Is Christianity the fulfillment of all the Greek philosophies?
No. It is a jewish conspiracy designed to keep the pagan man down.
A lot of Greeks thought so.
wow, I don't know how to feel about this Pepe
Retards in this thread,
he is LITERALLY a Philosopher King,
its the cherry on top of platonism/neoplatonism, you fucking dinguses don't know jack about the greeks. (start with them)
Catholicism, sure.
Not sure about the other sects.
Do say more. Would Socrates and Plato have converted if they'd been alive?
This but not exactly. I don't think christianity is part of some master plan, but it is a type of socio-religious movement that has infectious qualities. These qualities interfaced with the cultural syntheses of the time to create a huge institution which effectively destroyed western Indo-European practices which descended directly from the proto-vedic faith. I think Christianity is best described as a virus made up of ideas that got out of hand.
No, of course they wouldn't. Plato learned from fucking PYTHAGORAS who was ten times the prophet Yeshua was and Socrates was old, crazy, and possibly an atheist,you think either of them would jump on the dick of some random Jew wandering around spouting mysticism?
Of course not.
Why do people presuppose the Greeks had no access to the Jewish tanakh in the first place?
He's a Warrior Priest King, actually.
Pythagoras set the Pleiades in motion? Pythagoras create the moon, and set it in orbit?
Pythagoras put a harness on Arcturus and ride it out into space?
Then he's not greater than Yeshua, at all. He's just another worm.
Christianity represents the eternal triumph of Greek philosophy over Judaism.
>European garbage
Fuck off, Nazi. Christ is King and he sits far above the Greeks and their garbage.
John 11:4, fucking LARPer.
Who is Plato but Moses speaking Attic Greek?
You may want to read my post again.
In a sense. Greek philosophy is the search for truth, and Christ is the Truth, and therefore he is the fulfillment of that search.
Yeshua did all those things? I don't think so, Yeshua got nailed to some wood, died and had his corpse thrown into a garbage pile.
Yes, he did.
Job 38
“Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion?
Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season?
Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?
Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
Can you set their dominion over the earth?
Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
That an abundance of water may cover you?
Can you send out lightnings, that they may go,
And say to you, ‘Here we are!’?
Who has put wisdom in the mind?
Or who has given understanding to the heart?
Who can number the clouds by wisdom?
Or who can pour out the bottles of heaven,
When the dust hardens in clumps,
And the clods cling together?
It helps when you know Yeshua = YHWH
Not on your life
Oh my.
You'll be standing before Yeshua when he's on his great white throne, face to face.
This statement of yours.....it will not sit well with him.
Socrates in earlier dialogues is quite distinct from Plato's later fanfic. He goes from horny to chaste, from skeptic to mystic
Yeah no, the bible is a load of made up horseshit only taken seriously by cultists such as yourself.
Oh my.
You're a fucking retard who takes idiotic superstition seriously.
I believe the point was there were no atheist Greeks in ancient times. There were likely no atheists in ancient times.
The abundance of atheists in modern times is really a result of WWII.
It's strange how it always predicts the future perfectly then.
What is said in private will be repaid to your face.
But you have today, this day, to repent, to change your mind, and agree with God that you are not like him at all, and need his help.
>I believe the point was there were no atheist Greeks in ancient times. There were likely no atheists in ancient times
What are you basing this on?
The Greek pantheon.
its like you havent even read the greeks. The central christian tenet of man being flawed is PURE plato, wtf do you even know of Socrates? Everthing we know about him is through plato.
He didn't do any philosophizing? You must have missed the whole...christianity thing were talking about? Why are you even in this thread
this kind of ambiguous trash isnt helping, if youre contributing just to say you did fuck right off.
Impiety is not the same as atheism.
He speaks the truth. Philosophy does not tend to do that. He also kills people by the millions. Again, philosophers are not known to do that.
He's referring to Plato's Logos, and Jesus being the Logos.
People used to be a lot wiser. We think that because we have more information and higher ordered technology that we are somehow superior to them.
Where it counts, in wisdom, we are their inferiors.
lol no.
Oh noes, I hurt the feelings of your imaginary friend.
"people" being who, the ones who's work survives to this day? Like a handful of people out of the millions of greeks that lived? If its a game of averages we are definitely wiser, assuming we could even "qualify" it beyond quantifying it.
Who /justinmartyr/ here?
You will be repaid to your face.
the entire population of the world sans 8, about 4600 years ago.
185,000 soldiers surrounding Jerusalem, in a moment.
Tens of millions of muslims, in the near future.