What can Veeky Forums tell me about Babyonia? Also very keen in Babylon and the tower of Babel.
What can Veeky Forums tell me about Babyonia? Also very keen in Babylon and the tower of Babel
>Tower of Babel
Christian meme
Literally all their women whored themselves out.
t. absolutely objective and unbiased Greek
>tower of Babel
That was Eridu.
Linguistically I like to think of Sumerians and Akkadians as being the parents to Babylon (Amorites) and Assyrians.
> Greek
You know, that was a derogatory term used by Latins.
Why didn't the Babylonians like the Assyrians continued their identity existed as an ethnic group well beyond the ancient period and into modern day?
They did, they're called Jews.
>Tower of babel
Today's Jews are from Khazaria. Even if that's true, they did not continue the culture of their ancestors.
Sumerian is a language isolate. Although it imparted some features to akkadian due the the sharing of cuneiform, it is not genetically related to either of them
What would you like to. Random facts like about how they had ice warehouses and finding leaves and poop in the ice was such a problem that they wrote about it or religious aspects.
How the hell can a language be genetically related? What I said was accurate. Akkadian married into Sumerian. Everyone from the Akkadians to the Indo European Hittites used the Sumerian cuneiform script.
So what I said was accurate.
You'd be wrong as akkadian and Assyrian are semitic languages and Sumerian isn't. The only thing linking them is loan words and a shared writing system stemming from old pre flood Sumerian hieroglyphs
You're a fucking retard. End of story.
> disputants deserve to be punished
The ancient city of Babylon is being fully restored to its ancient glory, beginning with Saddam, and ending with the annexation of the 104 acre US embassy an hour's ride away.
Satan's seat will move from Rome to Babylon, as it was in the old days.
Daily Reminder that Babylon means To Rebel.
Is this a popular leddit image? Do you think it is popular here?
No that's you trying to claim that the languages are similar because of the writing styles
Akkadians would not have settled down from their nomadic ways if the Sumerians had not influenced them, so Akkadian language would not even exist without Sumerian influence. That is what I call a marriage, that is; Akkadians learned to write and live settled lifestyles from the Sumerians.
Nice tin foil you got there.
You mean the writing. They weren't speaking in clicks
When bronze age kings wrote letters to each other they referred to each other as father and son. The more powerful king being called father. There were 4 kings that were allowed to refer to each other on equal terms and they were the Hittite king the pharoh of Egypt the king of Assyria and the king of mycenae. The last one was stripped of the right after he antagonized the Hittites too much
Surprised us too, when we rolled up on it.
stop speaking nonsense. either talk about history or fuck off.
>tower of Babel
Is a polemical parallel to Deuteronomy 32:8 in which YHWH divided the nations and put them in the hands of his divine being and choosing Jacob as his allotted inheritance to reclaim the nations through the kingdom of Israel. Even the name Babel is a polemic mockery of the word Babylon.
Eternally cucked by the Assyrians to the north