>Americans will defend this
Just watch as they roll into the comments desperately trying to hamster a justification for their war crimes. It shows their apparent guilt and need to justify it to themselves.
>Americans will defend this
Just watch as they roll into the comments desperately trying to hamster a justification for their war crimes. It shows their apparent guilt and need to justify it to themselves.
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. Hideki Tojo
I'm Irish and the Japanese deserved it
Maybe don't bomb our harbor next time, fuckers.
100,000,000 Japanese < 1 American.
You're right. We should have let Japan invade Hawaii and California instead of fighting back.
I posted a thread on this exact same topic a few days ago, except my OP wasn't pure bait, it was an actual question. If this thread gets more responses than mine i'm gonna be pissed.
Also, it was worth a shot to see if the bombs could get the japs to surrender before we had to go through with operation downfall, and even if they hadn't brought about surrender, they still would have been instrumental in softening up the way for operation olympic.
They got off easy with those bombs.
>If this thread gets more responses than mine i'm gonna be pissed.
You already know it will
>311 replies and 149 images omitted
Don't have to defend shit, the world sided with us.
It was worth it just to show the USSR that we were willing and able to use our super weapons and they weren't just a bluff. Japan didn't deserve to be the victim but someone had to be and they were the obvious choice. Not to mention we spent billions rebuilding their nation afterwards and still spend millions defending them instead of their own army.
no need to defend. the japns got what they deserved.
actually they deserved a few bombs dropped in kyoto, tokyo and a few other cities.
>war crimes
Nice spooks friendo
I wonder, in chinese schools, are the atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki taught as "the only two things america ever did right"?
get out of here /pol/
I see you. I know you.
your machinations are transparent
and you have no power here.
Be gone vile creature.
Go back from whence thou came.
t. Chiang "Werhaboo but without the tech" Kai Shek
/leftypol/ infiltrator detected, go back to appropriating /pol/ memes and pretending to be working class when no one likes you
All right i'm gonna go get a slice of pizza
if when I come back there are at least 30 replies i'm gonna post boipucci
we're at 21 senpai
make sure to get Hawaiian
At least provide sauce in the filenames when you do
Not him but I recognize it
at least half of the posts in this thread must be on-topic for me to post boipucci
I don't think I could move those goalposts harder if I dropped Little Boy on them
American citizen here.
Nah I'm not defending shit, the US is without a doubt the biggest criminal of war. We could arguably be worse than Nazionale Germany really.
But you know what, it's a nice orderly evil. If not us then WHO? And would they be so forgiving? Think about this. The US dropped the only two nukes in history of war, but yet we do not own the largest nuke in the world. That my friends belongs to Russia. And the third largest NUKE? Well that would be France. Would these other countries do it BETTER? Would they have launched them more times against their enemies than the US DID? We don't know. But it's also a good thing that we don't know, because we could be looking at an entirely different world.
So yes, the US is the worst of all, but at least evil has a face. As an american citizen, I realize that I am not liked everywhere because of my citizenship, because of my accent, because of my skin color. Because the country I live in is The United States, and I know what that means to the rest of the world. I may not be liked, but I can live safely with knowing that if I wasn't in a world where the US is a superpower, then maybe I wouldn't be safe at all.
So go ahead user, cry a bit, everyone else does. But I won't. I'll live on knowing that the world's hates the US. And guess WHAT? I'll smile as they pay me, a 22 year old college student 50k a year to sit in my own house and do nothing but study for the free education that they also gave me because I am an officer of the United states Air Force and that's what an 800billion dollar military budget does.
Also historical speaking, Japan had it coming, and needed to be made an example of. Pro tip: YOU can't prove that wrong.
>t. self-doubting cuck
American here, our country does worse shit than essentially any of the people we bomb or endorse bombings of for "humanitarian" reasons. Our alliances make this especially obvious!
>Japan was going to surrender anyway you monsters!
>So why didn't they?
If Roosevelt hadn't dropped the bombs, the Japanese would have massacred everybody in Hawaii. Women, children, men, everybody. There was no choice. It was us or them.
They raped a lot of people... and they weren't going to overthrow their government like the German's did.
Plus the US needed a real test subject and they weren't about to drop a nuke on their white brothers in Germany.
>dat wall of text
Nah, but I think a lot of people are getting wiser to the idea with the more obvious breadth and depth of our fuckery in the Middle East. For all the reasonable arguments it's pretty hard to watch our allies bomb and starve out entire populations, divide up each others' countries, while we drone bomb shitloads of innocents to get at the guys saying we're evil, and think we're the unimpeachable Good Guys.
I ain't gotta defend shit nigga, they wouldn't' have been bombed if they hadn't been too incompetent to prevent it militarily or diplomatically.
t. Burgerlander
No one is the "Good Guy" in international relations asides from maybe Switzerland. Doing terrible things in the name of promoting national interests was not invented by the US, and it won't end once the US is gone either. Sorry Noam
I wouldn't say the US is the bad guy in the ME. I'm not saying good either but the European powers have undermined the ME for years! The US just isnt making it better.
We won the war. Japan had war crimes that are far worse.
all right faggot geez
The funny think is that firebombing Tokyo did more damage.
The schools in PRC all teach that what the Americans did was justified if not even promoted because of the shit Japan did to China. I don't of about what the ROC teaches though because they have been seeking reconciliation with Japan recently. Overall, PRC takes a "you reap what you sow" stance on the atomic bombings.
I'm not implying this, am I? You're talking like this is the desired end goal, which for a sane person it should not be. Believe it or not, my rejection of our identity as unimpeachable good doesn't mean I accept the identity of irredeemable evil for the US either.
Sorry for the confusion- I use this as an example because this is the most relevant reference point for Americans (more specifically younger Americans) as the subject of the thread. America just got into the imperial fuckery game a little late, and with varying success and perspective. Not to say it's not understandable, because at the end of the day it's a hell of a lot easier to get involved with some bullshit than it is to resolve it, but it also doesn't excuse our actions.
What's to defend, might makes right.
We are the most powerful country in the history of civilization.
stay mad
but we dropped pamphlets!
The only crime was stopping at 2 bombs, we should've left the islands completely barren except for a few strategic military bases and used that as a staging ground for the future invasion of Manchuria.
From there taking SEA and Siberia would be a cakewalk, that would've made the hypothetical march on Moscow much more feasible and once we seized continental Europe America could've succeeded where Hitler failed and launched Operation Sea Lion. From there Canada and Africa will fall like dominoes and then we could've finally removed the ugly mistake of Australia
>it also doesn't excuse our actions.
Don't excuse them then. If they assisted American interests, then they succeeded.
This guy gets it. Gotta make calculated bets when it comes to international conflicts. If your info is good then the benefit should outweigh the costs. There will never be 0 problems for a superpower, next best thing is to control what becomes your next problem.
My nigga
Military History Visualized just did a video about this. Please, tell me how you would love to invade the Japanese mainland, let millions of your men die to being suicide bombed by kamikaze planes, blown to shreds on Kyushu, then attacked by every civilian that sees them.
Fuck the Japs. They had every opportunity to surrender unconditionally. They had the chance again to do so again after Hiroshima.
And you guys think these have been good investments on that front?
BTW, on the topic of the thread, nuking Japan is probably the least objectionable of the things I've mentioned so at least we can agree that was the right decision.
Should have nuked Korea too.
>tfw no weebs to argue against
Have you ever read or seen how the Japs fought on the late months of WW2? At the time, the bombing was the most reasonable option.
I'm American. I strongly oppose it, We should've joined the Axis powers. I look down on anyone who thinks otherwise.
>Japan didn't deserve to be the victim
You have zero substantiation for that claim. I can prove it with 3 numbers. 731. Go away.
We dropped leaflets telling you to evacuate your cities.
>why did America do this when they could have committed much BIGGER war crimes?
Wtf I got banned for posting the exact same thread last week.
Janny probably not on yet pham.
>life is just liek my paradox games!!!!
>you have Zero substantiation for that claim
There was the fact that we had already begun surrender negotiations and that they didn't kill the people who did 731 with nukes, they killed a bunch of randoms.
fug off with this annoying thread faggit
>There was the fact that we had already begun surrender negotiations
This is wrong.
>hamster a justification
Japs deserved it. Not even a burger and I not a fan of them, but this one was good.
I love how you fags complain about Hiroshima and Nagasaki yet the firebombing of Tokyo killed way more
Twenty years later, also in Asia.
whats their to justify?
talk shit, get hit.
t. not even american
At Unit 731 in Heilongjiang China, Japanese doctors performed numerous vivisections without any anesthesia on Chinese prisoners, many of whom were women and children. The reasons for the vivisections is that the Japanese doctors and scientists were testing the effects of new more robust strains of bubonic plague. Their endgame was to create a superplague, which they would use to infect colonies of fleas, which would be loaded into cannisters and dropped as biological weapons on the Chinese and Russian countryside.
Nuking Japan was a good decision.
forget the part where joe kills 1,000,000 slopes
Ask the Chinese if they think it was just. Read up on the Rape of Nanking. They got what they deserved.
This too
It kinda falls flat to use Unit 731 as a justification for the bombs when you realize that the US never punished those people and in fact gave them amnesty.
This 200%
No it doesn't. What was happening at 731 was not some rogue jap scientists. They were carrying out the goals of the empire. The point is that the japs had completely lost the plot and the bomb was required to end the war.
As far as I'm concerned, Col. Onoda, and the fact that the majority of japs considered him a hero, is justification for the bomb.
don't you have some laundry to do?
I agree. Should've leveled Moscow instead.
What's their to defend
We needed an example and japan was incompetent military wise and politically wise
was this your great grandma op?
At first I thought it was an evil move, but then I started learning more about imperial japan and their backwards "die for my god emperor" attitude that brainwashed every jap and all the things they did to china/korea/america/okinawa/etc. They would have fought till the last one dropped.
The old japan needed to die and that's what the bombs did. Their deaths lie on the emperor not the US
Start shit get hit.
> not recognizing a joke
what was meant
>If it weren't for the brits we be the only super power with nukes
>they had already begin surrender negotiations
ell em ay oh
>if you attempt to defend yourself it shows you're guilty
wew lad
ITT: euroscum and asian ladyboys assblasted that America dropped the two most powerful weapons every used in a combat situation right into nippon boi pucci
t. James 'Hideko' Smith
These were small fries in comparison to Stalin bootlicking. At least Japs died quickly.
>talk shit
>get hit
>by two nukes in this case
Japs btfo