ITT: Lewd fashion throughout history.
ITT: Lewd fashion throughout history
Remember it doesn't have to be western. Just historical.
Wait was this really fashion and common or is it just rare instances of spoiled sluts begging for attention?
Somehow I think it's the latter. I can't imagine that it was ever acceptable that women simply walked around town revealed like that. Maybe in the stone age, but definitely not after christianity became a thing.
if you were a female footfag medieval Ireland must have been hell
In Europe they had times where revealing the breasts, a nipple or two was considered fashionable by trends started by the elites. Up to the 18th century at least. I know in France showing one nipple was regarded as virtuous and a sign of innocence.
Can you provide a source? This seems oddly interesting.
The only time that actually exposing nipples was an actual fashion trend in 17th-18th century Europe was the niche Incroyables and Merveilleuses Directory period (through sheer dresses where you could see the nipple) and during certain occasions for masquerades, but it was not without criticism.
The other European portraits and fashion plates where nipples or extremely cleavage are exposed are not examples of what would have been worn in public, but are an example of things that were acceptable in portraiture for the sake of symbolism (such as the aforementioned sign of innocence--only in portraits, not in real life) and art but would not have been acceptable in real life. And in regards to fashion plates, such as pic related, they are showing the dresses without undergarments. Chemises and fichus would have covered up the cleavage.
That caption is filename tier
All them inbred ugly rich French bitches need to put their fucking flat-ass titties away.
Ain't nobody wanna see that shit.
>Boob jealousy
Is second from left even a woman?
that's a really interesting pic.
Where are they deriving those depictions of Nuraghic people from?
I'm guessing it's just extrapolation from other ancient stuff. The girl is wearing a Minoan dress and the guys are wearing Sea Peoples hats.
Why was south Asia so lewd?
Too hot and humid for clothing.
iirc bronze statuettes of Sardinia.
That's a photoshoot with an Estonian model, vaguely inspired in SE Asia.
>oops onii-san *hic* I've fallen out of my kimono
somebody post the octopus rape one
mein dick
Anatomy seems to be quite strange.
Breast aren't supposed to be located there.
She didn't pose nude, so it's likely that the artist painted them like that because the type of stays from that era pushed your breasts down/flat and up.
>hire artist
>wear my best clothes
>aching joints and muscles from posing so long
>this better be good
>artist finishes portrait
>look at it
>tits are exposed
>what the fuck man
>husband pays for it anyways
Some breasts sit higher than others, especially petite breasts like hers
Georgian era slags > Edo period slags
>Tfw i didn't save it
historical canadian porn
Females can be footfags? I've never seen or heard of one. Probably more likely hell for gay footfags.