Is German engineering a meme or does it have merit?
Is German engineering a meme or does it have merit?
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That an E-25?
It's a mixture of both.
I think it's some Tank Destroyer developed by west Germany in the 60's.
It does have merit.
It's German WWII mechanization that is the meme.
>NASA was literally a bunch of former Nazis
The Tiger tanks and rail guns are the only meme desu, Germans are autists when it comes to work ethics.
they came up with bunch of overengineered bullshit by the time the war was over
tbqh it wasn't a bad strategy, when your chances of failure are nearing 100% you might as well hope you stumble across some new technology that changes the tide of the war
>stumble across some new technology that changes the tide of the war
Hillarious thing was that the gamechanger weapon was indeed made in WW2, yet in USA by a rather kosher group of scientists.
It does have merit. The reason why a bunch of German equipment in ww2 was garbage was because 1.) Hitler loved all the prototypes his brownnosing subordinates showed him so he invested too many resources in designs that couldn't be properly tested and 2.) because there weren't enough resources left for the rest of the shit that actually did work.
Stg wasn't even the first assault rifle by definition. And the design was hurried and shitty.
Ok what was the first then?
Depends if they actually found a way to kill and burn 6 gorillion or not
Haha alright mate I'm waiting for your 'alternate definition' of assault rifle where 'everyone else is actually wrong'
I hears german engineering was SEKAI ICHI
>not the first assault rifle blah blah
utterly pedantry. Some fucking experimental light machine guns had smaller cartridges maybe. The Germans were the first to field one as an infantry rifle with the expressed purpose of increasing firepower while sacrificing range with a smaller cartridge to full rifle size.
The STG44 was the first actual assault rifle that was supposed to be an assault rifle, and it performed very well according to field reports. It was ergonomic, reliable enough, shot straight, and its weight/catridge size/fire rate were well tuned to allow for practical automatic shoulder firing.
It was a good rifle, and was very innovative. Fucking deal with it you contrarian faggot. Oh no the normies and their german engineering meme, I must believe the opposite to speshul and uneek.
V-2 project cost as much as the Manhattan Project and produced a couple of thousands of dead anglos, see
Then again, it makes perfect sense once you realize von Braun was intentionally sabotaging the German war effort.
>Then again, it makes perfect sense once you realize von Braun was intentionally sabotaging the German war effort.
What a fucking numale sjw fedora cuck, bet he voted for comrade Sanders too!
Engineering is terrible but workmanship is excellent so they could make absolutely anything work.
British engineer said that in Messershmidt Me110 everything was wrong but somehow they could make it fly.
It has merit, but so does the engineering of the USA, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union. I wouldn't say it's that more spectacular than any of the other mentioned great powers.
The meme is "Ze evil nazi technological empire vith its SUPERVEAPONS! MUAHAHA"
It's something you can blame american pop culture and media for. They essentially created an "unbeatable evil", that they defeated. Of course nazi Germany was very technologically advanced in some fields, but it also lacked severely in others, and many nazi technologies and designs, no matter how impressive, were for naught in the end.
tl:dr less hollywood "nazi superweapons can pierce 4 shermans with one shell", and more wehrmacht divisions with bad supply lines, good weaponry, low on fuel and fighting a defensive war.
Memes like that usually become memes because they have merit.
Fired a mag through one of them for $150. Still kicked like a mule but it was surprisingly manageable for an experimental assault rifle.
Nazi's were fucking idiots who made like 100 different designs and were using fucking artisan construction. Should have focused on mass producing stug's and upgunned Panzer IV's. No one gives a fuck if 1 tiger could destory 3 t-34's because you could build 10 T-34's for the price of one tiger and they didn't break down after shifting gears.
Avtomat Fedorov is said to be first, but it still used large cartridge.
Engineering was the only thing Germany had going for them, that and science.
Then why is it an assault rifle if it doesn't fire an intermediate cartridge?
Outside of rocketry what were they so much more scientifically advanced in?
Well german engineering usually refers to their car industry
>germans were so advanced
>much engineer
>so science
Couldn't even launch a production run of the pz IV with the front replaced with a sloped plate.
Well thet did but they turned it into an assault gun for some reason.
Germany has been a leader of industry and education, and consequently, of science and engineering, so yes, however "made in Germany" is not an automatic stamp of excellence, obviously. Globalization kind of undermines any statements regarding "German engineering" or similar statements tho...
>NASA was literally a bunch of former Nazis
Because rocketry was the only area where the germans were legit more advanced. Its not like the army or navy went out of their way to get germans into their design teams after the war. Nor did colt or smith and wesson rush out to save a bunch of german gunsmiths. Logistic think tanks didn't go out and find a bunch of nazis to sign up into op. Paperclip, even their contributions to conventional aeronautics where they were circumstantially more advanced were largely overlooked by the large western corporations.
Some of the top tier scientists were from Germany.
I didnt ask that. I asked what the germans were more advanced in. As in germany, as a nation at war.
Aircraft design was the cutting edge of war production and that was neck and neck from the start.
>Aircraft design was the cutting edge of war production
No it wasnt. By the end of the war they had a handful of new designs but their mainstay was still vers. 267 of the same fighter they entered the war with in 1939.
Magazine-fed rifle with selective fire and all that. The cartridge was not even that powerful, it was using some weak japanese stuff.
What do you mean, you asked outside of rocketry what were they so much more advanced in? You do realise Germany have a history before WW2?
Correct but that had very limited applications and overall was irrelevant to the war. So the excelled in a field that had no real impact, good for them I guess.
>Aircraft design
Not really no. Their only legitimate breakthrough in the design aspect was figuring out swept wings, which while important is only significant within specific sets of circumstances.
They were the first to get the jet engine though but they just kinda sat on it for a good long while and let everyone else catch up for some reason.
Don't play coy. OP's image is of a ww2 era assault gun, clearly he means to speak of the infamous nazi germany was super advanced meme.
Anyone that disagrees with this is wrong even OP, faggot that he is.
That is a cold war era Kanonenjagdpanzer in the OP.
>Anyone that disagrees with this is wrong
Did i fucking stutter?
But the bomb didn't change the tide of the war since the US would have won anyway, it just made winning a lot cheaper
It is a meme,for WW2 lots of German equipment was worse or no better than their adversaries, in artillery, tanks, aircraft, small arms (sure they had cool stuff like their assault rifle and their machine gun, but the US equipped their entire army with semi-automatic rifles), the navy (where almost everything was worse, with only a few experimental submarines that never really did much at the end of the war being interesting). Germany has had the luck to be at the center of Europe with the largest population and industry outside of sometimes Russia, so naturally they've had the money to throw at stuff which looks impressive, but for their actual battlefield equipment it is just equivalent to their enemies, with a top-layer of impractical stuff that looks really cool.
Same applies in peace-time, German industry is all right but not anything special or super-human.
Thats not WW2 era retard.
Yed it is you wrong faggot
>But the bomb didn't change the tide of the war since the US would have won anyway, it just made winning a lot cheaper
If nazis got nuclear warheads and strapped them on a rocket, they might scare their opponents into a ceasefire.
>does German engineering have merit?
Take a look at the G11 and tell me it doesn't.
Fucking krauts.
>Bagger 288
German engineering best engineering.
>it's a mixed of both.
The Allied powers had to come up for a reason for their poor strategies
The Fedorov was just a rifle that could fire full auto
The STG44 was not an incredible weapon on it's own, but the concept of a mixture of machine pistol and rifle, with the firepower of a machinegun and the mobility of a rifle was very ahead of it's time and influential with the soviets and americans, if not put to good use by the germans
German engineering is a meme
over-engineering though...
They were the most advanced producers of synthetic oil, because they literally HAD to.
I don't think you know how heavy early atomic bombs were and how limited rockets were. Little boy weighed 4,400 kilograms. The V-2 rockets had 1,000 kilogram warheads. They would need a rocket with four times the warhead weight, and even then it would probably miss and hit the ocean or some empty field and kill a few dozen people at most given how awful German rocket accuracy was. Not to mention the possibility that it would malfunction or get destroyed on the launching platform.
Also the question might be asked about whether the Allies decide after getting hit by an experimental super-weapon if they really want to wait a couple years for round-two when this experimental super-weapon has actually entered service and instead of one of them there are dozens which can actually hit the target...
German engineering quality is more a result of propaganda by USA to portray Nazis in specific light. In reality, Germans were good but they systematically failed to counter Russian innovation. A mark of a good weapon is in its simple perfection. Russians created weapons that were perfect in their simplicity. In the end, what does it matter if you have 40 Tiger tanks, when the Russians already have produced 150 T-34s.
> In the end, what does it matter if you have 40 Tiger tanks, when the Russians already have produced 150 T-34s.
That's a retarded argument.
>the Tiger I costing over twice as much as a Panzer IV
So your options are to make 80 T-34 equivalents and have a 99.9% chance of losing to nearly twice as many T-34s, or take a risk making 40 wunderwaffe and seeing how it works out.
The decision to invest in advanced weapons was not retarded, and the better option compared to making conventional weapons, because they simply could not match the production capacity in conventional weapons at all. In retrospect you might say making more Pz IVs would have been more effective, but it would have only made them more effective at not losing so badly.
Producing half the numbers of conventional weapons of your opponents would have lead to certain loss. Not knowing the efficacy of wunderwaffe, but knowing the efficacy of conventional weapons, the only logical choice without 20/20 hindsight is to take the gamble.
Except that is what happened. That is how Nazis lost. Soviets had better tanks, better rifles, better automatic guns. Their formula was always perfection in simplicity.
The Russians didn't have 'better' equipment they had 'more' equipment and 'more' people at their disposal too. Not to mention that they were being handed equipment by America and the Brits who were also bombing the shit out of German industry. If Russia were fighting an offensive war against Germany alone they would have gotten their ass kicked just like in WW1.
>Except that is what happened. That is how Nazis lost.
The Nazis would have also lost if they made half as many Pz IVs as the Russians made T-34s, that's why the argument is retarded. The Russians would have outproduced the Germans no matter what the Germans decided to make unless you cut off lend lease and the Germans were able to destroy Russian industry. It has nothing to do with perfection and simplicity.
The only way the perfection and simplicity argument would work is is Germany made normal simple tanks, and Russia squandered it's massive industry making retarded experimental Tsar tanks. Germany taking the risk was objectively the correct choice.
>The Nazis would have also lost if they made half as many Pz IVs as the Russians made T-34s, that's why the argument is retarded.
You're an idiot
Germany got loads done with only a few over engineered breakdown machines, if they had tons of Stug's and PZ IV's they could have inflicted greater disproportionate losses.
>people actually believe Von Braun when he says this
>I-I-I was just trying to subvert them from the inside
This is worse than the Oskar Schindler meme where some wealthy industrialist uses slave labor to make money then, realizing the nazis were going to lose, released a few of them.
They were good at engineering, especially ovens. With 1.5 million deaths at Auschwitz (sp) over roughly a year and half with 10 ovens, they able to pack in 3 bodies per oven which were all cremated in just over a minute. Not only that, but these bad boys were running 24/7. It's a shame we lost that tech though, because modern crematory ovens take 1.5 hours for just one body. How were they able to do that?
You're forgetting to take the millions that were used to make soap into account
Are wehraboos really this dumb?
>state of the art german logistics
*teleports behind you*
*teleports in front of you after setting up it's own railway just to be able to aim*
No, these are the new Germans.
> Oi vey you white devils need to stop having so many kids! Overpopulation is killing us!
> Whoah there goyim, you need to import some Africans and Muslims to make up for your declining birth rate