Japanese ethereum nekonium

>not jumping on the new japanese version of ethereum
if you were a monacoin user you probably know about it

Pretty new still


fucking seriously?

Algorism: Ethereum compatible


>Pretty new still


>you didn't read my post and are autistic


no one else on here has nuko?
ill send u 3 nekonium if u post your nekonium address

Just trying it out. 0xC34e6a9ADd7D66018bccF654496c8b0A07E3565C

How does one buy this? I missed out on these before they hit Bittrex now I want to get in early


i hope this shit is working

>Nekonium is developed by the Nekonium Project. Please be aware that it is not a general non-centralized speculative currency, and it is unlikely that you will benefit from mining or investing.

what is the point?

5GH worth of miners right now
maybe there's a point

im about to get on some free vps and mine this shit, the difficulty should be down right?

When is it getting to bittrex?

How the hell do i mine this shit though on AMD card and windows

Send me some OP


The japanese version of ethereum is called
NEM, my friend

Not sure how I got it but I now have ~15 NUKO. Thanks.


I want to see if I got the address right

Nice! Just bought 100k!

give me

This. Can't wait for the sleeping giant

I can keep this in my Ethereum wallet right? Where can I store the coin with a mac?

The creators said that it SHOULD be safe, but they also say to back up your ethereum wallet.
Can't help you w/ the mac part

Okay, anyone who feels like it can send me some, I want to see how this works.



why are like 99% of you sending me ethereum addresses
are u even giving me your nekonium address

Is this not the right address?

this is what I thought it was, is it somewhere else?

Nekonium wallet

dam reaching 10GH mining network now

Nuko me pls


how do i fucking mine this or how do i get this coin

send me 1 nuko please


What does it look like for you? My icon has a little paw looking thing with a red blue yellow green thing next to it. Also its giving me the currency amount in NUKO which is nekonium not etherium

Can someone please explain the wallet I never dealt with Eth based tokens? Is the main account like a place I exchange ETH for Nuko then transfer it to a nuko account? What is the rate of eth to nuko?



thank you!

0xcF202525824F6729B6c826c43703F54E432438CA thank you



How do you mine?

Hook me up mate.


I looked at its github repo. This is basically a reskin. All of the commits are not code related. There's only one dev. tl;dr SCAM!