Do Indo-Europeans even exist?
Do Indo-Europeans even exist?
Do you exist?
t. Indo-European
Germanic, Slavic and Celtic languages are derived from greek, illyrian and latin, latin itself is probably derived from greek. And they are also derived from pre-indo-european languages. But if you listen to reconstructions of ancient celtic languages, or even old high german, the similarities to latin and greek are very noticeable
did Jesus exist?
>Germanic, Slavic, Celtic derived from Greek, Illyrian, Latin
Someone needs some cleansing i see...
>Do Indo-Euros even esxist
> Dindus in euro Sven sexist
it's a sign
...this board was a mistake
No such thing
9/10 good bait
Where were my ancestors from guys? Whats the furthest group of people I can say my ancestors could identify as?
There's always an IE thread on this board...
Friendly reminder this is what central asian charioteers looked like in 2000 BC. What a marauding bunch they were!
Its a language group not a group of people.
>I'm pretty sure it's left bro
>No it's right
>Fuck you guys I'm going back in the direction we came from
Was this the pivotal moment in migration?
I'm glad they got TURKED out of existence
Yes, more or less like that.
They also called themselves Aryans
Pic related was used by Harvard Professor of Genetics David Reich.It was hosted by the American Philosophical Society (APS) in Philadelphia on the morning of April 29, 2017.
What is this website?
>wewuz tier garbage
No. They blandade up themselves out of existence. Aryan is a meme