> Hears about Forex exchange
> Create account on Forex
> Not enough income, too at risk, account denied
First time posting here, I saw you guys are into cryptocurrencies. Where can I find good informations about cryptocurrency trading?
> Hears about Forex exchange
> Create account on Forex
> Not enough income, too at risk, account denied
First time posting here, I saw you guys are into cryptocurrencies. Where can I find good informations about cryptocurrency trading?
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy 100k
Why the fuck would you tell the truth about your income? Holy shit dude.
I literally tell my broker I make like 200k per year. Fuck them.
Wanted to be honest with them. Should I try another broker or should I try to go into cryptocurrency?
>he doesnt know he can trade the forex WITH bitcoin
whaleclub.co my friend
>more info
>coin information
>coin news
Very helpful links :) thanks a lot!
No problem my guy. I was in the same position as you, I was really interested in getting into Forex but found that it wasn't really as fun or profitable as I'd originally imagined, and then I came into crypto. Always do thorough research and don't skip over the dev teams. If you read an opinion, try your best to research some of the authors' backgrounds. Given that crypto is like the Wild West now, some authors may have ties to competing cryptocurrencies if they write a negative opinion.
that chink nigger promotes cloud mining dont listen to him
Also, before i forget, you're going to want to educate yourself on the August 1st happening: bitcoinmagazine.com
Do this after you've read into cryptocurrency, but remember to include. Basically, when you make a bitcoin transfer, there's a transaction time and a user fee that happens. As the network expands, the times are getting longer and the fees are getting higher. This is angering the users of Bitcoin, who have to pay higher fees and wait longer, but is fine for the miners (i.e. the producers of Bitcoin), who are happy with the higher fees they make. This is leading to a dispute that may cause Bitcoin to separate into two currencies- one currency with faster times and lower fees to appease users and one currency with longer times and higher fees for the miners.
I just linked him since he was the first channel that i used when I got into crypto a few months ago. He offers pretty quick intros and good explanations of cryptocurrency and the Blockchain video is pretty good.
I see, thanks for the infos, I'm slowly coming to understand better now! The only thing I still don't get is about the deposit address (QR code?)
Watching them rn, gives pretty clear and nice explanations.
dude the fees are way too high here.
Don't trade forex, just go with crypto. There are typically 10-20% swings in coins with good volume on the daily and it's not as hard as compared to forex since a bunch of shit in the economy can affect it's price
I do believe it's better, I just have to get used to it. Fortunately, there seems to be demo and simulators so I can at least get to play with it a bit.
Some brokers have some thing I guess they call additional risk disclosure
Interesting! Tough, after research on crypto, I'm not sure if going into Forex is as profitable as crypto. I'll keep these in mind if I come back on my Forex idea later. Thanks for your search :)
I guess you could say that the past few months have been a strong bull market and anybody could make money you could throw a dart at the wall and randomly hit something profitable and that's why biz has been nothing but nonstop coins during this time but now it appears the tide is shifting and it's not only a one way up market seeing more threads about how some gave back their gainz or getting bored because it's going too slow and not quickly straight up anymore and starting to see more biz threads come back like before coins took off. Point is you could make a strong case that it's not going to be easy in coins like is has been the last few months.
fucking bucket shop
Buy bitbeans
You're right, but in the end, could I actually make some profit on it? It's not going one way up anymore but there's still something to do with this.
>could I actually make some profit on it?
not sure about the coins statistics but in forex it seems the statistics are a lot of retail traders get it right(as in they could have been in profit) but still end up losing money because their money management and risk/reward are wrong.
here's an example retail traders at fxcm closed 61% of their trades in profit but the average winning trade is only 48 pips and the average losing trade is 83 pips.