What is the FUNDAMENTAL difference between the left and the right wingers? Why is someone left and someone else right? if we really dig for it, really try to get to the bottom of it. The bottom of where the preferences comes from.
What is the FUNDAMENTAL difference between the left and the right wingers? Why is someone left and someone else right...
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There are two types of people in the world. The people of the left want to control people and enrich themselves in the process.
The people of the right want to be left the fuck alone.
Which is why the left is so much better at controlling people and stealing from them; they've had thousands of years of practice.
And why the right has so few champions for people leaving us the fuck alone. They're leftists who saw the void and called themselves people of the right.
All totalitarian, dictatorship, fascist, etc. forms of government are of the left. All of them. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, all of them. they are brought about by useless people who cannot survive unless they prey on useful people who want to be left the fuck alone.
Metaphysically/metapolitically speaking this chart is handy.
t. basic bitch lolbertarian
>there is only one left/right spectrum
you confuse libertarianism and authoratarianism with left and right, one can be authoritarian and left , authoritarian and right, libertarian and left (read bookchin, read bakunin if you are in the `how le libtards will leave us alone` crowd) or authoritarian right.
But I know your kind exists and will always exists, portraying every man they don't like as a leftist, from Franco to Pinochet who basically genocided the leftists in their countires.
/pol/ can be many things but they are honest, they openly cheer for pinochet and rightly label him as a right winer etc. Unlike you folk, who paint anyone they deem bad red.
>Why is someone left and someone else right? if we really dig for it, really try to get to the bottom of it.
your political ideology can be determined by your genes, most conservatives come from conservative parents etc etc
the boom is genetics, it plays a huge role in your political ideology. There are a lot of studies about this subject, google scholar is your friend.
But this is the elephant in the room, as both left and right want to believe they are totally in control of their thoughts and hate when you tell them most if not all of your ideology was born into you.
Exceptions exist to support the generalization
I have more complaints, but that's the main one.
> everything I hate is left XD
great chart you got here
Then so did Confucius. Good thing we have you.
Evil is of the godless left.
Welcome to reality.
The key difference stems from the acceptance and respect of tradition and ritual. Leftism has always stemmed from materialistic and pragmatic roots, always believing the proverbial trope of the grass is greener.
Good graph, and again notice that the left side of politics (even if you look at the differences between Taoism and Confucius in eastern traditions) come from respect of symbols and traditions / vs the abolition of tradition for expediency/progress.
>twisting the definition of evil
God was always the reason of billions death user, even nazi were Catholics.
Depends what people want to consider it at any moment
I read an article in Salon that called Bernie Sanders "Third-Way Centrist bullshit", I've had discussions with people who consider themselves leftists who accept Neoliberalism as how things will always be.
>Implying catholics are not of the evil left controlling people and killing Jews.
>someone made this
>Depends what people want to consider it at any moment
what does that even mean? how could it possibly work this way?
Right wingers want things to stay in their own damn box... or something. Watch Jordan Peterson.
how does that explain anything? it still doesn't say what it is about the person that makes him go left or right. is it that his genes make him more or less agreeable or conscientious, etc.?
what are the actual arguments in the studies you've read?
I believe that leftism was always about a established right that all humans were entitled to, and not about controlling people. This established right was originally liberty (Classical liberalism). Socialism, the mainstream form of leftism, was born from this thinking, emphasizing equality rather than liberty, but both treat this as something all humans deserve.
Meanwhile,the right was about preserving tradition. This tradition, in the American sense, means muh freedoms due to the values of the Founding Fathers. Thus, the American right is considered left wing in some places in Europe. That's how you get people like , who think the left is about control and the right is about individuality.
>tfw you're so Catholic, even the Church is less catholic than you
>even nazi were Catholics.
Ultimately it's about the dispersion and concentration of power. Does your power belong to you, your family, your tribe, or everyone?
>your political ideology can be determined by your genes, most conservatives come from conservative parents
>conservatism is hereditary
It is a false dichotomy meant to describe a multidimensional nexus of ever-changing attitudes in the hearts of human beings.
It is a shit model and I think we can do better...
I'm adding one more axis.
> Foundation of reality:
> Left = matter
> Right = spirt
No, the mentality of Left is rooted in fantasy and their instance that their way is the right way… just because!
> LEFTY: "Guns are bad!"
> RIGHTY: "Here's mountains of evidence that shows that's not true."
> LEFTY: "Fuck you, you're a racist and guns are still bad!"
The leftists you described are the ones who went hard far left. They don't represent original leftism nor do they uphold it. They're the reason many actual leftists steered right since according to the modern "left", anyone even slightly center-left is a Nazi.
I don't believe in gun control but if anything it's the american right wich tends to be the less rational on that one with the whole MUH CONSTITUTION thing tbqh.
>I believe that leftism was always about a established right that all humans were entitled to, and not about controlling people.
What absolute bullshit.
>> RIGHTY: "Holocaust doesn't happened!"
>> LEFTY: "Here's mountains of evidence that shows that's not true."
>> RIGHTY: "Fuck you, you're a jew and holocaust will happen again!"
Explain then
Epic meme.
Leftwingers are in the cave, staring at shadows. Rightwingers have left the cave and seen the light.
Populism vs Elitism.
>All totalitarian, dictatorship, fascist, etc. forms of government are of the left. All of them. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, all of them
It's so easy to spot the American.
Both present on both sides of the spectrum
leftwingers love mommy more
rightwingers love daddy more
Left = equality
Right = inequality
That's all it is and all it has ever been
Left or right? It's all just a game
Two wings of the same bird of prey
Leftists view hierarchies of power as inherently prejudiced and oppressive so they seek to either overthrow or re-engineer those structures.
Right wingers view hierarchies of power as innately useful, vivifying or at the very least unavoidable and so seek to work within those systems to better humanity.
Both groups are well intentioned .
>leftists hate guns
I don't think most hard rightists are well-intentioned. They just want to hurt people to make themselves feel better.
Well I don't think you should define a group by its extremists. I could say the same thing about hard leftists really.
Indeed. Being free and not jealous of the rest of the world allows clear thinking and proper judgments.
Antifa is hard left, and are going out looking to hurt people and shut them up.
The people themselves?
Liberals are open-minded, irresponsible, creative, non-conforming narcissists.
Conservatives are pragmatic, fearful, traditional, simple-minded thugs.
I guess.
how do you define this? do you call someone "well-intentioned" when they have intentions you agree with or when they have intentions they themselves regard as moral and good?
> not on the picture
> the billions deaths caused by capitalism
>quoting someone who gave an example of a real life issue and turning it into a mention of the Holocaust
I wonder who is behind this post
Would you rather be an asshole or an idiot?
Roughly this plus conservative/progressive.
But the dichotomy is only useful for describing consistent political scenes, there is no reason to talk about "global right" or "global left".
Well, rights also deny global warming, the very real issue.
Holy fucking shit I hope this is being posted ironically.
Stop posting here, Donald, and get back to work! Shnell!
I have to admit I haven't seen that answer before.
Let's say you had to choose one.
>the American right is considered left wing in some places in Europe
the other way around lol
maybe in russia
Panicking about a possible, and I mean possible, 0.3 degree uptick in the next century.
Holy fuck do you have nothing on your plate.
>implying any of us really have choices in anything ever
Native American Genocide, as your image says, killed 100 million in 400 years. Communism killed more than that in less than a century.
Slavery existed even before capitalism was a concept. So did imperialism and famines (man-made or not). And capitalism is responsible for decreasing world hunger. I'll give you the sex trafficking and poor shelters tho.
You also are ignore the fact that all of the above happened in communist countries.
Oh sorry, I didn't realized that acidification of oceans or dying phytoplankton are somehting to worry about.
You must be quite educated on the subject.
Left is war to intervene in other countries to help them
Right is war to help the home country
Plant food.
Making the oceans acidic.
Holy shit you flunked out of the fifth grade, didn't you.
Right defacto socialism that does work
Left dejure socialism that doesn't work
user...were you a victim of American educational system?
> Famine kills people under Stalin
> Famine kill people in Britain India
> natural disasters existed from the beginnings of history, etc.
Jordan Peterson is not a serious political philosopher.
They're obviously only familiar with the American """""left"""""".
Famines happened in communist societies precisely because of their policies. The famines in India can be blamed on corruption, inadequate agricultural practices, natural disasters and war. None of which are exclusively present in capitalism.
They believe what they're doing is necessary defense against aggression. They don't consider violence against anyone to be an innately moral or ethical act, but rather that it is a necessary act to prevent greater harm occurring to others. It's basically the same mentality that militaries and police use to justify the use of deadly force, antifa just have a "different" set of criteria for judging whether something is a threat.
I don't think most hard leftists are well-intentioned. They just want to hurt people to make themselves feel better.
left mentality: it isn't broken but lets try to fix it and make it better for everyone
right mentality: if it ain't broke don't try to fix it, you'll probably just make it worse for everyone
>most casualties occured in the fighting between two socialist countries
Bad definion. "Being broken/not broken" is relative to both left and right.
Right wing = seeks hierarchy/inequality
Left wing = seeks equality
Equality is usually in terms of outcome, not treatment.
I don't see how that makes the definition bad. just interpret the definition to mean what they consider broke
> State capitalism vs State capitalism
> fighting between two socialist countries
>There are two types of people in the world
and then I stopped reading because I realized I was giving attention to a retard
Not really. Antifa groups exist to deny a platform to racists. It's all about protecting vulnerable groups from a perceived genocidal threat.
I like this.
Left and right spectrum has become so twisted this is no longer true. It used to mean personal liberty, then it came to mean economical policy, now it means both at the same time without realizing they are mutually exclusive.
>Just interpret the definition to mean what they consider broke.
What each side considers broke is an important defining factor on itself. Consider the 90s in Eastern Europe, your definition would turn communists into right-wingers.
>Consider the 90s in Eastern Europe, your definition would turn communists into right-wingers.
How so?
To deny a platform to white people*
You really think that populations you're "protecting" aren't also the same political and tribal apes you see the right as?
You don't think that they'll backstab you and rape your wife when they get into power? You think mankind lives according to the vision of a city on the hill?
>fascists are white people
>thinking minorities are ever able to get into power
Seconded. I've never seen a reasonable comeback to this argument.
Most leftists don't believe that the average human is inherently evil.
He didn't say that fascists are white people. He said that anyone can be a racist, and didn't mention facism at all.
Minorities can turn into majorities, it happened before in Lebanon and other previously Christian countries that are now predominantly islamic.
Pic related shows another example where white people used to be a majority but will be a minority soon enough.
>it's a "my specific form of socialism hasn't been tested" episode
Come the fuck on, bratan
blacks are still culturally white and this is all that matters
>right mentality: if it ain't broke don't try to fix it, you'll probably just make it worse for everyone
>He didn't say that fascists are white people. He said that anyone can be a racist, and didn't mention facism at all.
What do you think antifa means?
>Minorities can turn into majorities, it happened before in Lebanon and other previously Christian countries that are now predominantly islamic.
Those countries always had a muslim majority.
That doesn't even relate to your former post which already didn't relate to the post you originally replied to. Fuck you.
you're not really explaining anything. I know that you already said that they'd be right according to that definition and me asking how should tell you that I don't see how that definition applies to them. so idk why you thought posting the definition again would make me understand what you're saying
Antifa are mostly white, you're retarded. They don't protest events by every white person, just far right types like Spencer and Milo. I'm sure you can find speeches by right wing minorities that they also have protested.
>>He didn't say that fascists are white people. He said that anyone can be a racist, and didn't mention facism at all.
>What do you think antifa means?
What I consider antifa doesn't matter here. The one you originally replied to didn't say that fascists are white people either say. The post is still there, go read it.
>>Minorities can turn into majorities, it happened before in Lebanon and other previously Christian countries that are now predominantly islamic.
>Those countries always had a muslim majority.
Also you ignored white people becoming a minority in California. The point that minorities can become majorities remains.
My points still stand no matter how much you want to derail the discussion or shift the goalposts.