>The holocaust wasn't justifi--
The holocaust wasn't justifi--
well that's what you get for overthrowing christendom. now we're jewed six ways from sunday and people don't even realize it.
oh look, ANOTHER stormfag shill thread with more revisionist made up history!
16.6% is still a massive over-representation user.
I wonder... who give bolsheviks all the money to be major revolution faction and opportunity for Lenin to seize the power in Russia.
Well if we're talking party delegates, Jews were less over-represented than Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, Latvians (the most disproportionately represented fyi), Finns, Georgians, and Ossetians.
Jews constituting not even a fourth of your leadership hardly makes it a jewish-dominated conspiracy like the OP and others so frequently claim.
I mean the US is more hispanic than the Bolsheviks were Jewish, and yet /pol/ claims that showing hispanics in anything american is inaccurate propaganda
I bet you save those Irish Conspiracy pictures unironically.
When Jews make up 1.8% of your population that's a 10x over representation rate
didn't putin do a thing with a bunch of rabbis where they apologized for bolshevism?
But still over represented by a factor of ten
I unironically bet you are an upset Jew. Calm the fuck down Shlomo no-one is accusing you of anything.
When will we Jews be brave enough to confront and admit to our Jewish privilege?
well men are over-represented in STEM fields so i guess we can conclude there is a male conspiracy to perpetuate the patriarchy
And? If you examine all the more over-represented groups (Poles, Baltics, Georgians, etc.) they were all disenfranchised and persecuted minorities within the Russian Empire. Is it so ridiculous to expect repressed groups to support a revolutionary system?
Jews were the most abused minority in Russia. And before you cry about MUH GORILLION XDDDD even the Tsarist Prime Minister Stolypin acknowledged this and said if he was a Jew in Russia he would join a revolutionary group.
Moreover, I don't see people crying about the Latvian role in the Russian Revolution even though they were far more over-represented than Jews. Or the Polish role. If we're playing a numbers game, it's nonsensical to cry about Jews.
>USSR comes out strongly against Israel and constnatly voices their hatred against Zionism
>stormfags constantly speak of communism and zionism as if they were the same thing
why are they so stupid bros?
The only jewish privilege is that they're inherently smarter. But the "racial realists" get butthurt over this fact
If false equivalence is all you have then I'm not going to engage with you. There are plenty of people here who will talk in good faith.
blacks account for a disproportionate amount of crime. they have an ongoing culture problem, but it's not a conspiracy, any more than "white privilege" is. it's just what it is.
this one regime saw a larger proportion than usual of jews, who were lured by the fact that commies didn't care about religion if you renounced it.
they killed their own kind in droves.
if so, that's badass.
how is it false equivelence? you claim a conspiracy solely on overrepresentation. SJW's claim a conspiracy solely on overrepresentation. hmm maybe you're both right. most rabbis if not all are male after all.
And what user? I came into the thread saw your image clicked on it and commented with a factual observation. This seems to have irritated you for some reason. 16.6 from 1.8 is a 10x over representation.
Sounds like something a white guy would say about white privilege as well.
Jewish privilege = power + wealth + ZOG
It's high time we admit to our Jewish privilege Moshe and make the world right again under the principles of Tikkun Olam
And Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, FInns, Georgians, and Ossetians were more over-represented than Jews
But my guess is you don't care about this
>you claim a conspiracy
Incorrect. I made a comment on a picture shown that claims to revoke the myth of Jewish influence of Bolshevikism. The picture shows that Jews were over represented at the top level, but to a lesser degree than alleged.
classic kike tricks itt
>whaddya mean jews run the world? only HALF of all us billionaires are Jewish
My guess is if you had posted images about those groups I would have commented on that. Why are you so irritated by the fact Jews had a ten time over representation on the highest level of the Bolshevik's? I don't care about it just find it odd you would throw out a picture refuting a myth that literally backs up said myth.
I mean, the rest of your pic is prettt bullshit too but come on, that's just insulting everyone's intelligence
we can agree that they are overrepresented and they would naturally as a result be more influenced by jewish thought than the general population. but we all know you are taking it further than this. this hardly shows jews to be anywhere near a significant force within the party nor does it show evidence of a jewish conspiracy
Bolshevism is an inherently Jewish ideology. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky.
Stalin used the Jews to wipe out the other ethnic groups that threatened him, and saved the Jews for last. The officer corps of the NKVD was 40% Jewish in 1935, but only 4% jewush in 1940.
Jews weren't solely responsible for the USSR, but they were culprits during the periods of its worst crimes.
>you are taking it further than this
You are very defensive user. I have stated multiple times I am taking this nowhere. The conspiracy claims Jew were over represented. You posted an image confirming same.
>ooga booga dat muhfuggen Joo ass muhfugga be richa den my po' ass muhfuggen rayciss ass shit fuggen Joos runnin da ho' wurld n sheeit
You're no better than the negroes you make fun of.
the conspiracy is thisit's a fact that jews were overrepresented. no one is denying this. however the entire reason this this subject was started by OP was to discuss the conspiracy theory above and you know it.
> Why oppressed people helped the party that wants to end oppression???
> must be ((((conspiracy))))
Let's be honest negros aren't being totally unreasonable. I wouldn't wanna get pulled over for speeding as a black man in a back country road in Alabama at three in the morning gnome sayin?
Why exactly would Jews being heavily involved in Bolshevikism matter to anyone? Try to refrain from telling me what I know unless you are in possession of supernatural telepathic powers.
Why are you so obsessed on Jewish over-representation when they were only middle-tier in terms of ethnic over-representation?
The whole point of OPs (and /pol/beards) argument with Jews and the USSR is the holocaust was justified because they were "over-represented". And yet, /pol/ would not advocate targeting the Finns in genocide
the worst acts in the USSR were overseen by Yezhov who wasnt' a Jew
it apparently matters enough to you for you to keep on replying to this thread on a jewish conspiracy
the myth is that Jews ruled the USSR when they weren't even a fourth of it.
>Talmud tells Jews to subvert and corrupt Christian society
>this is exactly what Bolshevism was doing
>most major leaders of Bolshevism happened to be Jews
>the officer corps during the period of the NKVD's worst genocide of Christians was 40% Jewish
Gee I wonder why anybody should care about Jewish involvement in Bolshevism
Excellent collection of ad hominems. Why would I be obsessed user? I'm not the one with meme images saved up for when this conversation comes up. Oddly enough your image proves the very thing it claims it disproves and when pointed out this seemed to irritate you greatly. It's not my fault you saved an image that does the exact opposite of what you want it to do.
That's not the point. The point is that /pol/tards like to relentlessly mock negroes and make fun of them for accusing whites of keeping them down and being more successful and wealthy, while simultaneously complaining that the Jews run the world and are more successful and wealthy than they are.
It's actually embarrassing that the not a single member of the legions of permavirgin le ebin alt-right retards fail to see the irony of this.
Russia was never Christian Society. It doesn't acknowledge the Pope who is the right hand of Jesus on earth.
the claim is that Jews ruled the USSR, not that they were merely over-represented in it. Austrians were disproportionately represented in the Nazi Party yet nobody blames Austrians for it nor considers it a purely Austrian party.
>And yet, /pol/ would not advocate targeting the Finns in genocide
god, if only
That's not what I asked. Why does Jewish involvement in Bolshevikism apparantly matter so much?
And? Even if Jews dominated the USSR who in the literal fuck would care?
>Talmud tells Jews to subvert and corrupt Christian society
[citation needed]
if this is an honest question just read the /pol/ responses and look up the Protocols of the Elders' of Zion, etc etc
People who claim that the holocaust was justified because of it, for starters.
The Protocols are a forgery and /pol/ isn't a threat to anyone outside themselves. Do you actually believe people are waiting around for an excuse to start hating Jews?
>Talmud tells Jews to subvert and corrupt Christian society
Implying atheistic Bolsheviks gave a shit about religious texts.
Also, please cite in the Talmud where this command is given.
>this is exactly what Bolshevism was doing
Implying the Germans didn't send Bolsheviks to Russia to subvert and corrupt Russia from within but are hailed as le ebin heroes by /pol/beards
>the officer corps during the period of the NKVD's worst genocide of Christians was 40% Jewish
Implying no Jews died from Red Army pogroms, mass executions or collectivization-induced starvation.
So you're afraid of what Neo-Nazi's will think of Jews? That's a bit on the stupid side user they fucking hate them anyway.
No, I"m afraid that neonazis, who are generally intellectually dishonest sorts, will spread their ideology to people who are not particularly bright or intellectually rigorous about evaluating new information, leading to the creation of more Stormfront types. It's better to nip that sort of shit in the bud.
no, I'm just an idiot who replies to bait on Veeky Forums. although I am going to start learning biblical hebrew over the summer so I can't deny I'm very interested in Judaism
"Judeo Bolshevism" is just a rehash of the old "Judeo Masonism" canard.
It is anti-communist rubbish created to make the Jews a projection screen for all social ills. If reactionaries can blame a small "alien" segment of the population for its problems, it's far easier to fool the working class into maintaining the existing social order. The conspiracy theory also serves to undermine the role of the working class as a force that can reshape the world, as anti-Semites and anti-communists (the same thing, 99% of the time) portray them as easily duped fools, rather than autonomous beings with capability for reason and class consciousness. Fascists rely on the working class for class collaboration so they cannot outright degrade the working class, hence why Jews are used to brush away any progressive movement as the work of outsiders who want to destroy a seemingly harmonious society, in the eyes of the reactionary.
Right so you are paranoid enough to believe white people are sitting around waiting for an excuse to genocide Jews.
> only Jews died in holocaust
Nice stealth zionist thread, scholomo
I wonder who is behind this post.
>that's just insulting everyone's intelligence
The NKVD were law enforcement officers preventing kulaks from burning their crops and worsening the famine. Regardless of their ethnic composition, they did literally nothing wrong.
This thread shows you how retarded ideologues can be. I was following the conversation between the guy showing plenty of other groups were even more over-represented and that one guy and wondering if the latter is a moron or just ideologically fucked in the head to be arguing like a retard.
No, that is not what I said.
What? He's literally just combating the spread of blatantly false information.
Except that's not what happened at all, is it?
I'm no Jew. I just find conspiracy theories and antisemitism silly.
Acknowledging jews exist is antisemetic now? Whatever Shlomo.
Then why are you paranoid Neo-Nazi's will use Jewish over representation in Bolshevikism to recruit people? Do you have any idea how fringe an ideology Nazism is? You are spending too much time talking to /pol/
>Jews weren't over represented in the Bolshevik party
>here is information that proves Jews were over represented in the Bolshevik party
>Then why are you paranoid Neo-Nazi's will use Jewish over representation in Bolshevikism to recruit people?
I suggest you look up what the word "paranoia" means. You're not using it correctly.
>Do you have any idea how fringe an ideology Nazism is?
And Nazism was a fringe ideology, until it gained enough support that it wasn't. Same thing with other ideologies like secular humanism. Ideologies grow, especially if they're not combated. That it doesn't grow now isn't because it's intrinsically worthless, or because humanity as a species has wisened up to forget about ideologies like that, but because we've created a social/political environment where it cannot thrive. But that environment, like every political environment, is artificial and needs maintenance.
literally shows how retarded Jews are. so butthurt by nazism they spend their time trying to obfuscate their own history and accomplishments over some retarded boogeyman
More like
>Jews were overrepresented in the Bolshevik party
>This proves that Bolshevism is a Jewish conpsiracy on part of their bid for secret world domination.
>The fact that other minority groups are even more overrepresented in the Bolshevik party, of course is irrelevant to this determination.
You are so scared of the spectre of a discredited movement from eight centuries ago you are trying to deny your own peoples accomplishments. Paranoia to a tee.
>Nazism could come back!
No you're not paranoid at all. Kek. Imagine having such a poor view on people. You and /pol/ have that in common.
Step two is a comical leap.
Decades. Mindfart.
it's the foundation of nazism
Are you having a stroke user? Can't you see that's two different people?
>I must deny to my dying breath that Jews were over represented in the Bolshevik movement or else Nazism will return again!
Ok now we're getting somewhere. You believe if people are made aware that Jews were over represented by a factor of ten ovens would fire up around Europe?
No-one would care. I know. I don't care.
no, but blaming them for anything bad is
And how long were ideologies like "representative democracy", "Secularism" " or "Materialism" discredited? An ideology isn't a formal proof in mathematics, "discrediting" one means nothing more or less than the current cultural zeitgeist is aligned against it.
>Nazism could come back
>No you're not paranoid at all.
He says while there are actual authoritarian totalitarian ruling parties at the heads of ethno-states. But it totally only happens in shitholes like North Korea, Turkmenistan, or Belarus. It could never happen in enlightened countries like where we post from.
>working class jews exist in Israel therefore jews aren't disproportionately wealthy and powerful everywhere they go it's an antisemetic conspiracy
>look at all these Latvians and Estonians that served as cannon fodder during the Bolshevik therefore the jews weren't overrepresented on the central committee supreme soviet
Boring so boring...jews must think the goyim really are THAT dumb...the chutzpah on these kikes..
So what user? You spend your days on the internet getting triggered by people memeing on Jews and that will stop this bubbling spectre of Naxism that exists in people under the surface? Grow up. I'm Irish and I live right next door to the country that fucked us up for centuries. They could do it again tomorrow without breaking a sweat if they felt like it.
But they won't. If you want to worry about European's en masse rising up against Jews than worry about the fact Muslims are outbreeding them like crazy. Europeans don't give a fuck about Jews.
>every jew in the world is part of a conspiracy which goal it is to exterminate the white race and create a nwo
/pol/ really makes me think sometimes
>every person in the world will flip and turn nazi overnight if they find out demographics from an event almost a century old
Now that really does make you think
>So what user? You spend your days on the internet getting triggered by people memeing on Jews and that will stop this bubbling spectre of Naxism that exists in people under the surface?
No, I corrected a mis-statement of fact and you started psychoanalyzing me. But it is amusing, and a way I spend lazy evenings on Veeky Forums, while simultaneously watching podcasts of Mario Maker and listening to music I like.
You do realize that is neither me, nor is that statement anything but a ridiculous exaggeration of my statements. I have to wonder why you feel so bizarrely threatened by how someone spends their time on Veeky Forums that you feel a need to conduct a 1 man crusade against people posting with the wrong motives to defend Nazism.
But you didn't correct anything. You posted something that proved the point you were trying to discredit. And your reasons for wanting it discredited are so frail it makes me wonder are you a /pol/tard on an epic baiting spree.
We Irish took slaves from England before they came over and started memeing on us. It's a part of our history and could be arguably used to say we started the entire conflict. Why would I spend my time covering that up? It happened.
Jews were over represented in the Bolshevik party. So what? No-one fucking cares about an event that happened eighty years ago user.
They Jews weren't the most over-represented on the Central Committee either. Ukrainians were.
Of course it's a fucking exaggeration it's meant to mock the post it's quoting which is also a retarded exaggeration. Surely you've seen this done before user?
>Stop talking about statistics!!!! It's Jooz!
Of course it wasn't justified, you idiot. It's irrelevant if there was over-representation of Jews in communist parties or in NKVD because the majority of Jews killed in holocaust had nothing to do with this.
Even if communist parties were 100% Jewish it still wouldn't justify the holocaust or pogroms.
>finally someone who gets it
Hmmm I wonder why ISIS would not want to get on the bad side of one of the most powerful nations in the Middle East while they are already at war with half the region.
>You posted something that proved the point you were trying to discredit
No, in fact I did not. My first post in the thread was , and my first in the chain of responses was > So what? No-one fucking cares about an event that happened eighty years ago user.
And yet we have a pretty fast bumping thread about the subject. I guess nobody really cares.
Yes, but not usually from someone who is simultaneously making a strong claim about how everyone should chill out and not take ancient history so seriously, or all these very interesting theories about how mentally damaged I must be to be arguing about this on Veeky Forums at all. The level of doublethink involved is really quite interesting. Why resort to rhetorical tricks like that?
It is relevant. The same way it would be relevant if the Israeli government was seized tomorrow to be controlled 100% by Palestinian muslims. Disingenuous fuck.