia?? All Arab countries are artificial and this has contributed to their constant regression as a people.
The Ottomans were a mistake
I'm not even religious. I think islam is shit. This was supposed to be an architecture thread. But oh well too late. /pol/ destroys another thread again. I'm out.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Just remember that superior Nordic master race architects built boats and these gorgeous houses and nothing else. Truly enlightened by the spirit of EVROPA.
Abbasids were literally Persians.
Oh look he used the meme that every /pol/ack uses after these type of exchanges.
And I am asking why the islamic world regressed from its former aesthetic architecture.
>I think islam is shit.
rude, habibi
>The ISIS and the Saudi are the only Muslims out there
This meme needs to die.
>if you think Islam is shit then you must also think Nordics are the master race
>what happened to this type of islam with the aesthetics, art and poetry?
>why is it all about wearing black and beheadings these days while the gulf nations build plastic westernized buildings?
Globalization and destabilization, I can make the same argument for Europe and the US.
Basically you're analyzing 1400 year of muslim history (which is transcontinental, it's not like we are talking about a single countey here), and devaluing it completely only because in the first 100 years it was mostly about warlords in the desert?
Can I shit on Rome because they were sheperds who had a kick for raping Etrunians women, and who, later on, just told other people what to build? Can I shit on everything that stemmed from the Judeo-Christian religions for the same reason?
Or maybe I can just keep in mind that this is how Empires are born, and look at what are their achievements (and in this case the achievement in question was their mastery on architecture)?
For fuck's sake, you guys are dense.
>Pretty impressive considering where they are
Nope Egyptian architecture from 2000 years ago is still superior.
You've never been in church that looks like that? I've seen them.
the islamic peoples also created Chess, Algebra, and used their position to bring things like the numerical 1234567890 system to Europe.
I wonder what happened. I think culture affects people's development probably more so than genetics do.
>Oh look he used the meme that /leftypol/ uses after these type of exchanges.
I can use the same "argument" as well. But fuck off, the guy asked a legitimate question and then you went about how /pol/ destroyed the thread.
Their architecture looks so alien-like
> the islamic peoples also created Chess
Actually, it was Indians who invented it and Persians who developed it into its modern form. The word "checkmate" is of Persian origin, "check" being a form of "Shah". But yeah, Arabic contribution is still very significant.
> I wonder what happened.
Mongols happened.
India has some good Muslim architecture too.
The old structure was in ruin. It was entirely rebuilt by the French colonial power a century ago.
on phone right now but islamic architecture is nice and has a lot of variations too, the trippy psychedelic one is iranian, north african and arabian mosque is usually wide open spaced and less gaudy with either black or white color, usually theres a praying fountain/pond in the middle, and then theres the crazy islamic iran-hindu influenced mosque in india
Chinese mosque from 13th century
I wonder where they got it from.
kek, someone should claim this is superior Muslim architecture to Chinese people and see what their response is.
Damn, this is stunning.
Illustrated books about the best art that came out of Islam? Is it mostly architecture and literature right?
Stop posting African architecture it is objective shit to all the architecture in Eurasia.
This is not a competition.
Of course.
This looks like what would happen if renaissance and Islamic aesthetic combines
Wonder what kind of architecture Spain would make if Muslims survive Reconquista
Freaking Christians, am i right?
I'm more pissed we don't build buildings like this anymore. Its all grey squares with white interiors.
Comfy 13th century church in the low countries.
>Due to the proximity to the sea, and therefore regular floods the church was build on a man made hill of roughly 2 meters high.
>Because of a proximity of a monastary the church was never able to grow, hence it kept most of its original character.
>The interior is very sober, typically for the Dutch reformed style
>During the last mass there was only 1 attendee.
Catastrophist news media that prefers to talk about horrifying events than uneventful but uplifting stuff. It's the same reason Westerners think everything is only going to shit all the time (except for some glorified tech gadgets ads sponsored by the Silicon Valley)
Hey man we all need those (You)s and the internet made it so that the only way for your news networks to get (You)s is to have something that people must see or something bad might happen.
Sexy Action School News basically
Its really hard to beat old churches in terms of comfyness.
Not even the user you are replying too but seriously. Everytime Veeky Forums encounters a differing opinion to the right they always shriek /pol/ internet nazi!
Thats a pretty strange chapel user. Romanesque architecture'd churches are rare from what ive seen.
Looks better now tbqh.
I think its based on Spanish mission style architecture
Were mushrooms available to medieval muslims? Or did they just make it up?
Are the wooden stakes jutting out of the structure for any structural purpose, or are they there just for the sake of being aesthetic?
Minarets are lovely
Not my picture, but I have in this town where a few hundred other people live.
a house
Church of the village I was born in. A quiet and lovely place.
Muslims iirc aren't allowed to represent their version of god through regular means as they believe its idolatry and it lessens the impact of what kind of entity god really is. So they use abstract art a lot, instead. Correct me if I'm wrong.
True. That's the origin of the geometric patterns in Arab architecture, and the absence of major painters and sculptors.
If you want abstract Christian art you should look at the Book of Kells. Abstract thought about God I think is more uncommon in Christianity than in Judaism or islam
Funny, I never asked myself this question until right now, does the wariness of such depictions in islam also include still life depictions?
Is the depiction of a nice horizon or a bowl of fruit also frowned upon, or is it simply a matter of "Eh, we already have architecture, that's good enough".
>lol what gave you the idea that I'm /pol/?
I don't know, but I imagine it's forbidden, too. I know that this religion has a much stricter definition of idolatry, so either it is a depiction of God and it constitutes blasphemy, or it's a representation of a mortal scene, and as a form of veneration foreign to the spirituality, vanity. I read that's the reason Arab poetry is similarly ethereal and abstract, and doesn't refer directly to tangible scenes and events, but once again, I'm nothing like a scholar on this matter. I will leave the answer to a person more educated than I am.
Looks cosy.
>A quiet
I never valued that untill I lived in a city for half a year.
Fuck traffic, fuck drunk people screaming outside my window 4 in the morning, fuck the couple next door that cant stop slamming the doors and fuck the other neighbor upstairs who thinks he runs a nightclub.
I've never been so anxious and sleep deprived in my life.
Thank god I moved back to my quiet little town, the 25 minutes of travel time dont bother me a single bit as long as it's quiet around me.
Doesnt cost a fortune in rent either.
>Funny, I never asked myself this question until right now, does the wariness of such depictions in islam also include still life depictions?
Yes. Anyone who draws or paints any living thing will be invited to bring it to life on Judgement Day, and when they fail they will be thrown into Hell forever.
If we went into the forest with all of our technology and could only build a house out of wood, this is what we would come up with
>what happened to this type of islam with the aesthetics, art and poetry?
>why is it all about wearing black and beheadings these days while the gulf nations build plastic westernized buildings?
because between muhammed and the fall of the ottomans, islamic nations held an absolute fuckton of wealth, and featured several international hubs of culture, art, academia etc
starting before the ottomans fell, the islamic world started to get overpowered by the north atlantic navigation/transportation and the colonialism that followed, putting nations like GB, netherlands, france, spain faaaaaar ahead of tunis, morocco, the ottomans, mamluks etc that once held a lot of wealth and power
when the wealth leaves, the culture and art leaves, just as when rich as fuck merchants popped up in northern italy, we saw such a renaissance of art and culture that is is known as THE renaissance
Most of the architects were actually Christian btw
no you'd build a log cabin cuz it's simpler who the fuck besides living history LARPing autists still build viking longhouses in 2017?
Who cares? Deal with the ideas
Look at the decent replies the shitpost before this generated further down the thread. Much more productive than just decrying the perceived "/pol/ness" of a post or set of posts.
All anybody really does when they "turn your thread" by conversing about Muslim history while you want to talk about Afro-Islamic architecture is bump your thread.
Unless somebody's sagebombing your thread to the cap every time, then sliding it to the bottom on purpose just to destroy it, there's really nothing to get wound up over
>defending your shitty fairy tales
What is the purpose of your intervention?
Is there a structural reason for the beams sticking out of the side of the building or is that purely aesthetic? I know next to nothing about architecture.
>Islam is race
>All arabs were beduin nomads
>What were pre-muslim arabian cities
objectively aesthetic
you have shit taste and don't understand either of those words in your post
simple is beautiful
t.copy+pasted amerifat suburb lover
not even close
you're an idiot with bad tastes. please don't reproduce
The genetic stock of (Greeks and Persians) of those who created the islamic golden age died out and was replaced by arabs.
>no bauhaus
let's change that