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Educate this Mormon on the Holocaust!
Anything Notable Or Not
The Holocaust
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Why bother it, it will be just shitposting and holohoax fags will made more threads later
The holocaust didn't happen, I found some plates in the desert with crude writings on them that told me so. They also said the government hoaxed the whole thing to make Israel exist.
The Holoacust has been researched extensively and endlessly. People who deny it are retards that deny basic history
If you want new research on the holocaust though I recommend Timothy Snyder's bloodlands. It also goes into Soviet atrocities
The holocaust is prolly the most commonly known genocide of latest history happening in former third reich where Hitler and the Nazis ordered mass executions of jews, gays, disabked and many more. For this measure they built conzentration camps like dachau or auschwitz where they killed around 6 million jews by gasing them or shooting them...
Himmler came up with gas chambers and concentration camps, since the at first the murders were commited by death squads, but the men from death squads suffered with mental issues due to their jobs. Simmiliar mental health problems can be observed in Soviet officers who murdered Poles in Katyn.
>educate me on the holocaust
>replies with a usual bot image of "go back to pol"
Keep giving the retards the upper-hand
You're a bit far from educating, Elder
Where did my thread go?
Jews had to do manual labor and stay in their containment board which to them may as well be genocide. This was preceded by the Transfer agreement in which Germany expelled Jews to Palestine, to the point of shipping their possessions out in crates that could be re-purposed as modular homes. That's how badly they wanted them out and stay out. Jews are such normies.
Ironic enough /pol/ is more intelligent then half of Veeky Forums
redpill dump commencing
>more intelligent then
Yeah, sure looks like it.
>quality infographs debunking /pol/ nonsense
we need more of these desu
>Wah wah le jews prosper without physical work
Quite ironic from people who hate commies.
Legitimate criticism of the representation of the Holocaust in education, media, Allied and Israeli propaganda, and political discourse gets drowned out completely by Holocaust denial.
This. Snyder's book, while grim, is extremely informative and well sourced.
Why the fuck are Americans criticized in these infographics? Americans are far more likely to believe in the Holocaust than say, Greeks.
>blaming Americans for holocaust denial
Seriously kill yourself. This is just fucking dishonest. It's making me question your actual information you post.
Hello burger
Holocaust is shit the absolute worst genocide ever because it barely did anything to the jews in Europe. Hitler would have been better off just having Nazi soldiers shoot every jew in the brain they found would have killed them off faster than this organized gassing. Even if the bullet didnt kill the jew they would be brain damaged to be a threat anymore.
I really hope in 100 years the Holocaust and Black slavery in America are seen in a resonable historical context, instead of treated as super-ultra-important events, as they are today.
>Hitler would have been better off just having Nazi soldiers shoot every jew in the brain they found would have killed them off faster than this organized gassing. Even if the bullet didnt kill the jew they would be brain damaged to be a threat anymore.
That's exactly what they did. It's called the Holocaust by bullet
He's right though. Holocaust denial is an overwhelmingly Middle Eastern phenomenon. Not sure why he brought up Greece, but whatever.
The countries with the highest proportion of people claiming the Holocaust is a lie or greatly exaggerated are Palestine, Qatar, Algeria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Libya, and Jordan.
That may be true, but on Veeky Forums the vast majority of holocaust deniers are Americans and Western Europeans
So then why were only Americans criticized for holocaust denial? It's bullshit.
>Educate this Mormon on the Holocaust!
There needs to be a Mormon one
Nuance is dead.
>more intelligent than anything
>implying he gassed everyone
He had a good number of the Jews in Russia shot for being "partisans"
What does the 6 million number refer to exactly? Is it all camp casualties, or only jews?
This, fucking hell. I wish all denialists would die on the spot so we can actually criticize Israel.
All Jews killed in WW2.
what does being mormon have to do with anything about the Holocaust? look it up on your own stooge
>all camp casualties
All Jewish civilians deliberately killed by German efforts of the Nazi Regime by all causes in all locations.
Mormonbro, what's it like to know you were only saved from your own Holocaust because the Civil War broke out and the U.S. Government sent all the soldiers they would have used to exterminate you on fighting the Confederacy instead?
Gj dawg
Now if only pol would stop scapegoating the jews for all the issues in the world and realize there is no global conspiracy rather just a by-product of human incompetence
it's more ironic their disdain for coolie labor is sabotaging their monoculture in Israel. They need goyim since they couldn't sustain LARPing as kibitzers.